Sunday, February 15, 2004

I am finishing a review of the Corcoran's "Quilts of Gee's Bend" exhibition, currently on display - once that's done and sent to my editor I will write a second one for posting here.

Sophia McCrocklin is a Washington area quilt artist - I reviewed her work several years ago and was quite impressed by it. Her new work just came down after being on exhibition at Spectrum Gallery for this past month. She is one of our area's most innovative artists working this medium.

Titled "Colors of Optimism", this recent work displays Sophia's heritage of quilt art to convey a personal landscape.

One of Washington's most active independent curators is Sarah Tanguy.

"Pattern & Purpose": works by Juliane Min, Melina Nicolaides, Rex Weil, and Elizabeth Whiteley; curated by Sarah Tanguy is currently on display at The American Center for Physics until April 16, 2004.

The Center is located at One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740. For viewing information, please contact Eva Adams, tel: 301-209.3125 .

Looking for a gallery?

Spectrum Gallery, 1132 29th St NW, in Georgetown (Phone 202-333-0954), is looking for new members and having a new member jurying panel on Saturday March 13, 2004. Please call the gallery for info or visit their website.

Opportunity for photographers...

Katherine Ware, the Curator of Photographs at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, will be the juror for the 2004 Photo Review Photography Competition. The Photo Review will reproduce accepted entries in its Summer 2004 issue. Also, the prize-winning photographers will be chosen for an exhibition at the photography gallery of The University of the Arts, Philadelphia. Awards include Microtek ScanMaker i900 scanners, a $350 gift certificate from Calumet Photographic, and $500 in cash prizes. An entry fee of $25 for up to three prints, slides, or images on CD and $5 each for up to two additional prints, slides, or images entitles all entrants to a copy of the catalogue. In addition, all entrants will be able to subscribe to The Photo Review for $30, a 20%
discount. All entries must be received by mail between May 1 and May
15, 2004.

For a prospectus and details, send a self-addressed, stamped
business-size (#10) envelope to:
The Photo Review
140 East Richardson Avenue, Suite 301
Langhorne, PA 19047.

The prospectus may also be downloaded from The Photo Review website. For further information call 215/891-0214.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

And the quilt bandwagon rolls on...

Deadline April 20, 2004
Artists may submit up to three (3) art quilt entries. Several major prizes will be awarded during a special preview night, Aug 18, 7-9pm. Work must be original in design. Derivative work or work created in a class with the aid of an instructor is not acceptable. Entry fee is $25.00. All artwork will be insured by R&M Associates, Inc., which is the parent company of 3G Productions. 3G Productions will retain a 25% commission on any work that is sold. May 20-Notification of acceptance; Aug 2 – Deadline for receipt of accepted work; Aug 18 – Opening preview and awards ceremony; Sep 1 – Artwork returned to artists. Send the following to:
3G Productions
2717 Main Street
Glastonbury, CT 06033

Two professional slides for each entry – one overall view in full frame, and one close-up detail (showing approximately 12" x 12"). Slides must be clearly labeled with: Artist’s name; The title of the piece and dimensions (W x H) in inches; The word "top" indicating the top edge of the piece. Labeling should appear on the side which displays the right-reading image when held to the light; check $25; SASE for slide return; An artist’s statement specific to each piece (no more than 100 words). E-mail for entry form.

Excursion by David FeBland

Great opening crowds last night in Bethesda and David FeBland, whose work has been called "a revival of the Ashcan School" and also "the leading edge of the new urban realists" by the New York Times came through with a great sale. That's his "Excursion" above.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Tonite is the Bethesda Art Walk. See you there.

Opportunities for artists:

No deadline. Now booking shows for July 2004 through June 2005.

The City of Greenbelt, Maryland hosts 16 professional exhibitions annually in two galleries. Artists working in any medium are welcome to apply for inclusion in curated solo and group shows. Preference is shown to artists interested in conducting public programs in conjunction with their exhibition, such as talks, workshops, and collaborative public art projects. Compensation is available for teaching. Guidelines provided on request. Visit the
website for details.