Thursday, March 09, 2017

Wanna go to an opening this weekend?

AMY LIN: baby thoughts
March 11 - April 15, 2017
Opening reception for the artist: Saturday, March 11, 5-7pm
In this most recent exhibition at Addison/Ripley, Amy Lin focuses inward, taking the birth of her first child for a personal, pure and elemental examination that, nevertheless, remains stylistically tied to her familiar pointillist and cut paper techniques. The artist offers a view, in her words, through a baby's eyes, glimpses at first tiny and new which eventually evolve into sophisticated patterns and complex compositions. 
A new born child sees, at first, simply colors and shapes, makes associations with them, forms her world with them. In a very short time those same shapes and colors begin to differentiate and become associative. So too, Lin's art works, begun with basic marks and colors, are built up, layered and increasingly complex. While the artist's current work is certainly, by intent, childlike in its perusal of early human perception, it is also measured, careful, sophisticated and disciplined, presented, as in previous exhibitions, on pure, white fields of paper. Impeccably crafted and highly personal, these new works of Amy Lin seek to highlight the visual and intellectual spaces before we put words to them.
The artist is currently living and working in Washington, DC. She has had more than 13 solo exhibitions including ones in New York, Tokyo and Houston. She was featured in the recent book, "100 Artists of Washington, DC", by Lenny Campello.  Notably, she was the recipient of a John Anson Kittredge Grant and a Strauss Fellowship Grant. Residencies in Tokyo and Singapore have allowed the artist to interact with other art professionals and collectors in Asia and to refine and inform her work.
Pondering, Amy Lin 2016, mixed media, 14 x 14 inches

Please also come for coffee & conversation - Saturday, March 18th, 11am
Please join Addison/Ripley for the next in their ongoing series of artist conversations in the gallery, on Saturday, March 18th  from 11 to 1.  They are thrilled to welcome Dr. Anne Collins Goodyear, co-director of Bowdoin College Museum of Art and former Curator of Prints and Drawings at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution in conversation with artist Amy Lin.  Enjoy coffee, bagels and a guided, open ended discussion regarding work, technique and inspiration.

Please rsvp for this event: or 202.338.5180

1 comment:

  1. If only I was in town! I'm glad I caught Amy and her work in NYC =)

