Sunday, November 02, 2014

SFS Fundraiser Auction

I know that we artists are always been asked to either donate our time (panels, jury duty, etc.) and also donate artwork for auctions. It is often hard to say no, especially when the cause is really good. I know that I generally donate 8-10 pieces of artwork a year for charity and one of my pet peeves is that the IRS only allows artists to deduct the costs of materials. However, if a collector or anyone other than the artist donates the work, then they can deduct the full cost of the art. This sucks, but then again the entire IRS construct sucks (as it is today).

Sidwell Friends is easily one of the best schools on the planet, and one part of their focus which I really admire is how hard they work to make the school available to families who can't afford the school's hefty costs. And this is why I'm supporting their yearly auction fundraiser for scholarships.

Donate here.

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Bloomberg Art Challenge

Bloomberg Philanthropies has launched the “Public Art Challenge,” a program which will grant at least three cities with populations greater than 30,000 up to $1 million each over two years to develop public art projects that “celebrate creativity, enhance urban identity, encourage public-private partnerships and drive economic development.”  The Public Art Challenge invites mayors to collaborate with artists and arts organizations in developing innovative temporary public art projects that engage residents and attract visitors.

The City of Philadelphia invites all interested organizations and artists to submit their ideas for the Public Art Challenge.  Applications will be accepted by the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy (OACCE) on behalf of the City of Philadelphia.  The OACCE will review all applications alongside an independent selection panel and make recommendations to the Mayor on which proposal(s) to move forward.  The OACCE will work with the selected applicant(s) to develop an initial application to Bloomberg Philanthropies.  If Philadelphia is selected as a Public Art Challenge finalist, the OACCE will work with the recommended applicant(s) to develop a full proposal. 
Both the initial application and full proposal will be submitted by Mayor Michael A. Nutter.  

The OACCE will accept proposals from all artistic disciplines – including but not limited to visual arts, performing arts, and multimedia projects.

My question is.... Is Washington, DC participating? For that matter any and all cities around the DMV that qualify? Are you listening Bethesda, Rockville, Alexandria, etc.? 

Click here for complete application details about the City of Philadelphia’s Bloomberg Philanthropies Public Art Challenge.