Monday, September 09, 2024

Goodbye James Earl Jones

This story starts in the mid 1990s, while I was still on active duty in the US Navy and stationed in the DMV, which at the time was known mostly as the Greater Washington area and as the National Capital Region by the Navy.

As part of my job, I used to travel quite often and probably about half the time I used to sweet talk my way into a free upgrade to first class on most of the flights. 

Whenever I have free "wait" time in my hands, such as waiting to board at an airport,  I start drawing in a nice hardbound drawing book that I carry when I travel. It is a habit that I started in art school in the late 70s and carry to this day.

One summer day around 1995 or maybe 1996 I was flying back to National airport,  and had been already upgraded to first class and seated on a window sit.

Once seated, I pulled out the sketchbook and continued a drawing that I had started earlier that day at the terminal.

A bit later the gent that would be seating next me on the aisle seat arrived, nodded a hello, and sat down. I smiled and nodded back and went back to my drawing.

Suddenly I heard the voice of Darth Vader come from the sear next to me as my fellow traveler said: "That's a mighty nice drawing you're working on..."

Stunned, I turned in slow motion and instantly recognized James Earl Jones, who was smiling.

I nearly said, in what probably would have been a loud voice, "Darth Vader!", but I caught myself and didn't. 

The drawing was the ice breaker and we spent the rest of the flight chatting.  I recall that for some reason we both talked a lot about our grandparents?

It was a very pleasant flight, and at the end, I gave him the drawing as a gift and wrote my name and address on the back. He was very grateful and we shook hands and parted ways.

About a month later I received and old fashioned thank you card from Jones with a nice note. Inside was a Polaroid photo of the drawing, framed and hanging (I assume) on his wall.

Good bye, sir. It was an honor to share the planet for a while with you.