Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Manta the Robot at AOM

Manta is a robot that has been transformed into a piece of art by Liliane Blom and can be seen on the move and/or operated remotely and communicated with during Artomatic 2015 - AOM is the planet's largest group art show and it happens in the DMV!

AOM is running through Dec 12th 2015 in New Carrolton Maryland. 

The goal of this art work is to connect art show visitors on a local, national or international level with each other through the assistance of a remote controlled robot that has been modified as a piece of art. The artwork touches on questions of community - and connections created though the bridging of distance through cyberspace. 

Liliane Blom has called her piece Manta for the robot company Mantaro in Germantown, MD (www.mantaro.com) that built the robot. The robot ,"before" being transformed, consists of a wheeled base with a pipe and a tablet at the top. It was designed as a communication device for the homebound elderly and as a mobile teleconferencing device. 

Liliane created an artwork around this skeleton. She believes Manta enables conversation and creates links between people who would otherwise not connect. The controller interacts with viewers through Manta and can travel through and experience the exhibit without ever physically being present . She believes that Manta can be an interaction facilitator, helping bridge and break down the social conventions (or geographical locations) that keep people from interacting. She believes people will react positively to this colorful, humanoid art piece that talks - operated by a real live person.... somewhere. 

On her fist foray Manta was operated from Norway as well as locally and was a big hit with visitors. 

How to Drive Manta:
To operate Manta remotely Liliane Blom needs to be contacted in advance so she can help the operator log on to the software and access Skype. 

Technical Information:
Manta is a papier mache and plaster sculpture built around a pvc pipe threaded around the conduit pipe connecting her tablet head with the base. The head communicates and sees the world through the help of Skype and the base is controlled separately through a proprietary software. The base has been altered with "training" wheels to keep her more stable. 

To see videos of Manta on her maiden voyage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxCzIWo9vgw

For more info contact:
Liliane Blom
TabulaRasa Art Studios Phone: (301)518-5312 www.ArtBlom.com www.LilianeBlom.com info@lilianeblom.com

Monday, November 16, 2015

Nudes and Porn

As you might have heard, a famous nude painting by Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani sold for $170 million at Christie's auction. Some people guffawed at the price tag attached to an early 20th century artwork, others just blushed at the naked female body contained within Modigliani's frame.

Take, for example, Bloomberg news. During a broadcast segment on Tuesday, Bloomberg censored the painting, blurring the areas of the painting depicting breasts and pubic hair. "Too racy!" the anchors exclaimed, a little embarrassed by the painterly brazenness of "Reclining Nude." 
The whole world seems to have discovered the goal of my 1996-1997 exhibition at the Fraser Gallery which focused on nude portrait of porn actresses and the then new phenomenon of online porn celebrities.

My question was essentially the same as Colbert's: If this woman shows a nude image of herself on the Internet, it's porn, but if I do a nude drawing of her, then it's art.

The opening was packed (many of the ladies attended the opening reception), and even the prudish Washington Post covered it (read the review here). 

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

AOM: Meet the Artists Tomorrow!

This Saturday, November 14th, is ARTISTS NIGHT at Artomatic. Meet face to face with the talented people who make Artomatic shine.
Artomatic 2015 - the planet's largest open art show is happening! It is running from October 30th - December 12th at 8100 Corporate Drive, Hyattsville MD right by the New Carrollton Metro Station. 
Anyone can participate in Artomatic - there are no criteria to register, and space is allocated on a first come, first served basis. Artomatic routinely attracts more than 70,000 visitors to see work by more than 700 artists, and more than 300 performances. Their presenting partner, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) Department of Parks and Recreation, is hosting Artomatic in a 90,000 sq ft building in Prince George's County. 
For more information please visit  http://2015.artomatic.org/ 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Heading to Miami next month!

"Supergirl Flying Naked"
Charcoal on Paper, 2015
10x36 inches by F. Lennox Campello