Friday, August 24, 2012

Wanna contribute to this piece?

Below are several images showing the process for the current piece that I am doing, this time doing a trompe l'oeil of a comic book panel featuring Heckle and Jeckle.

In the final image, you can see the current state of the work, which now has two blank text balloons where the dialogue between the two characters will take place. One is jumping up in joy, his turban flying off his head (changed from a top hat in the original comic book). He is saying something to the other guy, who in turns responds.

And here's where I need your collaboration and help...

I'd like suggestions for what Heckle and Jeckle are talking about, discussing or whatever. It can be something funny, something contemporary, whatever... just appropriate to the visual scene. Leave you suggestions in the comments section or email them to me.

Winning suggestion will get a free, one of a kind signed print of the above work.


  1. a few thoughts --

    Left: Freed from an avant-garde!

    Right: Now every artwork is important.


    L: Depictions are still viable. Hurrah!

    R: Even abstractions are depictions of abstractions.


    L: Criteria are extinct. Hurrah!

    R: All artworks are now masterpieces.


    L: Creative self-trivialization has ended!

    R: Let art criticism be reborn.


    L: Trapped in this moment! Hurray!

    R: At least we'll live forever.


    L: We live!

    R: So long as we do this, anyway.

  2. L: "Let's bolt. That Spanish lady is coming after us with a paintbrush."

    R: "Jesus, save us!"

  3. Larry Yungk11:19 AM

    Heckle: You're never going to guess who gave me this cool turban.
    Jeckle: I just might. I have a Sikh sense about such things.

