Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Go Vote

Do not forget to go vote today - otherwise your bitching rights are rescinded.

I voted for the first time as a Pennsylvanian today and was somewhat surprised by the fact that I just walked in, they asked my name, found it in the book, had me sign it, and that was it.

"Don't you need to see some sort of ID," I asked.

They looked scared, as if I was setting them up.

"No," said the lady; 90 seconds later I was done.

Interesting... I find it amazing that you need ID to buy cigarrettes or booze if you look anything under 30 (although I still haven't figured out where I can get a six pack in this state), and you need ID to cash a check, and you need ID to get on a plane, and my local supermarket wants ID if you charge over $80 to your credit card, but no ID is needed to vote.

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