Friday, November 19, 2004

Canal Square Georgetown Openings Tonight

Tonight is the third Friday of the month, which means two things:

(a) It is the opening for the new shows of the five Canal Square Galleries in Georgetown. The galleries (Alla Rogers, Fraser, Parish, MOCA and Anne C. Fisher) will have their new shows and openings from 6-9PM. The openings are catered by the Sea Catch Restaurant and are free and open to the public.

(b) It will either rain, snow or one of those manhole covers will blow up in one of the nearby streets and the streets will be closed (this has happened three times in the last 18 months: each time on an opening night!)

See you there tonight!

And then tomorrow, join members of the "Girlz Club" at Artomatic for a tribute to Ana Mendieta.

"Girlz Club" members will make a silueta of pine cones and then paint leaves with a mixture of their blood and paint.

The tribute will on on Saturday, November 20th at Sunset on the grounds of Art-O-Matic. Follow the signs to the NW corner between the two big maple trees.

Artists to Meet on Monday

Marsha Stein's art project is getting a lot of attention and is being filmed for a potential "reality TV" series about art.

The next meeting for interested artists is at Fraser Gallery Bethesda on Monday, November 22 at 7pm.

Interested artists should contact Marsha Stein at

New Gallery in Town

Galleryconnect is the new gallery space at 2103 O Street, NW in the Dupont Circle neighborhood. The gallery is currently showing "First Exposure," which is an exhibition curated by Lana Lyons, Director of the Studio Gallery.

The exhibition features Chandi Kelley and Rob Saccardi in their gallery debut. The show goes through December 19, 2004.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Jeffry Cudlin reviews Dan Flavin in the current issue of the City Paper, and Lou Jacobson dismisses Chan Chao's new (but really his old) work at Numark.

Chris Shott in the WCP has a really good article on the costs of staging Artomatic.

So far they are $56,197 in the hole.

Time for one of our area's generous donors or billion dollar corporations to step up to the plate?

Maybe the Washington Post?

I like irony.

Am I the only one noticing a pattern emerging from the diverse set of "top ten" lists of Artomatic artists that I have been getting and publishing?

Art is subjective, but you do not have to be a Cryptologist (I am) to detect the pattern beginning to emerge from the lists coming in from people with signifcantly diverse interests, backgrounds, tastes, and agendas.

I'll publish the definite Art-O-Matic Top 10 List at the end of the show. It will a list derived and mathematically compiled from the various lists that I have received and am still receiving.

Then I will see if I can figure out a way to get those artists in that list on a group show somewhere.

McLean Center for the Arts, Ellipse, Target Gallery, DCAC, Transformer, Corcoran (cough, cough) or any other art space out there... feel free to email me and offer your wall space next year; Gopnik review practically guaranteed!

For Women Photographers

The next Secondsight meeting for women photographers will be held on Thursday, December 2 at 6.30pm.

The meeting will take place at the Fraser Gallery, 7700 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda Place, MD 20814.

The Fraser Gallery is two blocks from the Bethesda metro station and there is ample free parking. The guest speaker will be Connie Reider.

Meetings are free for members, $10 for guests. Please visit for more information or call Catriona Fraser at 301 718-9651. Please RSVP to

Faith Flanagan's Top Ten Plus Artomatic List

Faith Flanagan is a local art fan, collector in the rough, and sometime guerilla curator. She has never been a particular fan of AOM, but strongly believes that it should not be dismissed in its entirety by those with the wit, charm, and intellect to know better.

Kathryn Cornelius
Liz Duarte
Matt Dunn
Dave Savage
Dylan Scholinski
Matt Sesow
Ira Tattelman
Kelly Towles
Bridget Vath

+ (cheating just a tad)

Overall Team Response: Eye Candy
Alan Callander, Ian Jehle and Karen Joan Topping

All about the Ladies: Girlz Club Members: Judy Jashisky, Lynda Hesh, Candace Keegan, and Ami Martin Wilbur.

Grammar.police Top Ten Artomatic List

Kriston from Grammar.police writes an eloquent review of his Artomatic visit and also delivers his top ten list:

Scott Brooks
Chris Edmunds
Nina Ferre
Linda Hesh
Ian Jehle
Syl Mathis
Allison Miner
Tim Tate
Kelly Towles
Amy Martin Wilber

Jesse Cohen mistyped the URL of DCARTNEWS (which is and instead Jesse typed

This is what Jesse got instead of DC ARTNEWS.

Is that weird or what?

I love the Internet.

Jessica Dawson has a few mini-reviews in today's Style section of the Post.

Natalie Koss' Top Ten Artomatic List

Natalie Koss is the art critic for On Tap Magazine, and after several hours of walking through Art-O-Matic, she has selected and sent me the following list:

Chad Alan
Michele Taylor
Brett Davis
Thomas Edwards
Kayti Didriksen
Amy Marx
Mark Planisek
John Aaron
Laura Seldman
Tim Tate

Alex Katz will be delivering a lecture at the Corcoran on Monday, November 22, starting at 7:00pm.

In this evening, Alex Katz discusses the scope of his career from its beginnings in the 1960s and the major role he has played in the emergence of new perceptual realism in painting.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Jeff Blum over at DC Photo Scene visits Artomatic and offers some interesting words on the subject.

Jeff adds these eloquent thoughts to the dialogue:

"Artomatic felt more alive and vibrant than any other art event I've been to in DC, and I can't imagine it not being worth a couple of hours of anyone's time. Even if you end up hating everything in it, I can't imagine it being a waste of time to drop by. Lots of angst, gaudiness, crappy work, good work, earnestness, politics, thoughtfulness, whimsy, and an unbelievable amount of everything else not listed."

My "sources at the Post" (Oh please!) tell me that this coming Saturday the Washington Post's "Free for All" will have lots of letters and commentaries about Blake Gopnik vis-a-vis his rootcanalization of Art-O-Matic.

Keep an eye on the Saturday Post.

kojo nmandi Artomatic was on NPR today at the Kojo Nnamdi show.

My kudos to Kojo for once again coming forth to highlight what is going on in the DC area art scene! Kojo has demonstrated (time and time again) the initiative that other "local" NPR shows seem to lack in helping to promote our area's visual arts.

Listen to the show here. It starts at around 13:32 in the show.

Busy day tomorrow...

First I'll be at the third and final day of my conference and then in the late afternoon I'll be briefing the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities on the advisory panel's recommendations for the Individual Grant awards to DC artists. My advance congratulations to all of the DC artists who will be getting $5,000 each, and my stern request that more of you apply in the coming years.

I am always shocked as to how few artists apply each year.

Aimee GarciaAfter that I will be hanging the spectacular debut of Cuban artist Aimee Garcia Marrero at Fraser Georgetown.

Aimee Garcia Marrero is a very young Cuban painter whose solo US debut in Los Angeles sold out in 2002 (a third of our show has already pre-sold before the opening). She then participated in the VIII Bienal de La Habana and since then has been working furiously to create this show.

The Garcia Marrero opening is this coming Friday, from 6-9 PM. We will have Cuban music, Cuba Libres and catering by the Sea Catch Restaurant. It's part of the opening night for the five Canal Square Galleries.

Come and say hi and I'll buy you a Cuba Libre, or as I call them: "Cuba Presa."

Fred Ognibene's Top Ten Artomatic List

Fred Ognibene is a DC area contemporary art collector; below are his top ten Artomatic finds:

Joseph Barbaccia
Scott Brooks
Frank Day
Nina Ferre’
Mark Jenkins
Syl Mathis
Allison B. Miner
Elizabeth Lundberg Morisette
Ruza Spak
Kelly Towles
Rob Vanderzee

Again, today I'll be at a conference most of the day today, so check back later for more top ten lists and other stuff.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Sidney Lawrence, who recently retired as the PR person at the Hirshhorn Museum, and who also used to exhibit at the former Gallery K, now writes for, and has this excellent round-up of Washington area shows.