Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lori Katz at the AAFNYC

Lori Katz
Wall of Squares
55” x 45” x 2.5"

Stoneware with slips, underglaze, glaze, and mixed media including high-temperature wire,
oil paint, cold wax, metal leaf
You will be able to see this piece and many others works by Katz in New York at the coming Affordable Art Fair.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

This Friday: Arts and Humanities Fellowship Program Visual Arts Exhibition

Opening Reception
Friday, July 29, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
RSVP here.
DC Commission on Arts and Humanities
200 I (Eye) Street, SE
Main Gallery
Washington, DC 20003
Exhibition closes August 31
Gallery hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
200 I (Eye) Street SE, Washington DC
The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities presents a  visual arts exhibition featuring some of the District's finest visual artists applying for the FY 2017 Arts and Humanities Fellowship Program (AHFP). Each artist has submitted a piece that represents their body of work and artistic perspective. This exhibition captures the broad scope of the District's dynamic art scene and provides an opportunity for the artists to express their visions directly to the panel of peer reviewers evaluating their applications and to the public

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Opportunities for Artists

Non-DCCAH Calls for Artists (lifted from the DCCAH website:

Washington Area Visual Artists Registry

From Bill Roseberry:
Dear D.C. Artists,
I am in the very initial stages of compiling an historical comprehensive registry of Washington Area Visual Artists from pre-1800's to the present.
Besides names and dates, I wish to focus particularly on studio locations in and around the D.C. Metropolitan area, the neighborhoods they lived and worked, and other cultural and educational affiliations artists had or participated in.
I understand that this will be a very large project. But it is my wish that with enough individual responses and support I can demonstrate the need for institution support and funding in desire to create a larger centrally-located, interactive database with links to individual artists archives.
It simply seems to me that we need a shift in the balance the focus of research and funding in the arts from the end-product (objects on display and in collections) to the artist and his or her active community and primary means of moral and creative support.
To this end I have created this short survey to fill out and return:…/1FAIpQLSdQBHw5oMN8wNmxn…/viewform…

Please feel free to copy and share the form to as many D.C area artists (including former and current art students) you know and have contact with and ask them to return it. The more responses there are the better likelihood we can revive and reinvigorate the culture of artists in D.C. to fill the cracks and holes in the shared legacy that we've all contributed to create.
If you have ideas and suggestions please email me at

I would very much appreciate your feedback.
If you know of a deceased artist and can enter the following information please feel free to do so on a separate form.
Also visit and invite artist friends to visit…/ for updates.
Thank you.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Review of Alma Thomas

Thomas, who died in 1978, at the age of eighty-six, was a junior-high-school art teacher in Washington, D.C., whose own paintings were modernist and sophisticated but of no special note until she retired from teaching, in 1960, and took up color-intensive abstraction.