Thursday, November 20, 2003

In response to the whole issue of nude paintings causing a "controversy" in our Bethesda gallery, photographer Forrest MacCormack emails me a link to his favorite local nude in a public art collection.

Just like Forrest, I think that Ron Mueck's giant is a superb example of the diversity of the human body and the amazing range of emotions it can extract from us.


Deadline December 19 - Juried Art Show and Auction to benefit The National Center for Children and Families.

This is a call for artists for a live and silent auction to be held March 13, 2004 at BAPA's Imagination Stage in Bethesda, MD. NCCF is a private, nonprofit agency with an 88-year commitment to serving families in the national capital area. NCCF's residential programs serve homeless families, victims of domestic violence, and vulnerable adolescents. Auction proceeds to be split 50/50 between artists and NCCF. For more information or to download submission guidelines, please visit their web site at For questions, call 202-270-8822.

Deadline January 15, 2004 - Liquitex Excellence in Art Award.
Awards totaling over $14,000 in cash and products will be given to artists demonstrating skill and creativity in the use of acrylic paints. Open to residents of US and Canada. Entries must be postmarked on or before January 15, 2004 and be received by January 26, 2004. Tel:
800-445-4278 or visit:

Reminder: Today is the third Thursday of the month, and thus the Third Thursday extended hours by the downtown area galleries. See locations and details here.

And tomorrow is the third Friday of the month, and therefore the four Canal Square Galleries in Georgetown will have their new show openings from 6-9 PM. Openings are free and open to the public and catered by the Sea Catch Restaurant.

Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Last night the Channel 7 news at 6 PM had the story about the "controversy" caused by our current exhibit of Caroline Danforth and Scott Hutchison.

See the video of the newscast here.

It was a bit over dramatized with "battle lines" drawn over an exhibition that essentially features a lot of large female nudes. There were also some really ignorant comments by some of the "public" interviewed in the story. Some of the more eloquent responses (from the public) were never used.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

What goes for shocking in NYC and what goes for shocking in the DMV are two different things.

Our current exhibit of Caroline Danforth and Scott Hutchison paintings has raised the ugly issues of nudity and art and complaints and censorship.

Because of the visibility of the Bethesda Gallery, Scott Hutchison large nudes have apparently offended some people and we're apparently being complained about. This morning a Channel 7 news crew came and interviewed Catriona and will air a segment about the whole issue at 6 PM tonite.

Our landlord supports us, and so do some of our neighbors, but perhaps this is as good an opportunity as any to discuss this show from the perspective of what goes for "shocking" in the Washington area is still the human figure.

Opportunities for artists:

Deadline: January 31, 2004. The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation's "Space Program" offers free studio spaces in New York City's Tribeca neighborhood for visual artists 21 and over.

Studios are available beginning Sept. 1, 2004 for up to one year. Postmark deadline is January 31, 2004. Applications should include: 8 slides of recent work or video, an annotated slide list or video description, a resume, a one page statement on why studio is needed, and a SASE for return of slides.

Send applications to The Space Program, The Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation, 830 North Tejon Street, Suite 120, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.

This coming Thursday is the third Thursday of the month, as as such Third Thursday extended hours by the downtown area galleries. See locations and details here.

And Friday is the third Friday of the month, and therefore the four Canal Square Galleries in Georgetown will have their new show openings from 6-9 PM. Openings are free and open to the public and catered by the Sea Catch Restaurant.