Saturday, August 03, 2019

Two new exhibits, opening on August 30, 2019: Transformations and Fragments.

Transformations features mixed media and installation works created by Rachel Borgman, Artemis Herber, Chris Hornsby, and Sunyoung Lee. 

While these artists focus on a variety of concepts, they each describe the process of art-making as integral to their work. Rachel Borgman uses art historical documentation and biographical sources to weave together a complex web of possible narratives that marry fact with fiction, creating painting copies and immersive painting spaces inspired by her investigations. Artemis Herber’s large-scale artworks on corrugated cardboard raise questions about urban culture and sustainability while exploring geo-economic landscapes expressing local issues or global concerns. Chris Hornsby utilizes dark and light fractured imagery to create paintings that explore the complex yet surprising interaction between control, contradiction, and humanity’s violent struggle to succeed. Sunyoung Lee’s work stems from the similarities between painting and writing. Using thick and rapid calligraphy-like brushstrokes, she creates abstract letter paintings intended to be read emotionally rather than literally.

Fragments showcases photography by local artists Willy Conley and Don James. 

In Willy Conley’s self-titled “watergraphs,” he captures water reflections which are then turned upside-down. Depending on environmental factors such as wind, debris in the water, and the color of the sky, each inverted reflection creates a painting in its own right. Don James’ photographs appear to be abstract creations but are actually a faithful representation of the shape and near-monochrome appearance of his subjects. Drawn to subjects rarely noticed by others, he photographs man-made structures, details of common objects, and short-lived fragments of nature.

Transformations and Fragments will be on display from August 30 – October 11, 2019. A reception for both exhibits will be held on Friday, September 13 from 6–8 pm, in conjunction with the Arts Council’s Annual Meeting and Grant Awards Ceremony. Resident artists will also host Open Studios from 7-8pm. This reception is part of the Arts Council’s annual Road to the Arts weekend, featuring special exhibits and receptions hosted by Howard County galleries and art spaces from September 12-15. 

HCAC Gallery hours are Monday through Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-4pm, and Sunday 12-4pm. The Galleries are closed for Labor Day on Monday, September 2, 2019. To learn more about HCAC programs and exhibits, call 410-313-ARTS (2787) or visit

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