Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Callanish Stone Circle

Callanish Stone Circle by F. Lennox Campello, c. 1998
Callanish Stone Circle (Clachan Chalanais), Isle of Lewis, Outer Hebrides, Scotland
My favorite stone circle on the planet - even more spectacular than Stonehenge and a lot harder to get to... I took a million photos from all angles and have done about 100 drawings as well, like the one below... sort of.

"Cross Stitch" or Claire Beauchamp at the stone circle
"Cross Stitch" or "Claire Beauchamp at the stone circle"
 c. 1991, charcoal and conte on paper 

The above 1991 drawing was done after I read a book titled "Cross Stitch" by Diana Gabaldon,  which is about time travel and stone circles.  At the time those were (and still are) two of my fave subjects! The circle is made up of a couple if real stone circles in Scotland,  heavily influenced by Callanish.

1 comment:

  1. A little fame, aka Stonehenge, would do it a world of good.

