Sunday, May 07, 2006

48 Hour Film Project

I just found out that the 48 Hour Film Project is doing their Washington, DC event this weekend.

And thus, this weekend local filmakers are undertaking the 48 Hour Film Project locally, and each competing team has exactly 48 hours to make a five minute film that incorporates the same character, prop and line of dialogue.

Why am I writing about this cool film project in a visual arts blog?

Because this year's DC elements are as follow:
Character: Tim or Tina Tate, Gay Glass Sculptor Extraordinaire
Prop: Fire Extinguisher
Line of Dialogue: "This is absolutely the last time."

There were 100 teams at the kick-off event, and their films will be screened May 9 through the 12th at AFI, and the schedule is listed here.

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