Tuesday, May 05, 2020

From Margery Goldberg

A note from DMV art icon Margery Goldberg - click anywhere on the below to see some great ideas:
Dear Zenith Friends,
 Mother's Day. What do Mothers want the most? To see their children happy, healthy, successful, fulfilled, engaged in life.They want grandchildren, but probably should not ask when!
 They want to be with their family no matter how large or small. Now this is the hard part given our current situation. Some cannot be together now. Even though in some families they have not spent this much time with their children in a long time. They say there will be a surge of homeschooling now that people have the handle on it.  
 Mothers are all ages. Our children are mothers, our sisters and cousins are mothers, and even some fathers have to be mothers!
I believe that being a mother is as much of a state of mind as a physical actuality. I am a stepmom to wonderful men; they have families and I have grandchildren. Being a mom does not mean you had to give birth to them. If that were true then everyone who gives birth would be a great mom. Fortunately, most are fabulous moms. Some over-mom and they hover, and as a dear friend says, you give them roots so they grow wings.  
 The preeminent mother of them all is Mother Nature. She is all wise and she is in control. If anyone had any doubt, these last few months should leave no doubt in your mind. We will either abide by her demands or we will perish.  
 What does your mother, daughter, sister or any woman that means something to you want?
Something personal, no matter how small. Zenith is here to help you with that. Whether it be a piece of jewelry, a work of art, a gift certificate so she can pick out her own. How about a commissioned portrait of Mom or the entire family? Today you can see a number of those artists to choose from. Hubert Jackson, Davis Morton or Bradley Stevens have very distinctive styles, so you have a lot to choose from.
 It is time to show your mom or any mom in your family some appreciation. They are doing more than ever.

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