Monday, March 24, 2008

Wanna go to a DC opening this Friday?

New American Paintings
The artists featured in this month's Longview Gallery in DC were selected by Stephen Bennett Phillips (formerly of the Phillips Collection) for the New American Paintings publication, Volume No. 69. I've heard all kinds of great stories from artists whose selection to that publication has led to good gallery attention.

And here is a real life example!

Robert Sparrow Jones' works are loose and energetic, relying on a bright and forceful color scheme to evoke an emotional response.

Jamie Pocklington’s subjects come mostly from internet photos albums and image search engines. He is drawn and appropriates images that have universal qualities that he then collages into new scenarios, out of context of the original photos.

The opening reception is Friday, March 28, 5-8pm.


To DC area artist Tim Tate, whose Chicago debut in a cool four person show opened in the middle of a Chicago snowstorm last weekend in Chicago's ubergallery Marx Saunders.

Five years ago or so, you could have acquired a piece by Tate for around $600 bucks - at this show, his work is going for as high as mid 20s.

Details of the Chicago show here.

This week

This week Dr. C. Everett Koop, Dr. Gary Vikan, Mr. Fred Lazarus, myself and others -- will be jurying the artwork for the The Innovators Combatting Substance Abuse Program in Baltimore.

Then on Thursday I'll be at The Fifth Annual Visual Culture Symposium, “Intended to Provoke: Social Action in Visual Culture[s]” will take place at George Mason University on Thursday, March 27, 2008 as I have been invited to participate.

I will be discussing the emergence of a significant number of visual art blogs at the turn of the new century. This emergence was almost immediately ignored by both the mainstream media and the fine arts world. Just a few years later art blogs not only challenge the mainstream media in the reporting and discussion of the arts, but often lead the way in in-depth announcement, discussion, imagery and promulgation of socially challenging, subversive or political art, as well as presenting historically bound street art, such as graffiti and street installations to worldwide audience.

In this presentation I will discuss the emergence of visual art blogs and offer examples of how blogs have taken over the lead from other sources and venues, as the leading proponent, critic and publicist for art intended and created in order to provoke. The presentation includes discussion and examples of work from artists from places such as Cuba and Iran, which was only recognized and discovered by a worldwide audience through those artists’ own illegal blogs or discussion of their work in other blogs or through the process knows as the “blog roll.”

Questioning accepted literary styles, the visual art bloggers also became part of the social reaction towards established art criticism, and in a way also provided a way to criticize and dissect the critic him/herself. I draw on a variety of widely read visual art blogs to establish bloggers initial discordance and break from formal art criticism and reporting conventions and the eventual alignment of many of them with the same conventions as their influence grew. As a visual arts multi-political and international force they now wield a powerful impact on what is considered an “intentionally political work of art,” such as the Abu Ghraib paintings by Colombian artist Fernando Botero or the chalcography etchings by Cuban artist Sandra Ramos Lorenzo.

The day-long Symposium is being held at the Johnson Center Cinema at George Mason’s Fairfax Campus. The day will end with a reception in the art gallery on the first floor of the Johnson Center, Gallery 123.

Schedule - "Intended to Provoke:Social Action in Visual Culture[s]"
March 27, 2008
George Mason University

9:00 – 9:30a.m. Introduction & Video

Panel 1:
1. Robles & Stein (Community Art)
2. Wolpa (Visual Culture education)
3. Cohn (Design School)
4. Campello (Art Blogs)

11:15a.m. – 12:15p.m.
Panel 2:
1. Derr (Walking/Chance)
2. Namaste (non-violent intervention)
3. McCoy (bodies in China)

12:30 – 1:00p.m.
Dance Performance

1:00 - 2:00p.m.
Panel 3:
1. Johnson (Crises & the everyday)
2. Greet (Ecuador)
3. Campbell (culture jamming)

2:00 - 2:15p.m.
Mark Cooley and Art Exhibit Selections

2:15 – 3:15p.m.
Panel 4:
1. Clements (childbirth)
2. Slavick (R&R/altered images & things)
3. Okunseinde (Fugitives)

3:30 – 4:15p.m. Keynote/Debate

4:30 – 5:30 p.m. – Art Exhibit/Reception


Sunday, March 23, 2008


El Greco's Resurrection of Christ
El Greco's "Resurrection"

Saturday, March 22, 2008


To Tyson's Corner Habatat Gallery which is celebrating its first year anniversary with a terrific exhibition of figurative work by artists such as Bertil Vallien, Mary Van Cline, Robin Grebe, Clifford Rainey, Rick Beck, Patti Warashina, Dan Dailey and Janusz Walentynowicz.

They are having an anniversary party on the evening of March 27th. If you are interested in attending you must RSVP to

Artists' Websites

"Next Generation" by Erwin Timmers

Erwin Timmer's work embraces concepts and principles of using sustainable resources to convey ideas about the relationship between industrial and natural resources; his philosophy aligns with concepts and elements of the emerging "green art" movement.

Erwin is also one of the founders and directors of the Washington Glass School in Mt. Rainer, MD and works with recycled materials, primarily glass and metal. His most recent works focus on the use of recycled materials to convey ideas about the relationship between human craft making and industrial technology.

Timmers is interested in identifying partners who share a commitment to using sustainable resources to contribute to the quality and craft of the architectural spaces in which art exists.

You can view Erwin's background and work at

New Strauss Fellowships for Individual Artists

Deadline: April 15, 2008

The Fairfax County Arts Council announced a new grants program for individual artists from Fairfax County in VA called the Strauss Fellowships. Named for Bill Strauss (1947-2007), gifted writer, cofounder of the Capitol Steps and the Cappies, the Strauss Fellowships support and encourage Fairfax County’s finest creative artists in all disciplines and recognize professional working artists’ achievements and their demonstrated history of accomplishments; they promote artists’ continued pursuit of their creative work.

Strauss Fellowships are an investment in the sustained growth and development of the arts in Fairfax County as well as a way to honor artists’ commitment to an artistic discipline, their professional activity in Fairfax County, and their contributions to the quality of life in Fairfax County. Guidelines and application materials are available online at The application deadline is April 15, 2008.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Job in the Arts: WPA Looking for Program Director

DC's Washington Project for the Arts is looking to hire a Program Director. The PD initiates and supports WPA, and WPA-partnered, exhibitions, programs and projects, coordinates the activities of all WPA interns and volunteers; oversees projects initiated by the WPA Executive Director, WPA Board of Trustees and the WPA Artist Council.

Salary and benefits is commensurate with experience and skill and at a minimum is $35K.

The ideal candidate will have a B.A. in Arts and Sciences, Art History or Museum Studies, or a B.F.A., (M.A. preferred), a broad knowledge of and experience in the contemporary arts in the region, across all art forms, past work experience with outreach initiatives or public programs in an arts organization,
excellent organization, writing, administrative and technology skills.

For details call 202/234-7103.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


I've just had an interesting email exchange with a very well-known artist, whose work I have sold many times in the past, and whose work I hope to sell again soon.

She was giving me prices for her new work, and checking up with me and all her other dealers I assume, because she noted that some galleries were selling a particular older limited edition etching for $3,000 each, when the gallery price should be $5,000.

I've never seen this work listed for under $5,000, but I digress.

She affirmed that the gallery price for that particular work was $5,000 and that only she could sell her own work in her own studio for $3,000.


This is a harsh lessons that most artists need to learn very quickly: An artist cannot afford to compete with him/herself when it comes to prices.

The exact same editioned work can't be sold for $1000 in DC, for $4000 in London, for $300 in Brazil and for $500 bucks in your studio. The same size painting cannot wonder all over the price scale depending where it's being sold.

See what that does?

1. It can damage the reputation of a dealer. Imagine the collector who pays $4,000 in London when he sees the same work for $500. The immediate reaction is "that dealer ripped me off," not realizing that the artist is the one who is ripping everyone off by creating price confusion and trying to pass the gallery commission off to the collector. A good artist and gallery relationship is a symbiotic one, not a money struggle.

2. It will damage the reputation of the artist and will always bring the "real" price of the work down to the lowest price, when the idea is for art dealers and artists to work together to raise demand and thus prices; not have prices wondering all over the scale.

This is very different from the secondary art market, where auction prices can wonder wildly all over the place.

But artists must be consistent in their pricing and swallow the bitter pill that if they are going to work with an art gallery or art dealer or many of both, then they can't have them competing with each other and also with the artist, because a good art dealer's job is to protect both the artist and the collector.

Of course there are nuances to this process... both dealers and artists should have a specified leeway to give collector's discounts to ahhh... collectors, and also offer discounts to multiple buys when someone buys several works at once.

But not discount your own work by 50% just because it is being sold out of your studio.

That just drags your prices down and will cause your art dealer to scold and educate you, or even drop you.

Of course, like some artists that I know, if you do not need an art dealer and can sell your own work all the time, then -- since you are the only one selling it -- you control prices and can do whatever you want, and hopefully won't be having art "sales" where you'll be "discounting" the work that you sold to collectors a week earlier for a specific price, to a much lower price.

It's a little complicated at first, but once you truly examine the issue, then it should be clear to see that the idea and goal is to expose your artwork, get it seen, commented upon and -- if that's your goal -- sold for a fair and reasonable price, and letting the laws of economics take it to where it should be.

But definitely not under the "blue light special" of your own studio.

Sandra Ramos Lorenzo

Later this year I will be curating two exhibitions of art by Cuban and Cuban-American artists for Mayer Fine Arts in Norfolk, Virginia and H&F Fine Arts in Maryland.

One of my favorite contemporary Cuban artists is Havana's intelligent and courageous Sandra Ramos Lorenzo, whose American commercial gallery debut took place at the original Fraser Gallery in Georgetown a few years ago.

photo of Sandra RamosCuban artist Sandra Ramos is considered by many to be the leading Cuban visual artist of her generation, and it was a surprise in the case of that Fraser show because she was not allowed to visit the US for her opening.

Since she had previously visited the US many times, both for museum shows in other American cities and for museum art conferences (as invited speaker), and since her work is in the permanent collection of many prestigious American museums, such as The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York and the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston, it came to her as a shock when her visa to attend her Washington, DC opening was denied a few years ago.

Her work, which often delivers visceral commentaries dealing with taboo issues in Cuban society such as racism, mass migration, freedoms and liberties and the impact of Communism on the Cuban psyche, has placed Ramos at the very leading edge of a group of young Cuban artists who use their art as a narrative medium to describe, criticize and export the harsh realities of Cuban life and the world in which they live and work.

print by Sandra RamosOne of Ramos’ most poignant works, in the collection of MOMA in New York best exemplifies the work that has made her famous. Titled in Spanish “The Damned Circumstance of Being Surrounded by Water,” Ramos transforms her image (as a little girl) onto the shape of Cuba, her body pinned to the island by bright red Royal Palms (the national tree of Cuba) changed from its natural color to the color of the Cuban Revolution. This mixed media print sells for $5,000 USD and I am told by Ramos that she's about to run out of the edition (edition of 50 as I recall).

This is one of those key Cuban artists who should become better known once Cuba's Communist sentence ends and Cuban artwork can become easier to obtain and show in the United States.

Buy Sandra Ramos now!

States' Arts funding grows in Fiscal Year 2008

We are being told that the economic sky is falling, but the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies' latest Legislative Appropriations Annual Survey reports that appropriations to state arts agencies currently stand at $359.6 million. Between fiscal years 2007 and 2008, state arts agencies gained $9.5 million in state funds, an increase of 2.7 percent.

state chart

Note Florida's massive cuts, accounted for "lower than anticipated state revenues."

Also note that the District of Columbia puts out $9.38M, while cheapskate states like Colorado ($1.5M) appear to barely support the state's arts agencies, and even more amazing, DC puts more money towards the city's art agencies than Virginia (which did increase by almost 27% by the way).

Real cheapskate award: California at $4M.

Spending too much for its own good award: New York state is projected by some to have a 6.3 billion dollar budget deficit, yet the Empire State puts out a whooping $51.8M.

Odd state territory out in the list: tiny Puerto Rico, which has an astronomical unemployment rate and pays no federal income tax, but gets to vote in the Presidential elections - while DC residents do pay and until the 23rd Amendment couldn't even vote - puts out $28.3M!

Phoenix Art Lessons for Cities

Here's a model for cities trying to make the arts work for them:

Freedom is the key to economic growth - The City of Phoenix decided a vibrant arts district would be a nifty idea to revitalize its downtown core. Too often, cities are tempted to achieve such a goal by taxpayer subsidies, eminent domain, tax hikes, or draconian zoning requirements. Instead, Phoenix decided to try a different approach --deregulation.

The City is proposing an “arts, culture and small business overlay” that eases zoning restrictions and increases the number of activities that no longer need a special permit in a small area near downtown. New businesses such as art galleries, bookstores, and restaurants will be allowed to operate without special permission. Restrictions on alcohol sales, musical entertainment, and outdoor dining will be relaxed. The City also will make it easier to rehabilitate existing structures.
Read the article here, then someone please print it and mail to the mayors of Philadelphia, DC, Wilmington, Richmond and Annapolis.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Artists' Websites: Eric Fischl

Bad Boy by Eric Fischl

"Bad Boy" c.1981 by Eric Fischl. Oil on Linen, 66 x 96 inches

Eric Fischl needs little introduction, and is certainly one of the most influential artists of that generation that flowered in th 1980s.

Visit his website here.


Cain, Son of Adam

"Cain Son of Adam - From him MacCain, McCain, Ibn Cain, MakkCain, McKane, Fitzcain, Cainish, Cainson, Kanesen, Kanesson."
Charcoal on Paper. 9" x 7" c.2008
By F. Lennox Campello

5,000 frames

I've been offered a super sweet deal on 5,000 custom made frames in a spectacular diversity of sizes, mouldings, styles and colors. Each one is a custom made frame that was a mistake (too big or too small for the custom job). Over a couple of decades, these huge framing shop has accumulated several thousand mistakes and now I can get them all for around $3,500... or maybe even less (I've already talked them down from $5,000).

Some are huge, some are small, but they are all high quality mouldings.

But I have no room for 2,000 frames much less 5,000. But if I found 3-4 people, or gallerists, or artists, or cooperatives, or schools, willing to go together with me, so that we each get 1,000 frames or so, then I'd be willing to piss off my wife, and use the water tight storage shed and the garage to get this sweet deal.

Email me if you are interested and I'll arrange a viewing and discuss terms.

Secrets Are More Than Just Secrets, Blogger Tells Fans

So said Frank Warren, 43, creator of the blog PostSecret, to a crowd of nearly 800 at the University of Maryland Tuesday night.

Warren is no stranger to secrets. Roughly 1,000 find their way to his Germantown mailbox each week.
Read the article by Michelle Williams here.

Frank Warren photo by Michelle Williams

BORF's baaaack!

I am quoting "Family + Friends of Daniel McG":

To mark two years since the arrest of environmental activist Daniel McGowan and the U.S. Government's escalation of state repression of environmental and animal liberation activists on December 7, 2005 - the Brian MacKenzie Infoshop, in collaboration with Washington D.C. based graffiti artist BORF; Just Seeds Visual Resistance Artists Cooperative and Family and Friends of Daniel McGowan have coordinated a new fundraising project to benefit Daniel McGowan.

A limited edition and rare five color print entitled 'Support Daniel' by notorious Washington D.C. graffiti artist BORF is being sold exclusively through Justseeds at All proceeds will go directly towards Daniel's commissary and education fund.

Smoking Fumo

If you'd parlevous Spanish then you'd understand what a cool headline the above one is...

The biggest thing in Vince Fumo’s career may well be the one he refuses to take any credit for.

Easy to find, on page 244

In October 2002, allocations of $100 million and $7 million were placed in the pending Pennsylvania capital budget to facilitate the move of the Barnes Foundation to Philadelphia. There was no public discussion and no debate. The allocations were not very prominently displayed; you have to look them up on page 244. The budget was passed on October 30, 2002.
Read Robert Zalles' "Barnes follies (cont'd.): The Fumo connection" here.

Nice words

A huge thank you to ARTifice for the nice words and comments about this artblog in their recent Top Ten Local-ish Art Blogs list.

They've got somre really good ones on their list by the way - check it out here.