Thursday, July 21, 2005

WaPo on Seven

Jessica Dawson has a mini review of Seven in today's Washington Post's Galleries column. Read it here.

Scotty is dead

James Doohan, the Canadian chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise in the original "Star Trek" TV series and movies who responded to the command "Beam me up, Scotty," died Wednesday. He was 85.

Fair winds and following seas, Scotty.

Airport run-in

It's an odd application of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but I am always amazed at how chaos and order seem to cease to exist at airports.

I've had some interesting airport experiences in my life (none weirder than this one), such as sitting next to Darth Vader and selling him a drawing, or meeting Ana Mendieta when she was a graduate student (and getting a drawing from her).

But tonight, when I arrived at Dulles, I ran into Vance.

Vance is an American of Chinese ancestry, who happens to be an ex-Army Ranger, and one of the most lethal people on this planet. This is the kind of a guy who can kill you in a dozen different ways before you even know he's killing you.

Me: "Vance! What are you doing here?"

Vance [stares until he recognizes me]: "Lenny! I didn't recognize you... you're wearing a suit!" [Vance's imagery of me is in other style clothing].

Vance: "What's with the hair?" [I've been growing my hair]

Me: "What have you been up to?" [actually sounded like "What'cha bin up ta?"]

Vance: "Been training for a big fight in Argentina." [Vance is part of an "under-the-noise" circuit that fights for big money in freestyle fighting all over the world - a few years ago he actually lost an eye in a fight].

Me: "Mmmm.."

Vance: "I think a broke my clavicle in training though..."

Me: "Ahh..."

Vance: "I've been on travel though... so I haven't had time to see a doctor."

Me: "You should before you enter that tournament..."

Vance: [looking at me like that "here's your sign" comedian from the Blue Collar Comedy Tour] "yeah..."

Me: "see ya Vance..."

Vance: "Take care Lenny..."


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

BORF vs The WaPo

We all know that street artist/graffitist/vandal BORF was arrested recently and that WaPo reporter Libby Copeland wrote this piece on the subject.

And then, several of the below have turned up on the sidewalks near the WaPo building...

street graffiti near Wash Post building


second set of street graffitti

A little trivia for you (don't ever play Trivia Pursuit against me)... Vandalism is from the word Vandal. The Vandals were a German tribe that, at the fall of the Roman Empire, swept across Europe leaving behind a trail of destruction, wreckage and... uh... vandalism.

They eventually settled in southern Spain as a people. The land that they settled in is today known as Andalusia... the word Andalusia is a derivative of the Arabic Var Andalus which borrows from the Latin Vandalus... or The Land of the Vandals.


Airborne today...........

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Opportunities for Artists

Deadline: July 28, 2005

New York Hall of Science Juried Exhibition - DIGITAL'05: "EXQUISITE" is the 7th Annual International Digital Print Competition & Exhibition organized by Art & Science Collaborations; Oct. 1, 2005 - Jan. 15, 2006 at The New York Hall of Science, NYC. Digital'05 invites an examination of the nature of "exquisite" in all of its ramifications. This year's juror is Lynn Gamwell, Director of the Binghamton University Art Museum, Binghamton, New York, and Curator of the Gallery of Art and Science at the New York Academy of Sciences, New York City. $5/per image submission. See Prospectus for full details & Online Entry Form here

Deadline: July 31, 2005

Thousands of photographers compete in the annual International Photography Awards (IPA) competition. Fifteen finalists (eight professionals and seven non-professionals) are nominated for IPA's top award: The International Photographer of the Year Award, and invited to the Lucie Awards (October 17 at the American Airlines Theatre), where one winner will be announced, earning the coveted Lucie and $10,000. Visit their Web site for a competition entry form:

Deadline: August 12, 2005

Texas Erotic Art Show - An erotic art theme exhibition open to all interpretation of erotic art, on all forms of medium. This is a commission free exibit. Deadline for entry is September 5, 2005. Handling fee of $20 per piece on all work sold The Exhibition will be held Oct. 21-22, 2005 in Austin, Texas. Early Submission Fee $30 for 1-4 slides, prints or images on CD. Please include $5 for each additional slide, print or image on CD. Late Submission Fee $40 for 1-4 slides, prints, or images on CD. Please include $10 for each additional slide, print or image on CD, deadline Sept. 16th. Online entry form at this website or e-mail: or send SASE to:
Maverick Sun Arts,
2900 W Anderson LN C-200-#351
Austin TX 78757

Deadline: Feb 28, 2006

Yavapai College is seeking contemporary
work in all media for 4-5 week display, 2006-07 school year. Insurance. Please send 15 slides, list, resume, statement, SASE, etc to:
Edie Dillon
Yavapai College
Visual & Performing Arts
1100 E Sheldon St
Box 6850
Prescott AZ 86301 or call 928-776-2031 or email

Mark Jenkins Strikes Again

This time in Baltimore. See the small plastic tape bird atop the sign?

Opportunity for Artists

The Greater Reston Arts Center (GRACE) is requesting proposals for exhibitions for its main gallery space for periods of approximately 4-6 weeks. Proposals will be accepted from artists, independent curators, or arts organizations.

Visit this website for more details.

Frank's Back!

Frank Van Riper's award-winning photography column in the Washington Post has been re-launched!

Frank Van Riper on Photography has appeared in the WaPo since 1992, first in the Friday Weekend section and for the past five years in the Camera Works section of

However, Van Riper has been absent from CameraWorks for more than a year. Principally, this hiatus allowed Frank and his wife and partner Judith Goodman to complete work on their six-year book project on Venice: Serenissima: Venice in Winter.

With that book now done, Van Riper has resumed his regular space in CameraWorks -- in a new incarnation that will allow even greater display of photography, as well as give Frank a chance to offer more timely reviews and recommendations of what is new and notable in the visual arts world, both in Washington and elsewhere.

This is a good thing for our area's cultural tapestry. Welcome back Frank!

Two Billion Dollars

Is what's needed urgently by the Smithsonian Institution in order to "maintain its 660 buildings and care for the millions of objects, documents, and photographs in its collections over the next decade."

Read it all here.

Monday, July 18, 2005

All day

I'll be lecturing and yapping all day here in San Diego... more later.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Since yesterday I didn't spend all day at the International Comic Book Convention - because of the huge lines - I instead decided to go do some artwork.

Because I work in charcoal, I always bring some supplies with me while I travel: pencils, sticks, paper and erasers, plus a fixative spray can.

So I bought a six pack, packed it inside a plastic garbage can from my hotel room and covered it with ice and drove to Spanish Landing to do some drawings. And I found an empty bench, and set up to draw some small drawings...
My San Diego Drawing Bench

This is my drawing bench - facing the water at Spanish Landing

I ended up doing a few small drawings overe the next few hours.
San Diego Bench in Spanish Landing

And below are some of the pieces that I did while enjoying the sun and a few beers:

Two nuns
Two Nuns

Two nuns in window
Two Nuns in a Window

A Pictish Face
A Pictish Witch

And I had done these two the night before in my hotel room; they are inspired by my interest in the legend of La Llorona:

La Llorona
La Llorona (from a photograph by the great Danny Conant.)

La Llorona Laughs
La Llorona Laughs

Saturday, July 16, 2005


Yesterday and again his morning I took the trolley to the San Diego Convention Center to go and spend the day at the International Comic Book Convention. When I got there, around 11AM... there was already a huge line to get in - at least three or four thousand people, if not more, and the streets were just packed.

So instead I decided to take some fun snaps (I hate waiting for anything; especially waiting in line).

Scissorhands in San Diego

This young kid made this entire outfit himself and it's a pretty good Edward Scissorhands... down to the the plastic kid-safe scissors

And then these Manga-costumed kids see me taking Edward's picture and yell out: "Take our picture too!" And so I do...
Manga kids at Comic Book Convention

The girl on the left seems to be saying to the one putting her sunglasses and bags away: "C'mon! Hurry Uuuuup!"
Manga Lives!
Stormtrooper with glasses
Did you guys know that Imperial Storm Troopers could wear glasses under that white helmet?

Robocop in San Diego
Storm Trooper in Japanese Flip Flops
Then I spotted this Imperial Stormtrooper (short guy) and his blue-haired wife (or partner). He was wearing those cool, Japanese Samurai wooden sandals that add [like] four inches to your height.

Dark Sith Lord in San Diego
And a dark Sith Lord posed for me...

Robocop works the crowdAnd Robocop is still attracting attention...

and so I spot security
And then I spot Security...

Troopers at ComicCon
And so I asked them to pose for me

Green Lantern and The Hawkman
And then I spot The Green Lantern and The Hawkman

Mrs. Hawk coming out of the bathroom
And then I catch Mrs. Hawkman coming out of the little girls' room

Justice LeagueThe Justice League poses for me... including a sullen-looking, knock-kneed Batman

two girls at comic con
Two hotties posing...

clark kent forgot to take off his watch
Clark Kent obviously forgot to take his watch off while changing into Superman inside the phone booth. And by the way... now we all know where Clar k Kent's clothes go once Superman rips them off: in a duffel bag!

Jedi with troopers
Two color-coordinated Storm Troopers with a vision-corrected Jedi Knight

the girls
And the girls say goodbye...

The first morning, I rushed to the elevator as the doors were closing, "Sorry!" I shouted as I ran to it, put my arm in and stopped the doors from closing. There were several people inside and I suspect a little annoyed that I had delayed their rise to the top floor by a few seconds.

I immediately noticed that one of the persons in the back of the elevator was the tiny actress Natalie Portman (Princess  Amidala from the Star Wars prequel).  As she was not my first rodeo in meeting movie stars, I gave her privacy and following the law of elevator etiquette, faced the door and turned my back on her and her posse.

The lady who I assume was her personal assistant, apparently couldn't stand that I was apparently ignoring her client, and stepped to my side and said softly, "do you know who this is," her chin moving slightly as she pointed to the rear in the direction of the tiny actress.

I looked back at Portman, who smiled, a little embarrassed (if that's possible for an emerging Hollywood starlet).

"Nope," I said to the assistant in my best bored voice.

I think that I heard a small heart crack behind me... made me feel a little guilty.

Opportunity for Artists

Maryland Art Place (MAP) is putting out a call for artists interested in exhibiting their work as part of a curated exhibition that will take place in MAP’s galleries during the final weeks of 2005. Artists are being asked to submit a maximum of ten images of recent or new works on a CD or in slide form, including a one page image index outlining details of each submitted artwork, listing title, date, medium, dimensions and any other pertinent information. (No original works or master slides should be submitted for review.) Artists are given free reign to create works: inspired by; limited to; or resistant of; sensibilities normally related to kitsch.

If selected to participate in this exhibition, the artist’s chosen work will be exhibited along with their brief statement and bio. Many works for this exhibition will be selected during a studio visit by MAP’s Director of Programs, Lisa Lewenz or a guest curator. Artists are encouraged to consider submitting work ranging from small objects to large room-sized installations. This exhibition will celebrate irony, style and a full array of responses to kitsch as an important genre.

This call for entry requires that artists desiring consideration must complete an application form (found online at and submit a CD with proposed images as a maximum of ten 300dpi 5x7” medium sized jpg copies (or a sheet of ten slides) with a corresponding image index, and a recent copy of your resume. After review, unless previously arranged, application materials will be forwarded to the Maryland State Arts Council Visual Artist Registry—a free resource housed and maintained by MAP that promotes Maryland artists. Artists without a Visual Artist Registry file will be asked to open one if it has not been previously created. Thus, please do not submit a self-addressed stamped envelope, as application materials will not be returned. IF a self-addressed envelope is enclosed, please use stamps only (not dated postal strip.)

Artists will be responsible to coordinate delivery, installation, and removal of their work. Please send all application materials in one envelope to:

8 Market Place
Suite 100
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

There is no entry fee or cost to participate. Questions? Call 410-962-8565 or email (put KITSCH in the subject line.)

Art-O-Matic 2006

There will be an Art-O-Matic next year. Stay tuned for news.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Public Bailey

Bailey has an interesting public art project going on that is drawing some local attention.

See it here.


OK, OK... I know this is geeky, but tomorrow I'm spending all day at the International Comic Book Convention.

Openings tonite

The five Canal Square galleries in Georgetown will have their usual 3rd Friday openings tonite from 6-9PM. New shows or extended hours (6-9PM) by Anne C. Fisher, MOCA, Parish, Alla Rogers and Fraser.

We will host the artists selected by juror Jack Rasmussen for the 9th Annual Georgetown International. Jack will be awarding the cash awards around 7PM tonight.

The galleries are all inside the Canal Square at 31st Street, NW and M Street. Since I am in San Diego, I'll miss the opening, but go and see some art!

CNN on Seven

CNN videotaped a segment with Kim Ward, the Acting Executive Director of the WPA/C. The interview covered the history and mission of the WPA/C, a bit about Warehouse, a few shots of the show, and a plug for the Artist's Directory.

I do not have the schedule for the air times; hopefully next week. It will be on for the last five minutes at the top of the hour on CNN Headline News in certain markets. I do know that they will show the spot 8 times a day for one week before the show closes.

Blogspheric Grid

Anna L. Conti has a Blogospheric Grid of what some of the mugs in the Art Blogsphere look like.

See them here.