Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this cockroach:
From: fowwler flint - fowwlerflint2@hotmail.com

Good day,
I am Fowler Flint,A realtor of international estate management,I like to help my client beautify his new purchase home with your art and wish i can get a beautiful one from you ,Can you please email your website or send me an attachment of available artwork with pricing and details and you may please copy me a response to my private email :fowwlerflint2@hotmail.com

1 comment:

  1. I received an email from this person today, with an inquiry about a specific piece which he'd seen on my website, so THANK YOU for this alert! What's the deal with him? I did email him some info but no personal info...yet. Is it ID and/or art theft? Thanks, ~N~

    Abstract Arts by ~Nioshii~

