Monday, April 19, 2010

Little Junes Update

Anderson Campello

Anderson Lennox Franklin Lars Timothy Angus Pict Eric Florencio Brude James Tiberius Campello Anderson Cruzata Jaspersen Alonso Zaar Marrero Karling Comba Noren Dalke Hartsell y Lennox.
Circa April 16, 2010. Flesh and Blood. 24 inches by 24lbs 2 oz. NFS

1 comment:

  1. NFS..and not for return either...

    ...which means don't you dare put him on a plane by himself for a trip back to his home country of Russia, my friend. :)

    Ya gotta love America and American consumers. Man, it's easier to return an adopted kid to his foreign country of origin than it is to return a poorly framed print of "Jesus Blessing Santa Claus And His Reindeer Prior Taking Off From The Ronald Reagan Metro North Pole Airport On Christmas Eve Night" to your local Thomas Kinkade Gallery.

