Friday, October 17, 2003

The Hirshhorn Museum recently announced that its Contemporary Art curator Olga Viso had been promoted to Deputy Director. This is good not only for the museum, but also for Washington area artists, as Viso has been one of the rare few DC area museum curators to show any interest in her own backyard when looking for artists. She will have Dan Steinhilber's first museum show. Steinhilber is without a doubt one of our most talented and hottest artists right now.

Kristen Hileman has also been appointed as the Hirshhorn's new Assistant Curator for Contemporary Art.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Today I was reading the Washington Post, and even though that their own Style Section banner on page C5 announces that Thursdays are supposed to be focused on "Arts News/Galleries," there was no "Arts News" anywhere to be found.

In fact, other than Jessica Dawson's Galleries column, which is published regularly every Thursday, there's rarely any "art news" - certainly little of the visual arts genre, published anywhere in either of our two major newspapers.

So, time permitting I hereby enter the world of online BLOGing in the hope that I will have time to use this BLOG to post art news, gallery openings, events, etc. as I receive and/or discover them.

And there's a LOT to pick from. In co-owning two galleries in the Greater DC area with my wife, plus 20-plus years of freelance art writing and criticism, plus creating and exhibiting my own art, puts me in a place where I get a lot of news releases, insights and notices about our area's art scene.

In fact the Washington art scene is very active, it is just being ignored,

I hope to use this venue to share them with anyone interested in promoting the Greater Washington, DC visual art scene. Please email me at with comments, suggestions, criticism, etc. Anonymous nasty emails will be ignored, but the senders will be tracked down and their asses kicked.