Thursday, May 12, 2005


Since we have our own opening tomorrow (more on that later), I went to see J.T. Kirkland's first solo show the other day.

It's always very difficult to put down objective words when writing art criticism; critics will lie (to themselves mostly) and tell how how objective they are when they pen a review. Bull! As Diane Keaton or Woody Allen would say: "Objectivity is Subjective..."

And it is especially difficult when writing about a fellow blogger and fellow artist. But let me try anyway...

I've been privvy (as have all of Kirkland's readers at Thinking About Art) to see JT develop, not only as a writer, but also as an artist, right before our PC screens. That alone, merits some thought when thinking about his art.

Shadow by JT KirklandIn addition to witnessing his art develop before our eyes, I've also exhibited in a show that included work by Kirkland, and was in that manner also privvy to his fussyness about how his work is displayed (good for him!).

There are some artists, and JT is one of them, whose work defies verbal description, just imagine the phone ringing in a gallery somewhere:

Riiiiing, Riiiing!

Bored Gallerist: "Hello, Snobby Gallery"

JT: "Good afternoon, my name is JT Kirkland and I'd like to discuss my artwork to see if your gallery would have some interest in seeing some slides and reviewing the work?"

Bored Gallerist: "Tell me about it..."

JT: "Well... it's very minimalist"

Bored Gallerist (slightly interested): "Good... we like minimalism"

JT (a little excited): "I know, I researched that and thought that my work would fit in with your gallery's focus. So anyway, my artwork is on wood where I then drill patterns so that the finished piece is simply a piece of wood with a series of holes in it."

Bored Gallerist (back to being aloof): "Oh... holes in wood?"
And that, I suspect, would be the reaction that a lot of us would have in simply hearing about Kirkland's work.

And that is why it is so important to actually see, and as many people seem to do (although I am alarmed by this), touch the work.

Kirkland's work in his debut solo show at the League of Reston Artists and the University of Phoenix Northern Virginia Campus is without a doubt one of the strongest and most elegant shows that a first-time-solo artist has had around here in a long time.

I use the word "elegant" forcefully, as the entire exhibition delivers elegance with that subtle tone that only minimalism can achieve when properly executed. A subtle tone that grows as one looks at what can best be described as beautiful wood transformed into art by a simple, but intelligent action.

And like many young artists who achieve a degree of success early, now Kirkland has limited time to explore the avenues open to him by this approach to minimalism before he gets dangerously tempted by Mondrianism.

But for now let us applaud a superbly strong debut of an area artist with many years ahead of him to push his artwork even further. It is refreshing to see an artist develop before the public eye and even more refreshing seeing an exhibition that forcefully plants him and his artwork as a new presence in our area's cultural tapestry.

What: J.T. Kirkland: "Studies in Organic Minimalism"

Who: Presented by the League of Reston Artists and the University of Phoenix Northern Virginia Campus

When: May 2 – June 25, 2005 - Special Reception for the artist: Friday, May 13, 2005 – 6:00 – 9:00pm

Where: University of Phoenix Northern Virginia Campus
11730 Plaza America Drive, Suite 200
Reston, Virginia
For directions, see the LRA's web site at

Viewing: Exhibition is free and open to the public during regular business hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 10:00pm, Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm, Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


As many of you have already read, I have been retained by the WPA/C to curate a show for them. I will be assisted by two young WPA/C interns: Sandra Fernandez and Adrian Schneck.

Because this show will be exhibited at the three separate buildings that comprise the Warehouse Theatre and Galleries complex, a total of seven separate spaces are available, and all will be used, and thus the exhibition title: Seven.

Using the power of the web, I intend to keep this curatorial process open and available to everyone via commentary here on what I am doing, how and why. In doing so, I hope to bring to light all the many issues, baggage, ideas, agendas, nepotism, and a complete lack of objectivity that a curator brings to such a massive job as this will be. As well as a lot of hard work and a good work ethic to deliver a show that will make all involved proud to be part of it. All artwork and artists to be displayed will be picked by me.

I will also try to handcuff some of my fellow commercial gallerists and, once the exhibition is open, take them around and have them discover (hopefully) some new talent from our area. It is my hope that the final selection of artists will be a good blend of some well-known area WPA/C artists as well as an exhibition opportunity for WPA/C talent that we don't see as often.

To start, I have decided to focus each of the seven spaces on a specific theme, genre or subject... sort of. I will also bring to this selection process (and to one space) the commercial acumen of a for-profit gallerist. As such (for example), I will select the artwork that will go in the main gallery space (co-located with the Warehouse Cafe) to be that work that I feel represents the best compilation of all the remaining spaces and also stands the best chance (in my sole opinion) of being sold.

Other spaces will have different approaches; for example, on my first run through all of the WPA/C slides, I was pleasantly surprised at the high quality of a lot of abstract paintings, and will thus hope to deliver a gallery full of those artists that (in my opinion) are the best from the membership.

Another space will be focused on a particular agenda item of mine: the nude figure. And thus I hope to deliver a gallery full of figurative nudes. At this time, I am also toying with the idea (space and logistics permitting) of having a figure drawing class, nude model and all, present at the opening. This is in the hope that they (the artists and the model) will provide an in situ perspective on the trials, tribulations and joy of creating artwork from the live model.

Details on the exhibition and entry process is available online here. All members of the WPA/C are eligible for consideration, but all final decisions and selections are mine.

I've already gone through all the WPA/C slides once (about 20,000 of them I'd guess), and will review all new entries and slides that come in between now and some future date a couple of weeks before the exhibition opens on June 30, 2005. I also intend to re-review all slides in the registry next week.

Possess-Us by Alessandra Torres

And I've already made some surprising discoveries and even some selections! In fact the first artist selected, and one whose work I did not know, is a MICA graduate and VCU MFA candidate Alessandra Torres. The image above is hers, and that's the artist as part of a sculptural installation titled Possess/(pose-us).

More later... keep checking; I truly intend for this exhibition to be provocative and fresh, but in the end it still remains one person's opinion and the trite saying that art is in the eye's of the beholder never applied more aptly than in this case: My eyes and thus my Seven.

More Thoughts on Gopnik's Idea

Kriston at G.P. joins in with some words on Gopnik's idea and DCist asks their substantial audience for their thoughts on the subject.

Naked Breasts and Virginia Magazines

Candy's naked breasts

Just read it here; no need for me to re-hash this story of artwork, breasts and a Virginia magazine.

And Candace's artwork is here.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


To Scott Brooks whose work graces the cover of Direct Art magazine, as well as an indepth interview and several illustrations of Brooks' uniquely disturbing and highly intelligent art.

The Fabulosity of God by Scott Brooks

Read the interview here.

Scott will be having a solo show at Gallery Neptune in Bethesda from September 9, through Saturday, October 1, 2005. Some of Scott's works will be available this Friday at the Warehouse Fundraising and Party.

Tuesday Arts Agenda

The DCist Tuesday Arts Agenda is out. Read it here.

Warehouse Art Fundraiser

When: Saturday, May 14, 2005

Starting at 7pm at the Warehouse Theatre and Gallery. Free parking available - email Molly to reserve spot:

Warehouse hosts an eat, drink, look at art, go home with art, fun fundraiser. $150 includes art and evening festivities - bring a friend for $50 for evening festivities. Caricature Artist Andy Scott will draw the crowd - find your face on the wall of "party pics"!

Over 100 pieces of artwork donated by area artists is being displayed at Warehouse beginning Tuesday May 10th 3-10pm; Come and rate your favorites.

The party is at Warehouse, located at 1021 7th Street, NW, on Saturday May 14t.

Call: 202/783-3933 or call Molly at 301/654-2580 or visit

Sponsor: $150 (includes art) - bring a friend $50; All tickets include: dinner, drinks, live/silent auction. Note: Tickets will be held at the door.

Storker Project

Street artists are beginning to bloom around the DC area. Today is the not only the first day that we can see Melissa Ichiuji at her Stripped non performance in front of the Corcoran, but also Mark Jenkins has quietly been doing his Storker Project all over the city!

Jenkins sculpture at Sculpture Garden

Jenkins's Storker Project has been dropping tape-baby sculptures all over the city (13 so far in seven different places). They are a specific set of sculptures that are part of Jenkins' street artification our city.

Jenkins sculpture in park

See the Storker Project here.

See the rest of the Street Art here.

Jenkins on Gopnik's Idea

Mark Jenkins checks in with some thoughts on Gopnik's Corcoran idea:

Thomas Paine vs. Blake Gopnik

By Mark Jenkins

I admit I didn't make it through Gopnik's whole read.

I kept thinking of what a "common sense" decision it was for the Corcoran to do such a thing. And that got me to thinking about Thomas Paine's Common Sense: "these are the times that try men's souls..." the impassioned pamphlet (or memo if you will) that helped ignite the American Revolution.

And then I saw the irony since Gopnik has talked this same talk: "With so much courtly dissolution on show in art these days, you have to wonder if a revolution isn't due. And if it comes, will Whitmore put his classy talents at the service of the rebels?"

This is from Ian Whitmore's review at the Fusebox. Another review I read of his talked about awaiting the next artquake and I sent him a link to Banksy's pranks in NYC. No reply.

What I have noticed is that the Corcoran is doing art out on the street. I saw a chalk drawing on the sidewalk by a student, and this upcoming piece Stripped, ditto.

Instead of getting a Gehry addition (zzzz....) the Corcoran might do better to take the top off the museum, pave a road through it and let the students do street art. I'm sure the students would perk up at the idea.

Really, DC has enough museums; It is a museum Mecca.

And they're all conveniently located on the National Mall so that tourists never have to set foot outside it. If it wasn't for the National Zoo tourists probably wouldnt travel further North than the White House.

That being the case, even if the Corcoran gets hyper trendy with photography, gets a Gehry piece, it may still atrophy just because its just a few feet too far removed from the Mall and you have to pay to get in.

Mostly for me though, the Corcoran is known for their revolutionary school, and so to me its a school first and a museum second. Corcoran is also the only museum where a local artist has a shot at getting works on display. Turn it into a photography museum and await an Ansel Adam's show? Well, the Corcoran might hang on and survive but I don't think it will be birthing any "artquakes." But I don't think Gopnik looks to DC to do anything for the art world, but instead sees it as a container to showcase it. And if the Corcoran takes his advice I think he may be right.

Monday, May 09, 2005

Bailey on Gopnik's Corcoran Idea (and on Levy's response)

Ask and ye shall receive; From J.W. Bailey:

Memo to: Blake Gopnik

Re: I'm a local photographer and I don't do prints!

Blake Gopnik's wickedly cynical and sarcastic memo to the Corcoran Gallery of Art, in which he boldly goes where no man has gone before and outlines its science fiction titanium-clad Frank O. Gehry-future as a tourist-friendly blue-collar-fanfare-for-the-common-man low-art-literate repository of the questionable high art practices of "accessible" photography, almost rises to the level of a comedic masterpiece.

But Gopnik’s clear distaste for throw away representational photography as a legitimate form of high art is glaringly transparent and he’s no doubt very serious; Therefore, the understory of his mildly insulting views about the saccharine appeal of Kodak-moment photos to the non-MFA card carrying uneducated masses are enough to compel a local photographer to respond.

Gopnik says "Because most photographs exist in multiple prints, getting the images you need doesn’t put you at the mercy of a single collection that happens not to lend."


Perhaps if Gopnik spent more time with his eyes and ears attuned to local photographers (as well as their collectors) he would know that many of us aren’t into the mass-production multiple print aesthetic that he seems to loathe and actually do create one of a kind photographic works of art. But where Gopnik really gets going in his subtle ploy in support of the exhausted arguments declaring the weaknesses of photography as a legitimate art form is having Sarah Greenough, Curator of Photography at the National Gallery of Art, confirm that "casual visitors seem to find photography more ‘approachable’ than more esoteric, and explicitly artistic, media."

From the grassy knoll Gopnik attempts to triangulate the assassination of the legitimacy of photography as a high art form by having Malcolm Daniel of the Met echo that "People don’t feel they need to take an art history course to appreciate photography."

Translation of the above curatorial/art critic conspiratorial drivel: Although the American masses are intellectually incapable of understanding and appreciating the serious challenges of critically celebrated postmodern fine art painting, even the most uneducated illiterate backwoods hard core anti-postmodern-art-hating hillbilly tourist from the most culturally deprived area of the most remote coal mining country of West Virginia can at least enjoy and appreciate looking at a nicely framed photograph of a rock in Yosemite National Park shot by Ansel Adams Рin fact, these d̩class̩ trash de blanc Disney World-Florida-vacation-dreaming fools may even be willing to pull cash out of their Wal-Mart purchased Harley-Davidson motorcycle chain wallets to pay for an admittance ticket for the privilege of stepping inside a chrome plated Gehry building so they can drool all over easily accessible patriotic representational photographs of American flags flapping in the breeze over Arlington Cemetery, snap-shot panoramic impressions of purple mountains majesty, and digitally enhanced scenes of mallard ducks floating on a pond in which the polluted waters have been scrubbed blue through the magic of Abode Photoshop, as well as old photographs of just about anything remotely Americana.

This is priceless!

Here we are several years into the 21st Century and the Chief Art Critic from the Washington Post is still questioning the place of photography in the pantheon of great art. It makes me mad enough to want to burn my camera, as well as my film and prints!

But the real joke with Gopnik’s silly proposition is that his opinion is not the one that counts. Frank O. Gehry is the one who signed on to design a new addition to the Corcoran Gallery of Art, not Gopnik. And you can bet the last worthless multiple print in your museum-worthy donor-friendly photographic collection culled from the discount bins of Salvation Army Thrift Stores that Gehry did not sign on to design a tourist-friendly holding area for low brow photographs.

All one has to do is take a very close look at Gehry’s body of architectural work, as well as his definition of art – save yourself a lot of research and understand that Gehry and Gopnik worship at the same high-tech high art painting church - to see whether or not he would ever agree to this photographic scheme.

To Gopnik’s credit, he opens his ridiculously funny piece by informing all what is common knowledge to everyone in the art world, and especially in Washington, D.C.: that being that the Corcoran Gallery of Art has deep problems at every level.

What a shame Gopnik wasted so much space on his trivial vision for the rehabilitation of the prestige of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, rather than detailing the true extent of the Corcoran’s problems and suggesting real solutions.

Gopnik is a creative art critic/writer and can no doubt produce multiple print solutions for the Corcoran all day long – perhaps when he gets serious, he’ll come up with a creative one of a kind photographic image of a solution that everybody will agree is a work of art.


James W. Bailey

Memo to: Dr. David Levy

RE: Corcoran BS Detector – Would You Care to Tell Us What Frank Really Thinks about Blake’s Idea?

Dr. David Levy, President and Director of the Corcoran Gallery of Art, has weighed in with his polite corporate art speak Letter to the Editor to the Washington Post responding to Gopnik’s idea. I’ll weigh in with my Corcoran BS detector and offer the following translation of Levy’s letter, paragraph by paragraph:

We are grateful to Blake Gopnik for his interesting May 1 think piece, "Memo to: The Corcoran; Re: Sharpening Your Focus." His timing is apposite. Over the past few months, task forces composed of our Trustees, Boards of Overseers and staff have been assigned to think creatively about our institution's future.

Translation: We appreciate you attempting to embarrass us with your lame proposal, but as powerful a member of the DC art elite that you are, much more powerful powers (and certainly much bigger donors than you) are calling future programmatic shots right now in order to secure the needed additional funding to get this Gehry thing to the ground breaking stage.

We find Gopnik's suggestion to focus more sharply on a single programmatic area -- in this case, photography -- to be a provocative and interesting idea. And we agree that such an approach could help us strengthen our identity in a city that sometimes seems to have more museums than residents. After all, the Corcoran has a long history of distinguished photography exhibitions and a pioneering tradition of photographic education at its College of Art + Design.

Translation: Some members of the Corcoran’s staff have children; and just like most kids, we also think photographs can be fun, enjoyable and accessible and wouldn’t necessarily object to having more child-like residents of DC walk into our museum to see more accessible photographs, as long as these children can afford to live in the area of the city where museums do indeed out number residents. It might be problematic for us to have certain problematic residents from certain problematic areas of the city that have no museums to flock en mass to the Corcoran to see overly accessible photographs; so, for security reasons we, would naturally under your proposal have to temper that potential problem by keeping the photographic exhibitions accessible, but not too accessible – for example, we probably would not entertain a photography exhibit titled, "The Massacre," that examines a day in the thug life of 50 Cent. We strive to be ‘bout it ‘bout it, as much as possible in a predominately African-American city such as Washington, D.C., but please give us a break and let’s get our board more diversified first. Once we have a board that truly reflects the demographics of Washington, D.C., then we’ll see what we can do increase visitation to the museum among the young DC resident African-American youth members of 50 Cent’s posse and fan club. Although we briefly flirted with the OPTIONS 05 concept of providing a credible exhibition opportunity for area minority and marginalized artists whose works touch on radical, provocative and disturbing themes, concepts and philosophies through the curatorial direction of Philip Barlow, fortunately cooler heads prevailed in the interests of not rocking the DC government approved TIF (Tax Increment Financing) district for the Gehry project (I think we fired his ass), and, although we know it’s a cop out, we’ll all now look forward to the new OPTIONS 05 curator Libby Lumpkin’s safe choices of predominately white MFA graduate students who are recycling ad infinitum non-confrontational imagery served up by the more easily digestible forms of minimalism that are perfectly suited for display in museums like the Corcoran, but also in the marble foyers of McMansions in Northern Virginia.

In fact, there was an effort some five years ago to establish a National Museum of Photography on the old convention center site, based on the great photography collection amassed by Howard Gilman. When this plan did not materialize, we proposed that the Gilman Foundation join us in the creation of a National Photography Center at the Corcoran, housed in our new Frank Gehry building. Although ultimately this idea did not work out, it would have built on the strength of our important photographic holdings and would have been very much in keeping with the spirit of Gopnik's ideas. Faced with another such opportunity, we would enthusiastically explore it.

Translation: Oh know you didn’t, dog! Props up, bro! You ain’t the first, Blake, to suggest this wonderful idea so don’t go gettin’ all high and mighty and actin’ a fool up in here like you did – uh, actually, I tried and, yes, I do admit that I failed. If somebody wants to pick up the ball and kick it around this time, I might be interested, but I would have to vet the idea, again, with Frank…and I think we all know where that will go, again.

Taken in its entirety, Gopnik's proposal might be hard to reconcile with our continuing mission to present the Corcoran's choice collection of American art (of particular resonance in this capital city) or with its very strong educational and community orientation. Still, he suggests a promising direction, not just for this museum but for our city and our national patrimony.

Translation: Look, man, all of us at the Corcoran know we have problems (and, by the way, I would like to personally thank you and the editorial staff of the Washington Post very much for not going into too much detail about all that history), but, as you know, we’re really all about real high art at the Corcoran, not exhibiting multiple prints or scavenging around in abandoned attics looking for old historic photographic stuff to display. Although there’s no chance in hell we (Frank) will every go along with your scheme, we do appreciate you taking the time to devote a full page to your ego and its idea, rather than excoriating us in painful detail over other serious matters. The potential commercial success of your brilliant concept would probably be much better realized through a for profit corporate enterprise like that which built the International Spy Museum. I personally know the folks over there and would be happy to set you up for a lunch date with them. You can reach me anytime on my Blackberry.

J.W. Bailey

A BLOG Revolution?

"The hype comes from unemployed or partially employed marketing professionals and people who never made it as journalists wanting to believe," he said. "They want to believe there's going to be this new revolution and their lives are going to be changed."
Read the New York Times story here.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Levy on Gopnik

Dr. David Levy, Director of the Corcoran, responds today in the WaPo to Blake Gopnik's interesting and provocative idea (from last week) that the Corcoran ought to establish a separate identity by focusing (no pun intended) on photography.

Blake here and Levy's response here.

I am curious what people think about Gopnik's idea. I think that it has some merit and I agree that Philip Brookman has done an extraordinary job as the Corcoran's photography curator. And Gopnik is right in the fact that there are some excellent photography collections, both public and private, in our area; why not have a museum for the genre?

From a commercial perspective it makes sense too; at least half of our shows for the last couple of years have been photography shows. In fact this year, we probably had more like 75% photography shows. Our sales have consistently been at least 50% photography.

Email me your thoughts and comments on this subject and I'll publish them here.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Melissa IchiujiWhile at the Corcoran yesterday I ran into an interesting card announcing a "36 hour non-performance in front of the Corcoran Gallery of Art on the corner of 17th Street and New York Avenue in Washington, DC."

The non performance, by Corcoran student, actress, former WPA/C intern and dancer Melissa Ichiuji, is titled Stripped and asks the question "How much would you loose to appreciate what you have?"

Stripped will take place May 10 starting at 6AM and finish May 11 at 6PM. More info here.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Artsy Friday

There are a ton of great art openings and art parties going on all over town tonight! If you've got nothing to do, then you haven't been paying attention!

I'll be at the Warehouse Gallery party for artists who donated works for their fundraiser.

See ya there!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

The Thursday Reviews

In the City Paper, Louis Jacobson reviews William Christenberry at Adamson.

In the WaPo, Jessica Dawson's Galleries column reviews a museum show as she writes about Tim Rollins + K.O.S. show at the Kreeger Museum.

In the Gazette, Chris Slattery reviews Elisabeth Lescault at Creative Partners.

League of Reston Artists (LRA) Juried Show

I will be jurying the LRA Annual Juried Show this coming June. The deadline is May 31, 2005.

This annual Juried Exhibition will take place at the Reston Community Center at Lake Anne's Jo Ann Rose Gallery in Reston, Virginia from June 6 – July 4, 2005.

The competition is open to all Washington, D.C. Greater metropolitan area artists working in all media and there is a $500 Jo Ann Rose Award and $1,000 in Equal Merit Awards.

Details, entry forms, etc. here.

More Opportunities for Artists at the Arlington Arts Center

In addition to the great opportunity first posted here, the newly renovated Arlington Arts Center has a couple more excellent opportunities for artists:

Art from Arlington: July 19 - August 27, 2005. Application Deadline May 25, 2005. All artists living or working in Arlington, Virginia are invited to apply for this group exhibition of artworks in all media. Prospectus may be downloaded at AAC's website.

2005 M.F.A Graduates Exhibition: July 19 - August 27, 2005. Application Deadline May 25, 2005. Open to 2005 M.F.A. Graduates studying in Virginia, Washington DC and Maryland. Artworks in all media will be considered. Floor plans and prospectus may be downloaded on AAC's website or call 703.248.6800, ext 12.

Wen Ma Video

Shigeko Bork mu project will next showcase Jennifer Wen Ma's video installation and performance, "Flight and Cleansing Walk."

Wen Ma's work is like a one-person funerary procession. It is a quiet demonstration of loss and grief, and (at the same time), a personal ritualistic cleansing and purging. The opening reception for the artist will be on May 11 from 6 - 8pm.

The video installation will be on view from May 11 till May 27, 2005. Ms.Ma will perform "Cleansing Walk" in Washington, DC from May 6 - 9.

For the time and location of her performance, please call the gallery. Shigeko Bork mu project is located on 1521 Wisconsin Ave., N. W. No. 2, Washington, DC 20007. The phone number is 202.333.4119

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Gallery Openings This Friday

This is the First Friday of the month... and of course that means that the galleries around the Dupont Circle area will have their extended openings. By the way... whoever maintains this website needs to really update it! Some of these galleries have closed while others have opened!

Anyway...Specially interesting will be the opening at Conner Contemporary, where Leigh will have Kehinde Wiley and Sabeen Raja. If you have time for only one show, go see this one.


The Examiner checks in with a timely article on the impact of BLOGS.