Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Transformer's 13th annual Collector's View series

Transformer's 13th annual Collector's View series -- which offers a glimpse into the private collections of prominent contemporary art collectors in the DC area -- is online. While in previous years this series was held in the homes of their collector Hosts, this year, Transformer has re-imagined this series in response to current events.

Collector's View 2020 Reimagined Online is a series of daily videos in which a different Host will share a favorite artwork in their private collections. This year's diverse lineup of Hosts include: Molly Donovan, Curator of Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Art, Svetlana Legetic, Co-Founder and CEO of Brightest Young Things, and Lucian Perkins, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winning independent photographer and filmmaker. 

Collector's View 2020 Reimagined Online is free and registration is required. People who register will have access to a new video every Monday - Friday at 4pm throughout the month of June. 

Unique opportunity to have an intimate glimpse into the homes and collections of their Hosts!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Artist Booster Grant 2020

Just a reminder that tomorrow at midnight is the deadline to apply for an Artist Booster Grant 2020. Submissions to-date have been both fascinating - amazing artists - and heart breaking stories.

Please share with any and all you would like to encourage and support in the arts.

A View from the Inside Out, will award two unrestricted $500 grants to artists who are persisting in their work and community despite the turbulent times:

Two $500 unrestricted grants to support artists and their ongoing work in these challenging times. Organized by A View from the Inside Out, a mentor-mentee program that builds community art projects while advocating for ethical labor policies and practices.

Open to all artists. Period. No application fee. No restrictions on how the funds are used.

Deadline to apply: May 15 2020
Awards Announced: May 29 2020
To apply click here.

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Call for funny animal pics

Deadline: May 31, 2020 

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards are looking for funny wildlife images. The competition has six categories: 
• The Alex Walker’s Serian Creatures of the Land Category 
• The Spectrum Creatures in the Air Category 
• The ThinkTank Photo Junior Category 
• The Amazing Internet Portfolio Category 
• The Olympus Underwater Category 
• The Video Clip Category. 

No Entry Fee. 

Friday, May 08, 2020

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this would be rip-off asswipe:
Beacon Actis - beacarctt00@outlook.com
Good Day,
How is work and family? I picked interest in your artwork and decided to write you. I will like to know if your artwork can be purchased and shipped internationally?. I can email the artwork of interest and payment will be completed in full once you confirm my purchase order with a quotation. Kindly let me know when you are in office and ready to take my artwork order also let me know if you accept either Visa Card/MasterCard or PayPal for payment
Best Regards

Thursday, May 07, 2020

Available $$$ for Virginia Arts and Humanities Organizations

More Than $1 Million Available for Virginia Arts and Humanities Organizations Struggling Due to COVID-19

Virginia’s state-wide arts and humanities councils will receive more than $1 million in federal funds designated for emergency relief to arts and cultural organizations affected by the COVID-19 health crisis, according to a joint statement by Virginia Humanities and Virginia Commission for the Arts.

The funds are part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) passed by Congress in March. The $2 trillion aid package includes $75 million each for the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), a portion of which will be sent to state and territorial arts and humanities councils to redistribute to nonprofit organizations in need.

Application information and eligibility requirements are now available on VirginiaHumanities.org and Arts.Virginia.gov. The deadline for museums, historic sites, and educational and cultural institutions to apply to Virginia Humanities is April 30 and the deadline for arts agencies to apply to the Virginia Commission for the Arts is May 8.

Virginia arts and cultural organizations can also apply directly to the NEH and NEA for aid of up to $300,000 (NEH) and $50,000 (NEA).

Wednesday, May 06, 2020

The Coronavirulization of the American Art Scene

National impact of COVID-19 on the arts is $4.8 billion... and rising! 

According to a study by Americans for the Arts (AFTA), the economic impact of the Wuhan Flu Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the arts and culture sector is significant, with over 42.3 million lost attendance and close to 27,000 people furloughed or laid off from jobs with cultural organizations.

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

From Margery Goldberg

A note from DMV art icon Margery Goldberg - click anywhere on the below to see some great ideas:
Dear Zenith Friends,
 Mother's Day. What do Mothers want the most? To see their children happy, healthy, successful, fulfilled, engaged in life.They want grandchildren, but probably should not ask when!
 They want to be with their family no matter how large or small. Now this is the hard part given our current situation. Some cannot be together now. Even though in some families they have not spent this much time with their children in a long time. They say there will be a surge of homeschooling now that people have the handle on it.  
 Mothers are all ages. Our children are mothers, our sisters and cousins are mothers, and even some fathers have to be mothers!
I believe that being a mother is as much of a state of mind as a physical actuality. I am a stepmom to wonderful men; they have families and I have grandchildren. Being a mom does not mean you had to give birth to them. If that were true then everyone who gives birth would be a great mom. Fortunately, most are fabulous moms. Some over-mom and they hover, and as a dear friend says, you give them roots so they grow wings.  
 The preeminent mother of them all is Mother Nature. She is all wise and she is in control. If anyone had any doubt, these last few months should leave no doubt in your mind. We will either abide by her demands or we will perish.  
 What does your mother, daughter, sister or any woman that means something to you want?
Something personal, no matter how small. Zenith is here to help you with that. Whether it be a piece of jewelry, a work of art, a gift certificate so she can pick out her own. How about a commissioned portrait of Mom or the entire family? Today you can see a number of those artists to choose from. Hubert Jackson, Davis Morton or Bradley Stevens have very distinctive styles, so you have a lot to choose from.
 It is time to show your mom or any mom in your family some appreciation. They are doing more than ever.

Friday, May 01, 2020

The Coronavirulization of the Self Portrait - Call for Artists!

The Corona Portrait Project invites submissions of self-portraits created in response to the current pandemic. Accepted entries will be exhibited online and select entries will be featured. Submissions accepted on a rolling basis, do not wait to submit. See website for submission instructions. 

No Entry Fee. 

Details: http://www.coronaportrait.com/

Sunday, April 26, 2020

From the DC Art News files

Circa 2011 - This photo was taken in 2011 at the home of a DMV art collector who threw a nice book opening party for my 100 Artists of Washington, DC book.  In the pic's background we see Andrew Wodzianski, Tim Tate, Pat Goslee, me and Victor Ekpuk's arm. In the foreground, Chawky Frenn is hugging the late, great Lida Moser!

The above photo was taken in 2011 at the home of a DMV art collector who threw a nice book opening party for my 100 Artists of Washington, DC book.  In the pic's background we see Andrew Wodzianski, Tim Tate, Pat Goslee, me and Victor Ekpuk's arm. In the foreground, Chawky Frenn is hugging the late, great Lida Moser!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Wear a mask!

Please show respect to our essential workers every day during this Coronavirulization of the planet pandemic by wearing a mask!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Call for photographers

Deadline: May 31, 2020 

The California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco has launched a grant for emerging photographers, aged 18-25, to support the creation of photographic images around the themes of conservation, science and sustainability of the natural world. They are looking for proposals for multi-media Projects around the theme of conservation, science and sustainability of the natural world. 

No Entry Fee. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Explore a Post-Pandemic District or Connect with Local Artists on Facebook

Check out this great little blurb by Lou Jacobson in the Washington City Paper about what artists are doing online during the Covidian Age and its associated Coronavirulization of Art!

Read it here!

Art I am looking at every day - COVID19

That DMV area jewel known as Judith Olivia Heartsong has created a very cool Facebook page for everyone to share some of the artwork that is helping them to survive the quarantine of the Covidian Age.

See it here.

I've been posting including...

I generally do not hang much of my own work in my house - this piece is one of the exceptions: It is a rather large Frida Kahlo portrait collage done in 1979 at a collage class by Prof. Jacob Lawrence when I was a student at the University of Washington School of Art. I used it both for the collage class and for a portrait class project... I used paper from art magazines of that year, and the pieces all have clues about Frida's life and impact... she wasn't as well-known back then...

Monday, April 20, 2020

Art Scam Alert!

Beware of this scammer:
From: james anderson -- jamesanderson361@hotmail.com
Hi, I'm  James from PA I noticed my wife viewed your website on my laptop and i guess he likes your piece of work. I'm also amazed to have seen your nice works too. I would like to purchase the piece attached as a surprise for my wife on our Anniversary, is the piece available and what is the final price? Thanks and best regards

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Corona Portrait Project

The Corona Portrait Project invites submissions of self-portraits created in response to the current pandemic. Accepted entries will be exhibited online and select entries will be featured. 

Submissions accepted on a rolling basis, do not wait to submit. See website for submission instructions. 

No Entry Fee. 

Details here.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

City of Alexandra: Step up!!!

The City of Alexandria, Virginia owns the Torpedo Factory building - one of the greatest art jewels of the United States. In these strange times, this is what one of the artists who rents a studio in that building notes:
Its a surprising to me that the AlexandriaVA.gov hasn't waived rent for the artists at the Torpedo Factory. Actually, it disgusts me. I mean, I get it, it now runs on tax dollars and our rent but what is the Office Of The Arts (no facebook page, weird but unsurprising) going to do when they are faced with several empty studios come the end of this bc artists are struggling and don't want to face owing the city thousands of dollars? The city said they would waive rent for now but we'd have to pay it back, but they will work with us on a payment plan. No fucking way, I'm already struggling, not going into hock to a tyrannical government. "We're from the government and we're here to help."
The city really hasn't been very effective. There was one studio empty for months bc they couldn't fill it, another that is rented but the artist is never there, never. I know of at least 2 studios that will be empty soon, before this mess. Under the watch of the Torpedo Factory Artists' Association that never happened. Never. Ever. Maybe the city needs to reconsider allowing a thriving artist association to manage the studios again, or at the very least, allow our 2019 artists to sublet and be eligible for studios. After all, they went thru the same blind jury process that's been in place for 45 years and created the center that is today so beloved. Weird, right, that the city would draw such an arbitrary line, especially when they can't fill studios on a slow day. It sure will be interesting to see how this unfolds....

Friday, April 17, 2020

Wuhan Virus Impact Survey for Artists

Americans for the Arts has developed a COVID-19 Impact Survey. also with a companion survey for individuals (artists) to complete. Please take a moment to take part in the survey as the VCA is tracking the data relative to the state, and using it as a reference point in impact updates to the Administration, other key policy makers and stakeholders. 

You are encouraged to complete the survey periodically in the time ahead, as the Americans for the Arts is poised to track increasing impacts as time goes on. 

Do the survey here.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

The curious case of Michael Barbaro's voice cadence

Five years ago I wrote about the hypnotizing voice of the then new NPR ads voice over person, and even postulated what the owner of that melodious voice would be like (somewhat like Parmigianino's Madonna dal Collo Lungo).

I also lamented and discussed uniquely young American female phenomenon of "vocal fry." Young, that is, until Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's spectacularly annoying voice made its debut during the attempted lynching of now Justice Kavanaugh.

Enter another radio voice into the arena: the strangely-patterned diction of Michael Barbaro, who is an American journalist and the host of The New York Times news podcast, The Daily.

Barbaro, who sounds like a really nice guy, is clearly a graduate of the William Shatner School of Diction, as his melodious voice seems to speak in "chunks."  He starts a sentence, makes unexpected stops after random words, has a delay of game second or two, and then continues the sentence as if nothing unusual has just been delivered to the airwaves.

Sort of like (my imaginary trascript): 
"Good afternoon. Today's podcast is...  ....  ... fascinating.  We will speak with Lenny Campello, who can best be described... ... ... as a legend... ... ... in his own mind, and perhaps... ... ... in a few other... ... ... ... ... minds - welcome Lenny."
The voice starts - first gear goes in smoothly, second gear no problem... but then neutral kicks in... and then Mikey pops the clutch back to second gear -- it is spectacularly addictive!!!

Listen to The Daily here.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Call for photographers

The contest is organized by the International Basketball Foundation. This year, photographers and basketball lovers may submit their photos that best illustrate the theme WOMEN IN BASKETBALL. 

Each participant may submit a maximum of three images. 

No Entry Fee. 

Details: http://bitly.com/2CazgIJ

Monday, April 13, 2020

Call for artists

Artists from around the world are invited to design a poster on the theme “Zero Waste.” 

“Zero Waste” to remind the individuals what their responsibilities towards the environment are; It includes raising awareness of why we should attach importance to “Zero Waste” to leave a green Earth for future generations. Each artist may submit up to three posters. 

No Entry Fee. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resources

Resources for Artists and Organizations Navigating COVID-19
The American Alliance of Museums has compiled a guide to help museums prepare internally and externally for outbreaks in their communities.
The American Folklore Society has a list of resources for folklorists and other working in the traditional arts field.

Americans for the Arts is posting info on COVID-19 on their home page as well as asking arts organizations and creatives to provide data and stories for an impact survey.

Artist Relief is a coalition of national arts grantmakers that have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States.

ArtsReady, an online emergency preparedness service by and for arts/cultural nonprofits, is adding updates daily.

The Association of Performing Arts Professionals (APAP) has pulled together resources to help you and your team prepare for and respond to the potential impact of the Coronavirus.

Billboard has a state-by-state listing of resources for professional musicians.

The Center for Folklore Studies at The Ohio State University has put together a list of resources for folklorists nationwide.  

This COVID-19 & Freelance Artists list contains general resources, advocacy links, and a growing list of funding opportunities.  

Creative Capital has a comprehensive list for artists working in all disciplines, organizations trying to steady the boat, and anyone working to create the new normal.

DC’s Capital Bop has posted a list of resources for DC jazz artists and audiences.

Dance/USA has a comprehensive list of information and resources regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the dance field.
The Delaware Division of the Arts has a list of resources specific to the state along with national grant opportunities and technical assistance.

The DeVos Institute of Arts Management at the University of Maryland is offering pro bono consultations to any U.S.-based non-profit arts or culture organization between March and June 2020, as a response to the mounting effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Jazz Philadelphia has shared a list of national resources for musicians and other resources that are specific to Philadelphia and PA.

The Joan Mitchell Foundation has posted a COVID-19 Emergency Resources for Visual Artists listing that breaks opportunities out by regions as well as nationally.

Maryland Citizens for the Arts has a great list of resources for artists and organizations including grants, relief funds, and info on MD’s small business relief programs.

The Maryland State Arts Council has posted resources specific to MD organizations, artists, and businesses as well as links to national resources.

The Mid-Atlantic ADA Center has compiled a list of links from Federal agencies and other organizations applicable to individuals with disabilities, older adults, educators, employers, businesses and more.

NAPAMA (North American Performing Arts Managers and Agents) has posted a list of resources including information related to airfare refund and/or cancellation policies, emergency fund and relief programs, sample communications, and more.
The National Endowment for the Arts has posted a comprehensive list of national resources for artists and arts organizations.

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts is sending a weekly newsletter and posting resources to their website.

New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is posting regular updates with information on their programs as well as other links to support.

The New York State Council on the Arts has a resource list for NY-based artists and organizations that includes funding as well as preparedness, legal, and other technical support. Many of the resources are national as well.

The Pennsylvania Council on the Arts provides resource links for artists, organizations, creative entrepreneurs, arts workers, and arts administrators.

The Recording Academy® and its affiliated charitable foundation MusiCares® have established the COVID-19 Relief Fund to their peers in the music community affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Virginia Commission on the Arts has put together a great list of resources for VA artists and organizations. The list also includes national resources and resources for audiences.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Need help with grants during the pandemic?

Through April 24, between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm ET, feel free to drop in to Americans for the Arts Zoom "Office Hours with Nina"

Nina will be available to help you navigate the complex web of funding opportunities, federal regulations, and deadlines related to the $2.2 trillion federal aid package in the CARES Act.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Lest we forget

Thursday, April 09, 2020

More grants for artists in dire $$$$ needs

To support artists during the COVID-19 crisis, a coalition of national arts grantmakers have come together to create an emergency initiative to offer financial and informational resources to artists across the United States: Super easy to apply for artists experiencing dire financial emergencies due to the COVID-19 pandemic:

Click here!

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

More Arts Resources: Wherewithal Recovery Arts Grants Opens Today!

Wherewithal Recovery Grants
from the Washington Project for the Arts
Recognizing the profound economic and artistic toll that the COVID-19 virus is taking on visual artists in our region, Washington Project for the Arts (WPA) is launching a recovery fund with $60,000 in seed funding from a $100,000 grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.

Wherewithal Recovery Grants are available to professional visual artists, as well as moving-image / performance / sound artists with a history of presenting or performing in visual arts contexts (galleries, museums, etc.), living inside the DC-area Beltway. The $1,000 grants are intended to help offset lost income from cancelled exhibitions, performances, or lectures, and from canceled or furloughed employment.

The application portal will open on Tuesday, April 7th and can be accessed at www.wherewithalgrants.org. WPA staff will review applications every two weeks on a rolling basis until all the funds have been dispensed.

Preference will be given to artists who can demonstrate need and whose practices are in alignment with one or more of WPA’s values: collaboration, experimentation, and inclusivity. The names of all applicants and awardees will be kept confidential.

For questions about Wherewithal Recovery Grants, please contact Nathalie von Veh at nvonveh@wpadc.org.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

The Coronavirulization of Stimulus Packages

If/when there's another pandemic stimulus package, before the politicos fill it with pork, how about including a special pay, one time bonus - $25K - $50K per person, to doctors, nurses, hospital staff, first responders, cops, grocery workers, truck drivers, etc.? 

In other words, to all those who are putting their cojones on the line for the rest of us? 

Send your elected representatives a note! You can get their address and or phone number below:

I'm looking at you Nancy Pelosi!

I'm looking at you Schiff!

I'm looking at you McConnell!

I'm looking at you Schumer!

DC Metro Virtual Town Hall: Strategies for Survival in the Visual Arts


Tues, April 14, 6-7:30pm

Co-hosted by the Third Space Network, McLean Project for the Arts/VA
VisArts/Rockville/MD & Hamiltonian Artists/DC

The Third Space Network (3SN) announces DC Metro Virtual Town Hall:
Strategies for Survival in the Visual Arts on Tuesday, April 14, 2020, 6-7:30pm. 

The event will address the impact of Covid-19 on the visual arts in the DC metropolitan cultural community, an invitation for visual arts organizations, galleries, artists, curators, and other arts professionals to participate.

To register/access the event, visit the Third Space Network’s Crowdcast online platform: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/dc-metro-virtual-town

The DC Metro Virtual Town Hall will include short presentations by local arts leaders and funders along with open public dialogue intended to share solutions for the following: funding sources, future programming, support for artists, and engagement in community outreach. The event will also be an information resource for organizations facing the challenge of migrating their public events and exhibitions to the online medium. The Virtual Town Hall is envisioned as
a timely opportunity to call for a regional-wide arts consortium for initiating collaborative projects and joint funding: helping to unite arts & cultural communities in the DC region during these extraordinary times of crisis.

Confirmed Guest Speakers: Nora Halpern, Vice-President of Leadership Alliances, Americans for the Arts; Jack Rasmussen, Director of the American University Museum/Chair, Maryland State Arts Council; Robert Goudie, Virginia Commission for the Arts; Sarah Burford, Media Arts Specialist/Visual Arts, National Endowment for the Arts: TBA, DC Commission on
the Arts & Humanities.

Planning Group: Randall Packer, Creative Director & Christina Papanicolaou,
Communications Strategy, Third Space Network; Nancy Sausser, Curator/Exhibitions Director, McLean Project for the Arts; Susan Main, Gallery Director/Curator & Frank McCauley, Assistant Curator, VisArts/Rockville; Lily Siegel, Executive Director, Hamiltonian Artists/DC; Richard Dana, Artist/Co-founder, Take Me to the River Project; Kerry Brougher, former Chief Curator/Deputy Director, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.

Guest Speakers: Nora Halpern, Vice-President of Leadership Alliances, American for the Arts, is an art historian and curator. She joined Americans for the Arts in 2001, while also maintaining a rigorous practice as an independent curator.

Jack Rasmussen, Director and Curator of the American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center, Washington, DC since 2005, he previously held Executive Director positions at di Rosa Preserve: Art & Nature, Maryland Art Place, and Rockville Arts Place. He also currently serves as Chair of the Maryland State Arts Council. 

Robert Goudie was appointed by Gov. Ralph Northam to the Virginia Commission for the Arts in 2019. He is also the executive director of the Reston Town Center Association, has been Board Chair for the Greater Reston Arts Center the last six years, and helped found Public Art Reston and serves on its Board of Directors.

Sarah Burford is Media and visual arts program manager for the National Endowment for the Arts. She is also a curator and creative professional with expertise in program development and management; philanthropy and grant-making; modern and contemporary art; museums; government; non-profit management; and the public sector. 

Third Space Network (3SN) is an artist-driven Internet platform for staging creative dialogue and live performance. 

https://thirdspacenetwork.com/ f thirdspacenetwork / t @thirdspacenet / i

Hamiltonian Artists is a dynamic catalyst for DC’s creative economy and a vibrant center for contemporary art in Washington, DC. https://www.hamiltonianartists.org/

McLean Project for the Arts (MPA) exhibits the work of emerging and established artists from the mid-Atlantic region, offers instruction and education in the visual arts, and promotes public awareness and understanding of the concepts of contemporary art. https://mpaart.org

VisArts in Rockville transforms individuals and communities through the visual arts. Their vision is a vibrant, diverse community enriched and connected by the visual arts. https://www.visartscenter.org/