Sunday, December 08, 2013

ABMB: It's all over!

This is what the DMV airports need: a little Cuban in them!

The ABMB art fairs are over and done with, and as usual, some galleries did great, most did OK and some lost their pants.

At Context Art Miami the crowds were phenomenal all week, and we ended up doing really well, with multiple sales by Simon Monk, Audrey Wilson, Dulce Pinzon and yours truly.

Art fairs are always more than just about sales, and Context once again proved that! Pinzon, Monk and I have been invited to participate in a Superhero show being organized by a major Los Angeles gallery. Additionally, we are working a major double commission for Simon Monk by the studios currently filming the new Superman and Batman movies. Furthermore, we made a good connection with Telemundo's local Spanish-language TV station to do a segment with Dulce Pinzon. As if all that is not all good stuff, a local major collector has given a West coast University the green light to select one of my video works for the university's permanent collection (more on that when it develops further).

Other DMV artists at Context seemed to do well too: Mark Jenkins sold out all his sculptures, and Tim Tate had sales and his California gallery is still working a major multiple deal even as pack-out was taking place.

I also heard from some dealers at Aqua Art Miami: Virginia's Mayer Fine Arts reported their "best art fair ever." That included a whooping sale of 14 different pieces by different artists to a major California collector.

Now heading back to the DMV to do all the paperwork, pay all the taxes, and re-group for Art Wynwood in a couple of months!


  1. Wow! That's awesome that you were so successful at this art fair. I get very nervous about these events since it is a bit costly upfront and you never really know if you're gonna sell. I know you said it's not all about the money, but as an emerging artist economics is a real consideration. I did a fair back in 2004 at the NYC Jacob Javits Center. It was very well attended and I did receive one commission and a lot of leads. So it was a phenomenal networking situation. Best of luck in all your future events. I'm an artist-curator for one event coming up in February. It's in a huge space, the Pepco Edison Place Gallery. If you like to come please just click on my name to get the details. Best wishes for the Art Wynwood gig!

  2. Art Wynwood looks awesome! That looks like a really positive place to hang art - sunny and bright. I'm sure you will do really great.

