Saturday, April 11, 2015

Some 2014 drawings and watercolors

"She knew that crying was not the solution" Charcoal

"She knew that crying was not the solution" (Detail)
"Eve and The Lilith" Charcoal

"Fallen Angel" Charcoal
"Fallen Angel" (Detail)
"Fallen Angels" Watercolors 40x30 inches
"Male Nude to the Right" Charcoal

"The Lifestyle" Charcoal
"The Lifestyle" (Detail)
"Woman Being Lowered from The Heavens" Charcoal

"Woman Being Lowered from The Heavens" (Detail)
"The Lilith" Watercolor
"The Lilith" Watercolor

"The Lilith" Watercolor

"Young Pict" Charcoal

"Young Pict" Charcoal

"The Catcher in the Rye" Charcoal
"Superman Naked" Charcoal

"Superman Naked" (Detail)

"A Man Alone" Charcoal
In a private collection in Florida

"Male Nude to the Right II" Charcoal

"Superman Flying Naked" Charcoal

"Superman Flying Naked" (Detail)

"High heel Shoes" Charcoal

"The Lilith Plotting" Charcoal

"Woman Falling from the Sky" Charcoal

"The Last Copy of The Constitution" Charcoal

"Man Overwhelmed by The Light" Charcoal

"Pictish Princess" Watercolor

"Tart" Charcoal

"Woman Falling from the Sky" Charcoal
"Woman Falling from the Sky" (Detail)

"Suddenly, She Was No Longer Afraid" Charcoal

When art meets $$$

Tiffany & Co. has entered into a long term partnership with the Whitney Museum of American Art, making it the lead sponsor of the museum’s influential survey of contemporary art into the next decade.
Details and whole article here.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Victor Ekpuk at MFA

Hip Sistas in Flux: The Visual-Lingual Braid
A solo exhibition of new artworks by VICTOR EKPUK

Asian Uboikpa (Hip Sista) Series #10, 2015, acrylic on canvas, 60"x48"
Asian Uboikpa (Hip Sista) Series #10
Victor Ekpuk
2015, acrylic on canvas, 60"x48"
Friday, May 1st- May 21st, 2015
Friday, May 1st, 6pm-8pm
The artist will be in attendance.
Morton Fine Art (MFA)
1781 Florida Ave NW (at 18th & U Sts)
Washington, DC 20009
Tuesday - Saturday 11am - 6pm
Sunday 12pm-5pm