Monday, March 29, 2010

Richard Flood on art bloggers

"Blogs are like being out on a prairie and one prairie dog pops up; none of the others can see it, but they can feel the movement in the earth. So another pops up. And another. They are not communicating with each other. They have no idea. History means nothing to them. Truth means nothing to them. They have no mechanism in place for checking [facts]."
Read about it here.


Rogerrr said...

"...They have no idea. History means nothing to them. Truth means nothing to them. They have no mechanism in place for checking [facts]."

maybe he was really talking about the people on Fox News and typed "art blogger" by accident

Lenny said...


That was very funny and well placed!

As an independent (and if I had thought of it first) I would have said Fox News if you're a right wing extremist and MSNBC if you're a left wing nut!

Very funny!
