Sunday, June 29, 2014

Jacobson on Sislen

Louis Jacobson over at the WCP has for years and years built a track record as one of the DMV's top art critics.

Louie The J tends to focus on photography, but every once in a while he flexes his writing muscles in other genres, and puts most of the other DMV art scribes to shame...

He's also the master of the "mini-review," a "WCP goes yard" concept that I sold the WaPo into a couple of decades ago... as a means to spread out their anemic visual arts coverage.

Read his most excellent review of Alan Sislen's show at Multiple Exposures Gallery (by now the key photography gallery in the DMV) here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    This is late since I have been out of town, but I second your comments on Mr Jacobson. He gave my show at the Hillyer last Nov a very good review, and ranked that show as #5 of the top 10 photography shows in the DMV for 2013.

    D. B. Stovall

