Sunday, March 24, 2019

MSAC Seeking Panelists for Public Art Project Grant Program

The Maryland State Arts Council is seeking panelists to review Public Art Project grant applications for the 2019 fiscal year. The Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) relies on a diverse array of arts experts from the field to do the important work of evaluating grant applications submitted by Maryland arts organizations and arts programs. Panelists review grant applications online, and meet in spring for the Grants Review Panel Meeting. Serving as a panelist is a great opportunity to learn about Maryland arts organizations and the granting processes of the Maryland State Arts Council. Panelist application forms are due, Friday, April 19, 2019. Please apply here.

The Maryland State Arts Council has committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in grantmaking as all funding mechanisms continue to be examined and updated. The design of the Public Art Across Maryland Grant application is meant to inspire authentic reflection and internal analysis for each applicant, with the knowledge that the Maryland State Arts Council is to be seen and utilized as a collaborative partner in the process. 

After applications have been reviewed, panelists are appointed by the Maryland State Arts Council for a one-year term, which may be renewed, and receive a modest honorarium and travel reimbursement for serving.

The Maryland State Arts Council uses Google products for all panelist activities. Applicants must have a Gmail account to apply. You may establish a Gmail account here.

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