Washington's own seminal art BLOGger, Tyler Green has a very interesting and eloquent article on artnet.com.
Green makes an interesting (and valid) point about the fact that video art demands, and sometimes steals time from the viewer, as opposed to the viewer deciding how long to look at a painting or print.
It's true! In fact, regardless of the fact that 99% of most of the "video art" that I've seen are essentially rather forgettable artsy home movies, even the worst of them seems to have an invisible ability to keep the viewer plugged in watching. Even in sleepers like most of Tacita Dean's videos, one keeps a vigil, perhaps hoping that something interesting will eventually happen. At the other extreme, in the classical pre-video ancestor of video art (known then as "movies") Un Chien Andalou Buñuel and Dali have disconnected scenes that make no sense and yet glue the viewer from beginning to end.
Example: a few years ago I recall seeing a video at a Corcoran exhibition; I think it was a student graduate show. In the video, two girls, wearing large goat masks were butting horns (like mountain goats do) over and over again. Even though it was a repetitive, and after a while boring motion, I recall spending more time than planned just viewing it. This experience has repeated itself many times (before and since) with video art.
Green gives us his opinions as to why. And they are good observations. I also think that the fact that we are very much a television-obsessed society, and (as Harlan Ellison noted in the 60s), the glass teat is above all adictive; we have no choice! It's on a TV screen or being projected as a movie and thus the mind goes on automatic: one must watch.
Saturday, January 03, 2004
Friday, January 02, 2004
For people who love lists, The Guardian's eloquent art critic Adrian Searle picks some of the highlights of the year ahead in art in the UK.
Our own 2004 schedule is already booked and solid, and of all the shows that we have scheduled for Georgetown and for Bethesda, I think that this very young Cuban photographer is going to steal the year. Her name is Cirenaica Moreira, and she has never exhibited in Washington, DC before and her work is absolutely breathtaking in my prejudiced opinion.
My number one in a still non-existent list of my top ten shows for 2004 in the Washington area? Ana Mendieta's retrospective at the Hirshhorn. Watch and see an art star become a mega superstar because of this show.
Art Jobs:
Deadline Jan 12, 2004. Graphic Design Professor. Starts August 19, 2004. Assistant professor. Teach three courses per semester in all levels of graphic design. MFA required. Proficiency in Macintosh systems and other software. For complete application information contact:
Allen Sheets
Minnesota State University
Dept of Art and Design
1104 7th Av S
Moorhead MN 56563
Or call 218-477-2151 or fax 218-477-5039 or visit their website.
Deadline Jan 15, 2004. Photography professor needed to teach 15 student contact hours per week. MFA and teaching experience required. Knowledge in traditional black and white photography, alternative developing processes, use of 4x5 camera, and computer imaging. Send letter of application, resume, 3 letters of reference, brief statement of teaching philosophy, 20 slides each of own and student work, samples of student teaching evaluations, and SASE to:
Jim Leisentritt
Herron School of Art
Indiana University - Purdue University
1701 N Pennsylvania St
Indianapolis IN 46202
Deadline January 15, 2004. Starts August 2004. Assistant professor, tenure track. Primary subject area should be European art, 15th-18th centuries. Also must identify a secondary teaching area. Teach art history survey and upper level undergraduate courses, direct MA theses. PhD preferred. Send letter of application, CV, samples of published materials, 1 page statement of teaching philosophy, sample syllabi, and contact info of 3 references to:
Art Historian - European Art Search
Dept of Art and Art History
California State University
Chico CA 95929
Or call 530-898-5331 or fax 530-898-4171
Thursday, January 01, 2004
Happy New Year's! I hope 2004 brings all of you lots of good things.
At the Post's "Galleries" column, Jessica Dawson opens the year with a review of a graffiti show at MOCA DC and a review of The Out-of-Towners at Transformer Gallery. The latter features work by Laura Amussen, Lily Cox-Richard, Harrison Haynes, George Jenne, and Michele Kong.
Not sure from reading the reviews if Jessica liked or disliked either of the two shows.
This is the second or third graffiti show that MOCA DC has hosted in the last couple of years, although one of the first graffiti gallery shows held in our area (that I can remember) was "Painting with Air: Graffiti Inspired Art," at the Target Gallery in Alexandria in 1996. I recall that they got in trouble with the City of Alexandria (who funds the gallery) for staging a graffiti show just as the city was spending a lot more money than they give Target, to clean up graffiti from Alexandria's walls.
Under the able leadership of Jayme McLellan and Victoria Reis, Transformer Gallery has enjoyed spectacular success in 2003, and is a shining example of what a non profit arts space can accomplish with hard work and a vision. My kudos to Jayme and Victoria and we all wish you an even better 2004!
Also, in last Sunday's Post Blake Gopnik had his opinion of the visual arts in 2003, where "an absence, not a presence, was the most striking thing about art in 2003."
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
The University of Virginia is currently reviewing proposals for solo, group and curated visual arts exhibitions for 2004 for its "Artspace" gallery, which is run by students. For info call 434/924-3286 or send exhibition proposal, resume, slides and a SASE to:
Amanda Berlin
Newcomb Hall, Rm. 149
PO Box 400701
Charlottesville, VA 22904
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Joanna Shaw-Eagle, the Chief Art critic for the Washington Times has an excellent review of Robert Longo: The Freud Cycle, Prints and Drawings" at David Adamson Gallery.
The show includes original drawings and gyclee reproductions of Longo's drawings centered around the artist's fascination with a book of photographs of Freud's apartment in Vienna.
Robert Longo has long been one of my favorite artists, although I suspect that his meticulous drawing style is not liked by many of our local art critics, suspicious as they are, of anything that implies technique and not art theory, or is not "new."
It is however, this meticulous technique, which really adapts well to the super-black pigments in which Adamson Editions has spectacularly reproduced them, is precisely what attracts me to his work, or to the work of the equally meticulous Vija Celmins.
Longo is a perfect example of what an artist, superbly confident in his technical vituosity, can accomplish when he marries his skill to interesting ideas and concepts, such as his fascination with the photographs about Freud's apartment. This show hangs until January 31st.
More opportunities for artists...
For Photographers:
Deadline: January 30, 2004. SNAP '04 National Juried Photography Exhibition - Slide entries must be received on or before January 30, 2004 at Runnels Gallery, Eastern New Mexico University. $25 entry fee for 3 slides, $5 for each additional slide. Cash prizes and certificates awarded. Exhibition dates: March 26 - April 9, 2004. Juror: Carol Squiers, curator, International Center of Photography in New York. For inquiries contact Dr. Haig David-West at this email address or (505) 562-2778. For prospectus go: here or send #10 SASE (4.25in x 9.5in only) to: SNAP '04, Runnels Gallery, Department of Art Station 19, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales NM 88130.
For All Artists:
Deadline January 31, 2004. 20" X 20" X 20": A National Compact Competition with $5000 in cash awards. Open to artists residing in the US. All media. $23 entry fee for three entries. Juror is Bill North, Senior Curator, Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. For a prospectus send an SASE to: Gallery Assistant, LSU Union Art Gallery, Box 25123, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge LA 70894 or call (225) 578-5117 or fax (225)578-4329 or email unionartgallery@lsu.edu
For Printmakers:
Deadline: February 28, 2004. Sumei National Juried Print Exhibition. The juror is none other than David Kiehl, Curator of Prints at The Whitney Museum of Art. Open to all artists, original works created within the last three years, any print media. Giclee and digital media prints accepted in separate category. For prospectus send SASE to: Sumei Juried Print, 19 Liberty St, Newark NJ 07102 or download from sumei.org.