I received a really nice note from Harrison Arnett, of the Tinwood Alliance about my review of the "Quilts of Gee's Bend." It was nice of him, as I was a little iffy as how the review would be received.
Friday, March 05, 2004
Please read this: Michelle Marder Kamhi on Rescuing Art from "Visual Culture Studies" at Aristos. Link thanks to ArtsJournal.
Art Chat is a quarterly informal gathering of arts groups and arts administrators, sponsored by the Alexandria Arts Forum (an arts advocacy group) and the Alexandria Commission for the Arts. The public is invited to the March Art Chat, to be held Thursday, March 11 at 7 p.m., a joint gathering of the Arlington and Alexandria Arts Commissions and arts groups. It will be held at the Torpedo Factory Art Center at 105 N. Union Street, Alexandria.
The Artist Help Network has launched a "Bulletin Board" to announce items of interest related to artist career development - including new publications, services, and resources. Go to their homepage and click "News of Interest" located at the top left-hand corner.
I really believe that if one is to write and discuss DC area artists, galleries and our "scene," then one must get out and go to openings, see show, talk to artists, visit museums, etc. As many and as varied as possible.
One of my pet peeves is a well-known writer from a weekly alternative free newspaper who for the last several years just continues to write about the same two or three museums or the same two or three galleries... over and over and over. Get your ass out and see some other shows, visit as many galleries as you can and expose yourself to DC artists and art - then write about it.
Tonite was the first Friday of the month, which of course means that the Dupont Circle Galleries had their extended hours from 6-8 PM and thus I trekked to a few and then had dinner (I had Veal Marsala, which was magnificent) at Anna Maria's on Connecticut, one of the best Italian restaurants in DC.
From the gallery crawl, what best sticks on my mind as memorable were the truly unusal, not even sure how to describe it, work by Dean Kessman at Conner Contemporary. Elegant, thin, and super minimalist perhaps? Or maybe a 21st century rebirth of the Washington Color School on Intel Steroids?
A few doors down, in the small space now shared by Troyer and Irvine Fine Arts there were some watercolors and gouaches by Roberto Matta never before seen in the United States.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Bethesda Arts and Entertainment District Announces 2nd Annual Trawick Prize - $14,000 in Prize Money to be Awarded
Deadline May 21, 2004. Don't leave this to the last minute! Start getting your slides ready now!
The Bethesda Arts and Entertainment District is accepting submissions for The Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards.
This is the largest cash award to area artists given by anyone in the area. The 2nd annual juried art competition awards $14,000 in prize monies to four selected artists. Deadline for slide submission is Friday, May 21, 2004 and up to fifteen artists will be invited to display their work from September 7, 2004 - October 2, 2004 in downtown Bethesda at Creative Partners Gallery.
The 2004 competition will be juried by Jeffrey W. Allison, the Paul Mellon Collection Educator at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, VA; Peter Dubeau, Associate Dean of Continuing Studies at the Maryland Institute College of Art and Kristen Hileman, Assistant Curator at the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.
The first place winner will be awarded $10,000; second place will be honored with $2,000 and third place will be awarded $1,000. A "young" artist whose birth date is after May 21, 1974 will also be awarded $1,000.
Artists must be 18 years of age or older and residents of Maryland, Virginia or Washington, D.C. Original painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, fiber art, digital, mixed media and video (VHS tapes only) are accepted.
The maximum dimension should not exceed 96 inches in any direction. No reproductions. Artwork must have been completed within the last 5 years. Selected artists must deliver artwork to exhibit site in Bethesda, MD. Each artist must submit five slides, application and a non-refundable entry fee of $25.
Please visit www.bethesda.org or send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:
Bethesda Urban Partnership, Inc.
c/o The Trawick Prize: Bethesda Contemporary Art Awards
7700 Old Georgetown Road
Bethesda, MD 20814.
For more information, please contact Stephanie Coppula at scoppula@bethesda.org or call 301.215.6660 ext. 20.
Comment: Considering some of the huge corporations that are headquarted in our area, and specifically in Bethesda (such as Lockheed), I find it amazing that it is a small woman-owned local business (Trawick and Associates) that ponies up most of the cash given out each year to help foster the visual arts environment in our area. Memo to Lockheed, and to AOL and to Giant and to the Post and others: How about adding $10,000 each to this annual prize?
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
$60,000 in prizes...
The 7th Annual L'Oreal Art & Science of Color Prize.
The Gold Prize is presented to one artist and carries with it an award of Euro 30,000. The Silver Prize is presented to one person and carries with it an award of Euro 20,000. The Bronze Prize is presented to one person and carries with it an award of Euro 10,000.
For additional information review this website.