Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Crimes of the Art

Crimes of the Art is a weekly survey of artless criminals’ cultural misdeeds. Crimes are rated on a highly subjective scale from one “Scream” emoji — the equivalent of a vandal tagging the exterior of a local history museum in a remote part of the US — to five “Scream” emojis — the equivalent of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist.
 Details here.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Gateway Arts District's Spring Open Studios

Dozens of artists throughout Mt. Rainier, Brentwood and Hyattsville open their spaces.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Heading to Texas this Fall

We're heading to Texas this Fall! Just been accepted to the Texas Contemporary Art Fair!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Call for Artists: The Writing on the Wall

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Painting Center is pleased to announce the exhibition, The Writing on the Wallrunning from June 23 through July 18, 2015. Highly publicized by the gallery, and with both a print and digitally archived catalog and an essay written by the artist  Karen Schiff, this exhibition will feature a diverse group of artists who are exploring text-based art. Visual art that incorporates writing engages the viewer on multiple fronts, with letters, numerals or scribbles that bridge the divide between mark making and narrative meaning. Historical examples like Egyptian hieroglyphs or Chinese calligraphy have often served more than a single purpose, including decorative, mundane and the profoundly ritual. From Cy Twombly and Jasper Johns to On Kawara and Jenny Holzer, exceptional artists have long grappled with the signification of words and numbers, which have proven fertile ground in a broadening range of contemporary art. In Mira Schor’s representations of language, Michael Scoggins’ ‘assignments’, the documentary artscapes of Loren Munk as well as graphic novels, ‘zines and the explosion of street art that started back in the day of autographical graffiti tags, we sense the synergy that occurs when text is more than just a caption to the image. We invite representational and abstract artists working in a variety of media to submit work that includes text, numerals or any form of writing. This exhibition will be juried by Susan Post, Colleen Randall and Patricia Spergel on behalf of The Painitng Center Membership.  
They invite representational and abstract artists working in a variety of media to submit work that includes text, numerals or any form of writing.
Deadline: May 5, 2015
Notification Date: May 15, 2015
Exhibiton Dates: June 23- July 18, 2015
To access submission information for The Writing on the Wall, see attached link: