Sunday, October 04, 2015

First Lady Yumi Hogan hosts student art exhibition

In keeping with her commitment to support the arts, Maryland’s First Lady Yumi Hogan, will host a special exhibition of artwork by Maryland students in the House of Delegates Office Building gallery space, now named “The First Lady’s Art Gallery.”

The First Lady started the gallery this year and the October exhibition will be the first of many. This will be a bi-annual event – with shows in the fall and in spring. 
The juried Inaugural Student Artwork Exhibition, will include three awards for outstanding accomplishment in visual art. A private reception is planned on Oct. 23. The exhibition will run through November 13.
The Maryland State Department of Education Fine Arts Office and the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) are working in partnership on this event.

My kudos to Maryland’s First Lady Yumi Hogan!

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