Opportunities for artists:
Deadline: February 15, 2004
CURRENT WORK 2004: A NATIONAL COMPETITION. Open to all artists 18 and over. 2- Dimensional media only. Exhibition dates: March 19 - April, 2004, $25 entry fee for three slides, $1,200 in awards. Deadline for slides is February 15. To receive a prospectus, send a SASE to:
Rosenthal Gallery
Fayetteville State University
Fayetteville NC 28301.
Or visit the website to enter online or to review the prospectus or email smartin@uncfsu.edu
Deadline: February 20, 2004
The Tulane Review is looking for submissions of artwork in any medium for the Spring 2004 issue. Slides, please label orientation, or CDs of work should be mailed to:
Tulane Review
Department of Art
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118.
Enclose a SASE for return of submissions. Please include a cover letter with media, dimensions, and titles of pieces, as well as a bio. The submission fee is $15 per 4 pieces and $2 each additional. A $100 prize to be awarded to the single best piece selected by qualified judge. Direct any questions to mroche@tulane.edu, or call (318)572-4374.
Deadline: February 21, 2004
National Juried Small Works Exhibition at Red Dot Fine Art. The gallery is located on historic Canyon Road in Santa Fe, NM and is one of the cities' 250 galleries. Open to all individuals with two dimensional paintings in any medium and style with a size not to exceed 16" x 16". EXHIBITION DATES: April 1st to April 25th 2004. FEE: $30 for 1-3 images (slides or JPEG 300 dpi) $5 for each additional image submitted. FOR APPLICATION: Visit their website or contact smallworks@reddotfineart.com or send SASE to:
Red Dot Fine Art
Att: Small Works
8 Tapia Entrada
Santa Fe NM 87508