Friday, August 26, 2016

A letter from the WPA's Nathalie von Veh

A letter from the WPA's Nathalie von Veh:           
Dear members,

I am excited to officially introduce myself as your new point of contact. I've had the privilege of meeting many of you over the two and a half years I've been working at WPA, but for those of you who don't know me already, I thought I'd take a moment to say hello and tell you a little about myself.

I am a Seattle transplant who craves adventure and salty air. I first moved to the East Coast to study Environmental Policy at American University but found myself spending more and more of my time across campus in the Katzen Arts Center. It became clear to me then that I needed to be working with artists. Six years later, I'm still here because I found you -  the incredible artistic community that calls this region home. I started interning at WPA in January 2014, going to music and art shows in living rooms and basements, and eventually collaborating and organizing projects of my own in my neighborhood in Bloomingdale. Nothing gives me more satisfaction than giving back to the friends and artists that inspire me.

I am thrilled to now have the opportunity to work more closely with you at WPA. Since our move, we've been restructuring our responsibilities and redefining WPA (Whole Pitted Avocados anyone?). We have so many resources to share with you: a street-front project and exhibition space, an online artist registry, and a vast network that stretches far beyond DC. WPA is increasingly becoming more artist-driven, more focused on idea generating/sharing, and more deeply engaged with the community. Together, we can take this to next level. I hope WPA will become (and continue to be) your creative haven, a space where you can expect the unexpected, take risks, get messy, and make valuable friendships.  
Over the next couple of months, we will be exploring how artists can use politics to advocate for change. There will be countless opportunities to participate, make a difference, and weigh in on the conversation. As an artist, this project will be all about you. So keep an eye out for more information to be announced soon. 
Our door is always open to you, stop by or shoot me an email anytime. I'd love to hear what you're working on, struggling with, and what you're dreaming up.

Looking forward to the road ahead!
All the best,

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