New Art Blog
The Ellipse Arts Center in Virginia has a new art blog! (thanks Alexandra!)
Visit them often here.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Ewing moving, not closing
Kathleen Ewing will close her present location in Washington, DC and then re-open in a new location about two blocks away.
Great news for DC area art lovers.
Colby Caldwell at Hemphill Fine Arts
By Katie Tuss
Colby Caldwell seemed content and at home among the 21 photographic works and the five-monitor video installation that comprise his new exhibition, small game, at Hemphill Fine Arts in Washington, DC.
The artist expressed that the show, which opens tonight, provided an opportunity for him to collaborate with a number of people that had been primary influences in the development of his work.
Those influences come forward in the form of five podcasts, an auxillary component of the exhibition available via IPOD shuffles in the gallery and on Hemphill’s Web site.
In addition to an original sound piece, a conversation between the artist and his Corcoran mentor, Paul Roth, and three poems by Bernard Welt create a gallery soundtrack while the viewers explore the visual works in the three-room gallery space.
Caldwell’s signature archival pigment prints mounted on wood with wax finish are the main focus of the exhibition. The raw emotion of a single hunter standing in a winter field in gestus picture (12) gives way in the second room to the expansive grace of snowy tractor patterns in after nature (5).
"gestus picture (12)" by Colby Caldwell
In these, Caldwell manages to thoroughly capture the presence and potency of the seasons without losing the unpredictability and mystery of the landscape.
Hemphill Fine Arts hosts an opening reception for small game tonight from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Colby Caldwell will be presenting his artist talk Framing Lazarus on February 3 starting at 10:00 a.m. small game is on exhibit through February 24, 2007.
Washington Post's Bloggers Summit
Last week The Washington Post hosted a "DC Area Blogger Summit," and although I was invited, I was unable to attend, but luckily the fair Shauna Turnbull was able to represent Mid Atlantic Art News and reports below.
Also see the WaPo's own blogger Marc Fisher (who looks a lot like Dr. Frasier Crane) discuss the event here.
Washington Post Boon for DC Blogs
By Shauna Turnbull, Art Addicts
On Tuesday, January 9, 2007, The Washington Post hosted a catered symposium entitled Blogging Unplugged. Nearly 100 DC area bloggers who are currently writing about sports, entertainment, politics, and other local happenings attended.
The symposium included three sessions:
(1) Discussion by executive writers of The Post and The on establishing collaborative exchange processes between bloggers and the paper;
(2) Mini-lecture on Legal Issues in Blogging, led by Attorney Jonathan Hart from Dow Lohnes, a Washington, DC law firm. Hart’s clients include The Online News Association; and
(3) Open idea exchange on The Post’s plans for increased visibility for local bloggers.
Event highlights included a demonstration of the WaPo’s online prototype. With further development, it will establish a DC Blog roll - a set of directories pointing print and online readers to area blogs.

The lecture on defamation and libel issues illustrated various protections afforded by the Communications Decency Act of 1996. Warnings and legal advice were provided on the risks bloggers (and Web editors – and for that matter, all writers) must consider in expressing fact versus opinion.
For expert counsel on these topics, please see Internet Law: A Field Guide by Jonathan D. Hart, available here.
Of most interest to DC art-focused web writers is the WaPo’s desire to highlight, demonstrate, and educate the public on the variety of information available in online portals – particularly in those areas the WaPo traditionally affords less than adequate coverage (e.g., Southeast development, Nationals' fans, and ART!!).
Future possibilities include allowing the public to vote on favorite sites or blogs, showcasing guest editors, attaching local advertising to sites, and building searchable databases by keywords and/or locations. Imagine a future where the Bethesda, U-Street, and Del Ray arts communities are inter- and intra-related online through a central news organization! Watch the WaPo or this site for further developments.
These and other creative ideas were supported by symposium panel experts:
- Jonathan Krim (Communications Strategist)
- Caroline Little (CEO of The
- Editors and Columnists Jim Brady, Marc Fisher, Phil Bennett, Bob McCartney, and Bob Griner.
- Jacqueline Dupre of the Near Southeast Revitalization Blog.
Some members of the blogger community continued the successful event at the Post Pub after hours.