Monday, April 21, 2014

Iran is having an art fair!

I kid thee not... The Most Islamic and Only True Islamic Republic (cough, cough) of Iran is having an art fair!

It runs from 26-29 June 2014 and they are actually paying journalists to come to Iran and write about it! 

According to the invitation that I received via email (and no... fuck you, brutal Iranian Theocracy that enslaves the beautiful Iranian people and have kidnapped its brilliant culture... but I'm not going), someone will pay "selected media professionals" (I suspect Jewish and/or Ahl as-Sunnah are encouraged NOT to apply) to following perks to come to the art fair and write about it:

• round-trip economy-class airfare / train fare;
• accommodation for the inclusive dates of stay; lodging and meal
• transportation to and from airport

The fair is in cooperation with the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance... cough, cough. They might have their own "art critics," who instead of writing a bad review of artists whom they don't like, might also arrest the gallerist and if the artist is not there and can't be arrested, then put the artist on a holy hit list, which would then at least give Molly Norris some neighbors, wherever on the planet she's hiding from those who have kidnapped Islam and continue to try to keep it in the 7th century.

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