DCist Love
She's cute, she's very funny on her own personal blog and she's developed really quickly into a damned good art writer and critic as well, and Heather Goss sends DC Art News some Internet love and some really good advice on an area that has really been the subject of a lot of thinking for me: Keeping my focus on the Greater DC area constant and prevent it from thinning when I start sniffing around Philly and Baltimore and all that's between.
Read it here.
Then come by tomorrow to the Fraser Gallery between 6-9PM and say hello, goodbye and hello again.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Corcoran Opening
Packed house last night at the Corcoran's private opening for "redefined: Modern and Contemporary Art from the Collection."
Ran into the legendary Lida Moser and we had a nice walk-though of the exhibit, which provides an opportunity to see many of the museum’s most important works from the 1950s to the present.
If I have time I will return and do a better (and slower) walkthrough of the show, but on a first look, I think that this massive Ida Applebroog steals the exhibitions, and the Cornell boxes are always amazing (as usual).
I was also taken by this large oil by Kim Dingle, which reminded me of the recent work of local painter Rachel Waldron (who was at the Corcoran last night).
Art for LifeThe 13th annual cocktail reception and live auction benefiting Whitman-Walker Clinic's Latino Services event will take place on Friday, November 17, 2006 at the beautiful Organization of American States, one of the city’s premier venues.
They will feature the live/silent auction format again this year allowing them to accommodate a larger number of works of art from artists, as well as keep our guests engaged in the auction throughout the night.
This is one of my favorite art auctions and a major fundraiser for the Whitman-Walker Clinic.
I really encourage artists to donate work to this auction.
Hurry! The deadline to register is today!
To donate art for the auction go here or contact:
Martha N. Miers
Associate Director of Special Events
Whitman-Walker Clinic
1407 S Street NW
Washington, DC 20009
202.797.3529 (o)
202.797.3560 (f)