Sunday, September 01, 2024

From the Washington Post

The WaPo's Art editor, Jonathan Fischer, responds to my previous discussions on the end of the "Galleries" column:

“Thanks for reaching out. I’ve seen the coverage and understand why people are anxious and confused. 
We decided to end this specific column, but we will continue to cover the local art scene, including galleries, with criticism and more – including from Mark. 
As a general matter, it’s worth pointing out that we have an editor dedicated almost wholly to visual art – Steven Johnson, at – and he’s very eager to be kept in the loop on shows, events, news and more. I’m also here for questions, feedback, pitches and more.”

My current OTC article

 Read it here.

Many times over the last few decades I’ve used this column to send a shout out to hard working artists who do not wait to be “discovered”, but who are always on the move, taking advantage of opportunities both around the DMV and elsewhere – they follow the maxim that the best place for art that one creates in on someone else’s walls.