Friday, June 17, 2005

Cover the Penis

All the way in the earthquaky Left Coast I've been hearing about "Not the Knitting You Know" Sculptural Knitting and Crochet exhibition at Eleven Eleven Sculpture Space (located at 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, in DC).

One reader emailed that this exhibition is a "cunning content-driven craft spectacle!"

The exhibition is curated by Binnie Fry and features work by: Ann Citron, Katharine Cobey, Jeanne Garant, Kathleen Holmes, Norma Minkowitz, Elizabeth Lundberg Morisette, Karen Paust, Carien Quiroga, Gayle Roehm, Blanka Sperkova, Alex and Viviana Santamarina, Ming-Yi Sung, Daina Taimina, Andrea Uravitch, and Joyce Zipperer.

The show has apparently caused some controversy, and I am told that the work of Ming-Yi Sung has been "sanitized" in order to keep it in the show. A reader notes that the "management didn't seem to mind the breast exposure, but the dicks had to be covered up."

She even crafted a cute little cod piece for her Hermaphrodite on the window sill.

And has put some fig leaf on others

The exhibition runs through September 10, 2005.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

When Everything is Art

Anything, no matter how silly or tasteless, becomes art. Read it here.

New DC Art Blog

Marsha Stein has a new art Blog. It's called Synergy.

Visit it here.

End of an era

Kodak has announced that all black and white silver gelatin photographic papers have been discontinued. They will sell what they have in stock until the end of 2005.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


Kirkland reviews a few shows around town.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Target Gallery Seeks New Director

The fair Claire Huschle, who'd done a spectacular job as the Director of the Target Gallery in Alexandria has accepted a new position and will soon become the Program Director at the Arlington Art Center. Congratulations to Claire!

And thus the Target Gallery is now looking for a new director!


To Kriston, who's getting a new BLOG gig with the Smithsonian. Read it here.

Monday, June 13, 2005

In California

I flew today from Dulles to San Diego - Boy are my arms tired! (Sorry - old Henny Youngman joke).

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Reads like a good read

I'm going to get this book once I get to California and read it on the flight back.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Shafer on Bethesda Painting Prize

Karen Shafer of The Gazette discusses the inaugural Bethesda Painting Prize and the final eight. Read it here.

The opening of the show was last night, although the winners were announced two nights ago.

Some pictures...

Dr. Claudia Rousseau

Dr. Claudia Rousseau, one of the three jurors, discusses the jurying process.

Bethesda Painting Prize Awards

Carol Trawick with the $10,000 winner (Joe Kabriel) and Catriona Fraser. The painting on the background that looks like it's about to deliver a knockout punch to Catriona is "Jacob" by Andrew Wodzianski.

Andrew as a Ninhja

And six foot five Andrew Wodzianski as the world's tallest Ninja.

Friday, June 10, 2005

The Weekly Reviews

In the City Paper, Louis Jacobson reviews our current Gabriela Bulisova at Fraser Gallery Georgetown.

In the WaPo, Michael O'Sullivan reviews Craig Doty at Strand on Volta. Earlier, Jonathan Padget discussed "Queering Sight -- Queer Insight," at the Warehouse Gallery.

The Weekend

I'll be away all weekend at an art fair, so posting will be done later on the day. Then on Monday I leave for a week on the Left Coast and return on Friday.

As usual, my trusty laptop will come with me and posting will continue for California.

Bethesda Art Walk Tonight

Tonite is Bethesda's time to showcase their galleries, as it is time for the Bethesda Art Walk, with 17 participating galleries and art venues.

Free guided tours begin at 6:30pm. Attendees can meet their guide at the Bethesda Metro Center, located at the corner of Old Georgetown Road and Wisconsin Avenue. Attendees do not have to participate in tours to visit Art Walk galleries.

We'll have the winners of the Bethesda Painting Prize.

See ya there!

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Course in Art Appreciation

School of Art and Design at Montgomery College: Summer Session II 2005

This course format sounds like fun! One full day a week for five weeks; lecture in the morning and field trips to local galleries in the afternoon for on-site discussion.

Taught by Dr. Claudia Rousseau, Professor of Art History and Art Critic for the Gazette Newspapers in Montgomery County

Per the school news release, students will look at art from an art critic’s point of view. Topics will include looking at design, themes, subject matter, and historical context in drawings, paintings, sculpture, and other art media.

Open to credit and non-credit students

Wednesdays, June 22 – July 20
Montgomery College Summer Session II
AR 127 School of Art and Design -
CRN# for credit 14143; CRN# for non-credit 14146

9-12:30: Lecture at the Montgomery College Westfield South Center, Room 306E (at Wheaton Mall)
1:30 – 5:30: Discussions on site at local galleries.

For more information call the School of Art and Design 301-649-4454
(For non-credit registration, ask for Yvette).

Open Studios This Weekend

The Mid City Artists Open Studios will be held on the weekend of June 11 and 12. Many artist studios within walking distance of the Dupont/Logan Circles will be open for visitors. This is a unique opportunity to see some of DC’s most exciting artists in their home environment.

The Mid City Artists participating in June’s Open Studio weekend are Sondra Arkin, Kristina Bilonick, Tanja Bos, Robert Cole, Gary Fisher, Glenn Fry, Charlie Jones, Regina Miele, Byron Peck, Miguel Perez-Lem, Brian Petro, Peter Romero, Nicolas Shi, John Talkington, Kelly Towles, and Colin Winterbottom.

Details here.

Nobody Asked Me, But...

Cuban car boat

Am I the only one thinking that GM needs to hire the desperate Cuban genius who designed and built this water taxi?

Arts Beat

Jonathan Padget in the WaPo today covers "Queering Sight -- Queer Insight," at the Warehouse Gallery.

Padget also announces the winners of the Bethesda Painting Prize.

Read it here.

Mobile back up and moving

The Calder mobile is back up at the National Gallery of Art.

Read it here.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


The winner of the Bethesda Painting Award and other prizewinners from that award's $14,000 prize package will be announced tonight.

These are the finalists.

LRA Show

Last Monday night I curated an exhibition for the League of Reston Artists... they had about 300 entries, and I selected 62.

Best of Show was awarded to Andrei Shoumikhin, whose work I had never seen before, but that showed that superb technical skill that a lot of Eastern European artists seem to acquire in their educational systems, and it was coupled with a very unusual and noticeable artistic vision.

There was $1,500 in cash awards that I distributed among several artists. I'll get a list of award winners posted here a bit later. The opening reception is June 19 from 2-4 PM. Details here.