Friday, October 09, 2015

Assistant Professor of Photography Wanted

Towson University
Deadline: Ongoing

The College of Fine Arts and Communication invites applications for a tenure-track, 10-month Assistant Professor of Photography in the Department of Art + Design, Art History, Art Education beginning August 2016.

Qualifications: MFA in Studio Art. Qualified applicants will demonstrate expertise in photography as defined broadly to include applied and conceptual issues and practices with experience in both analog and digital photographic processes. Additional experience with video, sound, installation, or other new media is welcome. Applicants should be conversant in the ways that technology is changing the nature of photography and shaping photographic practice. Possess a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and the aptitude to contribute to a collaborative working environment. Willingness to contribute to interdisciplinary initiatives, to incorporate new technologies into the curriculum and ability to work across disciplines is also a necessity. Teaching beyond the graduate teaching assistant level is preferred, while an active record of professional development is essential.

Responsibilities: Teach 4, four credit classes (6-7 course units) per academic year at undergraduate and graduate levels as assigned for the first year. Beginning the second year the workload reverts back to the -standard instructional workload of 5, four credit courses (7-8 course units). Advise majors and work collaboratively with other photo faculty in regard to budget, procurement and scheduling. Help manage the photography studio, darkroom and print center as well as help to maintain and oversee equipment, supplies and software.

Application process and full position listing can be found at:

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