Wednesday, March 03, 2021

More get a thick skin ops!

 As I preach - artists need a thick skin!

Dear Florencio,

On behalf of the Washington Project for the Arts, I would like to thank you for submitting your work to the open call for our Collectors' Night 2021 benefit auction. And to thank you for your patience. With the extended deadline, we had many more submissions to review and consider in relationship to the auction's theme "Am I Altering Your Aura?" and the Audre Lorde quote. We regret to inform you that your work was not selected for inclusion in the auction this year.

We know that you invested time and energy in this process and that this might be disappointing news. If you are interested in remaining connected to WPA, we encourage you to sign up for our e-newsletter or to follow us on Facebook or Instagram--if you haven't already. We post opportunities throughout the year and we review submissions to Open Call for Ideas on a quarterly basis.

As we come up on a year of the pandemic, we look to the future with hope and wish you all the best!



Emily Fussner, Event Manager


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