Thursday, September 29, 2005

Galleries in Mags

I haven't seen the magazines yet, but I am told that the Washington Flyer magazine has an excellent article on the 14th Street galleries. You can read that article online here. Other than one to-be-expected negative and typically ill informed, fact-less opinion/quote, it's a super article by Heather Morgan Shott, which describes the art scene around the many galleries now clustered around the 14th street corridor, and rightfully so focuses on the hard work of Sarah and Patrick of Fusebox in becoming the initial gallery magnet for that area.

And the first issue of the huge new super glossy DC, published by Modern Luxury is also out, and this first issue has a profile of the Hirshhorn's Olga Viso and also a profile and discussion of our upcoming Georgetown video/painting show by Scott Hutchison.

Let's hope that DC magazine continues to pay attention to our area's visual art scene, and let's also hope that Washington Flyer continues to discuss our city's widespread gallery pockets in future issues.

Well Done!

Tate, Cojones and Bailey

Edward Winkleman reports on the Tate's decision to remove artwork from an exhibit. Read it here.

Bailey reacts. Read that here.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

In San Diego

Aaaargh! no time to write... more later!

But while I am here, someone asked me where I get my models and references for my work. I have worked a lot in the past from the live model, but these days and for years now, I've been working mostly from photographs (I have a huge set of photos of models in millions of poses that I've taken over the years) as well as reference books for artists. My favorite in these is Thomas Easley's The Figure in Motion, where many, many of my drawings come from.

Like a lot of postmodernist artists, I also appropriate a lot of images from many sources that assault my visual senses everyday and I keep a file of pages and images that have been taken from magazines, newspapers, catalogs, etc. to be re-worked at some point on a new idea, setting, process, etc.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Lenny flies away
Airborne today and heading to the Left Coast, where I'm hoping to meet with artist Marianela de la Hoz, whose arresting work at the Mexican Cultural Institute's current exhibition stole the show (in my opinion).

And again... more of our gallery artists have made available art to be auctioned off for hurricane Katrina and Rita relief causes. All net proceeds will be donated to the Southern Arts Federation.

The Southern Arts Federation has established an Emergency Relief Fund to assist arts organizations and artists residing in Gulf Coast communities most devastated by Hurricane Katrina, and now I suppose also Rita.

We have the art online here, and it includes work by Vladimir Pcholkin, Jacqueline Saunders, Camille Mosley-Pasley, and myself. See all four here.

click to bid on Pcholkin photo

Vladimir Pcholkin Nude XII
Bid here.

Iris Cluster by Jackie Saunders

Jacqueline Saunders Iris Cluster
Bid here.

Bid for Mosley-Pasley here

Camille Mosley-Pasley Bonnie & Jasmine (from Mama Love series)
Bid here.

bid for Frida and Elvis
F. Lennox Campello "Frida Wearing an Elvis T-Shirt"
Bid here.

My Frida Wearing an Elvis T-Shirt is a silly pen and ink wash drawing that I did in 1978 on the first anniversary of the King's death. In it I married two of my icons: Kahlo and Elvis, and had Frida wearing an Elvis T-shirt under her rebozo. Sacrilege or what?

New DC Art Blog

There are now virtually dozens of terrific DC area art blogs, and the newest one is Authentic Art DC.

Visit often.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Nude Opportunities

Deadline: October 24, 2005

"Nudes" at Atlantic Works Gallery in Mass. This juried show is call for art work in any medium that depicts a nude or nudes in its subject matter or presentation. Artists are asked to submit up to two works. The submission fee for 2 pieces of art is $15.00. One piece of art submission fee $10.00.

Please address the checks to Laurie Hoffma. Slides/JPEGS of art work must be received by October 24th, 2005 Mailing address:

Atlantic Works Gallery
Attn: Juried Show
80 Border Street 4th floor
East Boston, MA 02128

Works to be hung should not be bigger than 3'x3.' Installation and mixed media are encouraged, however any specific set-up needs must be completed by the artist submitting the work. Artists accepted into the show will be notified in late October. All work that is to be hung should arrive at the gallery with a wire backing or an easy to hang set-up. An Artist resume and/or bio is optional.

All questions regarding this show should be directed to

There will be a cash award for the work selected by the jury that depicts a Nude or Nudes in a "notable conventional/classical manner." A cash award will also be given to the work selected that depicts a Nude or Nudes in a "notable unconventional/creative manner."

Nudes will open on November 12th, 2005 and the reception will be held from 6-9pm.

Nude International

Deadline: October 14, 2005

The Nude is an annual, juried international art exhibit now in its 20th year, sponsored by the Lexington Art League, of Lexington, Kentucky. Exhibition dates are January 14 - March 5, 2006.

The Nude celebrates one of the most classic and enduring forms to challenge artists. All artists using visual media are eligible to enter. Pat Oliphant, renowned editorial cartoonist and accomplished artist, will jury. Significant prize money is available. The postmark deadline to apply is Oct. 14. Entry fee: $25 for 1-3 slides, $35 for 4-6 slides. Slides ONLY accepted. Prospectuses are available on their website, or send a SASE to:

The Nude
Lexington Art League
209 Castlewood Drive
Lexington, KY 40505

For more information, please call 859-254-7024.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

More artwork for Katrina (and/or Rita) Relief

Some more of our gallery artists have made available art to be auctioned off for hurricane Katrina and Rita relief causes. All net proceeds will be donated to the Southern Arts Federation.

The Southern Arts Federation has established an Emergency Relief Fund to assist arts organizations and artists residing in Gulf Coast communities most devastated by Hurricane Katrina, and now I suppose also Rita.

We have the art online here, and it includes work by Vladimir Pcholkin, Jacqueline Saunders, Camille Mosley-Pasley, and myself. See all four here.

click to bid on Pcholkin photo

Vladimir Pcholkin Nude XII
Bid here.

Iris Cluster by Jackie Saunders

Jacqueline Saunders Iris Cluster
Bid here.

Bid for Mosley-Pasley here

Camille Mosley-Pasley Bonnie & Jasmine (from Mama Love series)
Bid here.

bid for Frida and Elvis
F. Lennox Campello "Frida Wearing an Elvis T-Shirt"
Bid here.

My Frida Wearing an Elvis T-Shirt is a silly pen and ink wash drawing that I did in 1978 on the first anniversary of the King's death. In it I married two of my icons: Kahlo and Elvis, and had Frida wearing an Elvis T-shirt under her rebozo. Sacrilege or what?

Wanna go to an Opening Tonite?

DC area artist Diane Bugash's work is one of the sort of art that can be spotted in a group show right away. And not only because Diane is an exceptional painter, but also because she will not paint on a "normal" or ordinary canvas.

Bugash shapes her canvas until they become an integral and intelligent part of her painting. All shapes and sizes...

And Bugash has an opening tonight in Baltimore's Light Street Gallery, located at 1448 Light Street, Baltimore, MD 21230, 410-234-0047 and website here. The opening is from 5-9PM, and the show runs until October 15.

See ya there!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Warehouse Peace Weekend

Warehouse Gallery has six gallery spaces devoted to the peace effort though the exhibition Where's the Peace? Details here.

They will be open all weekend, and the exhibit feautures 45 artists examining war and peace in our world through painting, sculpture, photography, installation, and video.

Additionally, the Warehouse Screening Room has a free film all weekend: Trail of Feathers: The Missile Dick Chicks.

Meet the Missile Dick Chicks in person tonight (open till midnight).

Wanna go to an opening on Sunday?

The Sandy Spring Museum presents Photography is Dead; Long Live Photography.

Opening reception, Sunday, Sept 25, 2-4 pm. Organized and curated by Bert GF Shankman, an expressionist flower photographer and master printer, this exhibition focuses on Gyclee-printed photography and includes the work of the always innovative Danny Conant, Libby Cullen, Min Enghauser, Judith Goodman, Colleen Henderson, Allan Hockett, Barbara Southworth, Barbara Tyroler, and Frank Van Riper.

Most of the artists will be available to discuss their work. Rt. 108 and Bentley Rd, Sandy Spring. 301-774-0022.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Can Bloggers be sued over comments?

Apparently yes... read it and weep.

[Tks TAA]

Secondsight Meeting

Secondsight is an organization dedicated to the advancement of women photographers through support, communication and sharing of ideas and opportunities.

The next Secondsight meeting will be held on Friday, September 23, 2005.

All meetings are held at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Services Center, (just accross the street from the Fraser Gallery Bethesda) located at 4805 Edgemoor Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814. If you are catching the Metro, exit on Wisconsin Avenue, take a left on Old Georgetown Road and walk for one block. The entrance to the services center is next to Chipotle. There is a public parking garage on Old Georgetown Road. The meetings start at 6.30pm and end at approximately 9pm.

The presentation by the guest speaker will be followed by portfolio sharing. The group will split up into smaller groups of about ten and each member will have the opportunity to discuss their work. For those who brought their portfolio to the last meeting, please feel free to bring it again as you will be sharing your work with an entirely new group of photographers.

Meetings are free for members of Secondsight and $10 (cash or checks only) for non-members.

Please RSVP to if you would like to attend the meeting.

The Art Bloggers of the World

Zeke has put together an amazing list of over 400 Art Bloggers from around the world. [thanks Alexandra].

WOW! What a lot of work that must have been! Kudos to Zeke for the first ever, all-comprehensive listing of art blogs from the planet, where we're number 121! (so far).

Gilliam at the Corcoran

I can't wait to see what Jonathan Binstock has done with the Sam Gilliam Retrospective at the Corcoran.

Mark your calendars, as that exhibit opens Oct. 15 and runs through Jan. 22 of 2006, and it is (incredibly enough) Gilliam's first retrospective.

As Binstock wrote his doctoral dissertation on Gilliam, if anyone is qualified to organize a retrospective for Sam, it is Jonathan.

And kudos to the Corcoran for looking in its own backyard.

Other area residents who are worthy of a show and/or a retrospective (in my opinion) include Manon Cleary, Joe Shannon and our own John Winslow.

Like Gilliam, they have created great, lasting art in the District for decades and decades, and (like Gilliam) have been generally ignored by our "national" museums.

Free Press for All or Free-for-All?

Thursday, September 22, at 7 p.m. in the William G. McGowan Theater.

Blogging: Free Press for All or Free-for-All?

In honor of Constitution Day, the Newseum and the National Archives present a program examining how technological advances are reshaping interpretation of the first amendment, which guarantees, among other things, free speech and free press.

It has been said that the power of the press belongs to the person who owns one. Today, as the Internet turns desktops and laptops into personal presses, first amendment rights are challenged, and a power shift seems to be under way. Bloggers are staking a claim to "grassroots journalism," and print and broadcast journalists are looking to the future and wondering where their reporting skills fit in.

What’s credible? What’s not? And, just how far does the first amendment protect this new wave of journalism? Frank Bond of the Newseum and former Channel 9 anchor will moderate a discussion with Robert Cox, president of the Media Bloggers Association and managing editor of "The National Debate"; Bruce Sanford, a first amendment lawyer with the D.C. office of Baker & Hostetler, LLP, and chairman of the board, the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression; Jay Rosen, chairman and professor of journalism at New York University ; and Deborah Potter, president and founder of NewsLab as they examine the issues on the line when technology meets traditional journalism.

Reservations required by emailing them here. All programs are free and open to the public. The National Archives is located between 7th and 9ths Sts. on Constitution Ave, NW. Use the Special Event entrance just off the corner of 7th and Constitution Ave.

Rousseau and O'Sullivan on Trawick Prize

Dr. Claudia Rousseau reviews the Trawick Prize.

Read the review here.

And the WaPo's Michael O'Sullivan reviews the top prizewinner of the Trawick Prize here.


1. Where is the WaPo's Style section major (large, or more than 50 words) review of (in my opinion) our area's most important (and influential... details to follow) juried art exhibition? Fer Christsakes... This is the 3rd year of this prize! C'mon Pancake! C'mon Heard!

2. Where is the WaPo's feature on Olga Viso ascending to the top rung at one of the nation's top museums?

This is why the Post's Style section's anemic coverage of our area's visual arts draws so much criticism for that newspaper in general: [with one notable exception] An astounding lack of attention and (by now) an expected lack of interest (and knowledge) of what makes Washington area visual arts "tick."

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Arts Job

Director, Vienna Arts Society.

The VAS, a prestigious art society, seeks a candidate with managerial experience and a love of art to fill a p/t position as director of a fast growing arts center in Vienna, VA.

The director is responsible for the day to day operation of the Center, including: ensuring that it is staffed during business hours; serving as liaison with the public; handling all bookkeeping; scheduling and supporting all activities at the center. In addition, the director identifies and promotes services provided by the VAS, such as art classes, workshops, space rental, and private and member shows. This position reports to the executive board of the Vienna Arts Society. Work Schedule and salary to be discussed.

Skills and Experience:
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, written and oral
• Marketing experience
• Self starter with flexibility and attention to detail
• Computer and office skills
• Experience managing others
• Experience with volunteer and non-profit organizations

History: VAS was founded in 1969 as a non-profit organization bringing artists and people interested in the arts together for developing and promoting local art and related activities.

Towards that end, VAS, through its Art Center on Pleasant Street and the gallery in the Village Green Shopping center, manages a broad variety of programs, workshops, classes, and trips.

Please email resume here.

A Taste for Art
Friends of the Torpedo Factory
Just back from jurying the prizewinners for the $1000 prize money for "A Taste for Art."

"A Taste for Art" is a cool art and food marriage of a party that takes place at the Torpedo Factory in Alexandria to raise funds for the Factory and hosted by The Friends of the Torpedo Factory.

It involves a great art auction as well as loads of great food from most of Old Town's top restaurants. It takes place on Friday, October 14 from 7:30-10:30PM and tickets are available by calling 703-683-0693 or emailing them here.

EarthRights International Fundraiser

Dan Fatton, the Major Gifts Coordinator at EarthRights International, is looking for donations for their 10th Anniversary Silent Auction Fundraiser.

The event will be held on Friday, October 21, 2005, at the WVSA Arts Connection from 7 pm to 11 pm.

If you have any questions, please contact Dan at EarthRights International at 202-466-5188 ext. 106 or

Dan Fatton
Major Gifts Coordinator
EarthRights International
1612 K St. NW, Suite 401
Washington, DC 20006
tel: 202-466-5188 ext. 108
fax: 202-466-5189

AU Lecture

Dr. Lisa Farrington, who just wrote "Creating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Women Artists," will be lecturing at AU this Friday, the 23rd, at 8pm in the recital hall of the Katzen Art Center.

She will be discussing African-American Feminist Art. Details here.