Sunday, July 05, 2015


We will be at the Fall Affordable Art Fair in NYC next September! 9th year in a row.

Showcasing work by Anne Cherubim, Ned Martin and Sang Joon Park!

"Bread and Butterfly"
Oil on Aluminum by Ned Martin
24x24 inches, circa 2014

Excitable Cells 
Acrylic on canvas by Anne Cherubim
20x20 inches, circa 2013

Ceramics by Sang Joon Park
Dimensions variable, circa 2014

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Happy Fourth!

Friday, July 03, 2015

Blue Mountain Family Restaurant

We usually drive from DC to the Poconos via I-81, but as there was construction going on... this time we took I-78 and discovered this great family owned restaurant... From now on we will be taking this route just to eat at this joint; If I could give them 100 stars I would!

The Blue Mountain Family Restaurant in Shartlesville, PA.

Super friendly staff to start with... they employ an army of people, so there's always someone within eyesight! When we got there around fivish, the place was fairly empty; by the time we left around six, it was packed to the gills.

We had the buffet, which was spectacular. The salad bar was well stacked and included two kinds of cole slaw - both delicious and fresh cut up fruit and several kinds of rolls... Also hot bacon dressing, which must be some kind of Amish or German delicacy, but I passed on that.

At the buffet, everything looked home made... The oven baked fish plate was excellent, there was a ham carving station and a stack of the largest ribs that's I've seen in ages. 

There was also a sweet potato mash to die for... Just good old comfort food! 

Also a large variety of desserts, with two kinds of German chocolate cake!

Bottom line: If you're driving on I-78, stop for chow at the Blue Mountain in Shartlesville, PA!

Thursday, July 02, 2015

How to eat a mango

For TBT: Originally published in 2011:

Here's another peek at some of the writing that I've been doing about my early childhood in Guantanamo, Cuba. This particular chapter has a section which deals with the art of mango-eating which I think you may find of interest.

The chapter in question essentially describes my neighborhood and the below segment picks up on a house up the street from my grandparents' house which had a huge mango tree:
Next to Mongo’s house was another walled house where Enrique “El Manco” lived. His nickname was slang for someone missing a hand, although Enrique had both hands, but was missing several fingers from one of them. His front yard boasted a huge mango tree. It was easily the largest tree for blocks around, and during mango season, the huge branches, loaded with fruit, that hung above the street were an unending supply source of mangos for everyone with a good aim to knock some of them off with rocks and then pick them off the street.

But soon all the mangos from the branches that over hanged onto the streets were gone, and then we had to actually sneak into the walled garden and climb the tree and knock some mangos to the ground, climb down, grab them and scram back to the street before anyone in the house noticed the intrusion. This was nearly impossible, as it seemed that every member of Enrique’s family was always on the lookout for mango thieves, as the mango tree was a source of income, since they sold them by the bag-full from the side of their house.

The art of eating a mango deserves some attention.

There are several ways. The first one, and the most easy to perform by amateur mango eaters, is simply to take the mango, cut into it with a knife and slice off the meaty parts, peel the skin off and eat the hard slices.

Seldom did a mango knocked off Enrique’s tree make it to any house to be eaten this way.

Once you knocked off a mango, and provided that no one grabbed it before you got to it – as there was always a group of mango rock throwers, and anytime a mango came down, it was always a debate as to exactly whose rock had brought the fruit down. Cubans love to debate just about anything, and the mango debates provided very good training on this art. Anyway, once you had a mango, then you ran to either the shade of my grandparents' house’s portico or the bakery’s veranda to enjoy the fruit.

Here’s the proper way to eat a mango.

First roll it back and forth on the ground, a tiled floor is perfect, to mush up the inside of the mango. Then, using you fingertips, really liquefy the mango pulp by gently squeezing the mango over and over. Once that pulp is almost nothing but juice, with your teeth puncture a small hole at the tip of the mango.

You can now squeeze the mango and suck the juice through that hole. It’s sort of a nature-made box drink!

Once all the mango juice is all gone, now comes the messy part. No one, not even the British, has ever discovered a way to eat a mango without making a mess.

Once the juice is gone, then you bite the skin, strip it away from the seed, lick it clean and then begin to bite away all the strands of mango fiber still attached to the seed. By the time a good mango eater is done with a mango, the mango seed looks like a yellowish bar of used soap, slick and fiber-less.

Of course, your face and chest area are now completely covered in dried up, sticky mango juice, so then you'd usually head back home to clean up with the garden hose and drink water to quell the thirst that the mango sugar causes.

That’s how one eats a mango – at least in my childhood neighborhood.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Cuban dictatorship

If you think that the Castro brothers and their band of criminals will ever let loose their strangle hold on the Cuban people's neck, then as Dostoevsky so elegantly puts it in The House of the Dead:
Tyranny...finally develops into a disease. The habit can...coarsen the very best man to the level of a beast. Blood and power intoxicate...the return to human dignity, to repentance, to regeneration, becomes almost impossible.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Warrant arrest for Shepard Fairey

And then there was this:
Detroit police have issued an arrest warrant for the artist who created the famous "Hope" poster in support of President Obama during the 2008 election, it was revealed Wednesday. 
The Detroit Free Press reported that Shepard Fairey faces two felony counts of malicious destruction of property.... In an interview with Esquire magazine published last month, Fairey said Obama had not lived up to the expectations he had when supported his campaign.
 All the details here.

Homage to a beautiful voice

The other day I was driving around the DMV listening to NPR when the voice of the new lady who does the credits for NPR came on. I reached for the knob and turned the volume up just to hear her voice.

It wasn't the first time that I had done that in the last few weeks, but this time my brain became aware of what I was doing: I was turning the volume up on the radio just to hear the voice of an unknown person... just to hear her voice... and she was essentially doing an ad!

What the heck? That's a little weird, right?

But then the sound waves of her hypnotizing voice flowed over the 88.5 WAMU airwaves, and it captured me once again. This time, aware of what I was doing, I awaited the tiny "ehh" sound that she makes as she skillfully breathes in between long sentences, as words, like tiny silk webs, flow out of her throat. That little "ehh" somehow was able to make me smile.

I don't know who the anonymous voice over for NPR's funding credits is, but I do know that she has the most beautiful voice on the planet. I would bet that she is somewhat tall (a voice like that needs an appropriate vehicle) and I just know that she has a long, elegant neck. Not as long as Parmigianino's Madonna dal Collo Lungo (Madonna with Long Neck), but she'd make a perfect model for a contemporary interpretation of that Mannerist masterpiece. It takes a breath-taking neck like that to deliver the melody that is her voice.

Whoever and wherever you are: thank you for giving me such a wonderful and unexpected pleasure on a daily basis.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Opportunity for female Artists

A Commission & Print Replication Project

Application Deadline: Saturday, August 1, 2015

MAP, in partnership with CyberPoint International is pleased to announce an open ‘Call to Artists’. As an extension of MAP’s annual IMPRINT Project, MAP is working with CyberPoint to offer a unique opportunity to female visual artists of the greater Baltimore metropolitan area. Collectively, MAP and CyberPoint wish to commission and license the image of a new work of art. The image of that artwork will be reproduced in a limited edition and presented to the guests of CyberPoint’s Women in Cyber Security reception on November 19, 2015.

The selected artist will receive a $750 Cash Award, increased visibility of artist’s name and artwork through press announcements and be highlighted on MAP and Cyberpoint's websites. Print production sponsored by CyberPoint.
Download the full application and guidelines here.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015

Gallery B call for artists

The Bethesda Arts & Entertainment District and Bethesda Urban Partnership are accepting applications for Gallery B 2016 exhibitions.

This gallery (the former Fraser Gallery), located at 7700 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite E in downtown Bethesda, is available to interested artists and arts organizations for one-month rentals. All media including, but not limited to, painting, photography and sculpture is eligible to use the space. Gallery B does not take a commission on any artwork sold during the exhibition.  
They are seeking applications from local artists and arts organizations for month-long exhibitions in 2016. Gallery B has approximately 1,500 sq. feet of available exhibition space. The deadline for submission is August 3, 2015.

To be considered for a solo or group exhibition, and to review the gallery requirements, please
complete this application.
Questions?  Please send them an email to

Thursday, June 25, 2015

And then it hit artwork

This is what happens when a battle over a piece of cloth with complicated interpretations and emotional responses, filters down towards artwork.

Make sure that you read the comments, so that you can see how angry our fellow citizens are.

Hubris Ate Nemesis .... Sigh...

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Paintings of the Fraser Gallery... I mean Gallery B

The below gorgeous painting by Cathy Abramson  will be on display at the the Hill Center Galleries Regional Juried Exhibition.

It is one of the series by Abramson titled "Gallery After Hours" depicting the interesting reflections on the windows of Bethesda's iconic Fraser Gallery Gallery B.

The other two paintings are also part of the series.

Details about the exhibition itself are on the invite to the left. The opening reception is Thursday, June 25, 6-8 PM.
Galleries After Hours III
24 x 36 inches

Galleries After Hours III
24 x 48 inches

Galleries After Hours III
24 x 36 inches

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Update on Alper Initiative

You can refresh on the terrific Alper Inititiave and the spectacular impact that it will have on DMV artists here. Then for an update:
The new home of the Alper Initiative will be:
  • 2,000 square foot space
  • 5 exhibitions of Washington art per year
  • 1 common gathering area for events and film screenings
  • DC's only museum space dedicated to the display, research, and encouragement of the region’s art 
The construction begins on August 1st, 2015, and the new space will open in January of 2016. 

In order to learn more about the project please check out their Facebook page, or this recent article.  They are also in the process of building their webpage.

Monday, June 22, 2015

The curious case of the media ignoring Rachel Dolezal's art lies

It has been said that the real power of the mainstream media is to "ignore." That is, to pick and choose what "they" want to publish and "make known"; the latter usually something that fits the particular agenda of the individual news organization.

The comments for some of DC Art News' posts on Rachel Dolezal abound with recommendations from DC Art News readers encouraging Dave Castillo and I to go to the mainstream press outlets with the various artistic deceptions and outright lies that Dolezal has purposefully committed throughout her artistic life.

Movie Still from the film Pariah
 "Alike's World" "Painting" from Dolezal's blog
And I have! I have contacted dozens and dozens of editors, writers, newsrooms about the expose that shines a light on her lies and fabrications when it comes to her art life.

So far, the response has been mostly zero.

Why would the media ignore the fact that Rachel Dolezal may have fabricated her art CV? Why would they ignore that she most likely lied (or vastly exaggerated) about her art sales while in the DMV?

While would they ignore the fact that she appears to be selling photo reproductions on canvas as original paintings?

Could it be because these discoveries fall "outside" of her race change storyline and expose the fact that her entire persona, including her production as an artist, is built on lies?

Many good people, who are not aware of Dolezal's artistic deceptions, have been otherwise very accepting of Dolezal's racial lie. After all, she was one with the "cause", blah, blah, blah, goes the "accepting" narrative.

Were they to discover that Dolezal not only created a mountain of lies in order to provide a base for her racial lie, and her life as a victim, etc. but also mimicked that performance for her persona as an artist, then they might repudiate her -- as a person -- rather than accept her, as a "sister."
Dolezal Name Meaning: Czech and Slovak (Doležal): nickname for a lazy man, from the past participle of doležit ‘to lie down.’

George Bernard Shaw schooled

"I am  enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play;  bring a  friend, if you have one."     - George  Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill

  "Cannot   possibly attend first night; will  attend second   ... If there  is one."  
  - Winston  Churchill, in response

Sunday, June 21, 2015

General Grievous

General Grievous  Graphite and Colored Pencils on Gessoed Masonite  Anderson Campello, c.2015  11x14 inches
General Grievous
Graphite and Colored Pencils on Gessoed Masonite
Anderson Campello, c.2015
11x14 inches

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Portrait of Lucifer

Satan wears many faces; this is one of them:

Censored painting now hangs in museum

While still in her 20s, Shapiro received a significant artistic nod with a solo show at the Whitney in 1973. It was the nascent days of feminism, and Shapiro’s work explored questions about what it meant to be female or male. But the topic of gender back then belonged in the realm of the avant garde, so much so that the museum censored two paintings out of Shapiro’s exhibit. That stunning experience sent Shapiro traveling an unexpected artistic path, a path that came full circle when SAM acquired her paintings.
Read about the interesting road that artist Ann Leda Shapiro's painting took to get into the permanent collection of the Seattle Art Museum. Details here.