Thursday, April 08, 2004

The Gazette newspaper (which is owned by the Washington Post) has an article on the subject of the tremendous success of the Bethesda Art Walk.

We're described as showing "bold and sometimes bawdy work." Can't recall the last time I've seen a gallery described as "bawdy."

I do share Elyse Harrison's concerns that one problem with the Bethesda Art Walk is that there are a few too many decorative, chain galleries on the "walk" - the type of galleries that sell decorative art and also do exorbitant framing to tack onto their "gyclees on canvas" reproductions of artists well-worth their owner's desperate resell attempts at Ebay.

The next Artwalk is tomorrow, Friday April 9, from 6-9 PM. See you there.

In the Post, Jessica Dawson takes off her gloves and puts artist Leith Eaton in her place. Eaton claims that her work is a new kind of "ism" and Jessica doesn't buy it - I agree with Dawson. This is a very good review that shows that art criticism can and should have teeth - and when intelligently applied, as in this review, it shows passion and opinion! Leith Eaton is at Foxhall Gallery through April 17, 2004.

work by Sheep Jones Dawson also reviews one of my favorite DC area painters: Sheep Jones at Target Gallery. Jones' work at Target Gallery is a significant, if not huge, departure and new direction for Jones, whose work had previously concentrated in giving the viewer a sort of subterranean look at vegetables and roots. The new work opens a new path for this talented painter as we enter a dark and interesting door in her artistic discourse. I also agree with Dawson in Jessica's recommendation that Sheep lose the verbiage in her paintings.

Sheep Jones, is the Friends of the Torpedo Factory 2003 Artist of the Year. Washington printmaker Lou Stovall selected Jones as recipient of the award.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

File this one in the "Stupid Things People Do" category.

Why do these Hellboy movie stills remind me so much of (OMIGOD has he already been forgotten?) Matthew Barney's stuff?

bethesda fine arts festivalVolunteer Opportunity

The Bethesda Fine Arts Festival is currently looking for volunteers to help assist artists and patrons at this year's inaugural festival.

The event, with over 120 artists from all over the country, is expected to attract thousands of art lovers to downtown Bethesda, and will be held on Saturday May 15 from 10am - 6pm and Sunday May 16 from 10am - 5pm. For more information, contact festival Director, Catriona Fraser at or call 301/718-9651.

Washington Post photography critic Frank Van Riper has a good essay on the rekindling of his own art by his teaching of a photography course.

I've always noted that the best way to get your creative juices flowing is by being around artists, in fact art students are often the most fearless and enthusiastic, and enthusiasm and passsion about the arts is contagious.

Call For Erotic Artists...
Deadline: May 1, 2004

Juried show: Art @ Large, a New York City Erotic/Figurative Art Gallery, has a call for erotic artists. Juror: Grady T. Turner, New York based art critic, curator and author of "NYC Sex: How New York City Transformed Sex in America." All media and orientations in Erotic Art, Nudes, Sexuality - demure to explicit. Best of Show to receive solo exhibition in 2005. Send SASE for Prospectus to:

Art @ Large
630 Ninth Ave #707
New York NY 10036

Or download via web:

When everything becomes art...

Cory Arcangel is a New York-based artist who hacks Nintendo game cartridges and then changes their images and sounds under the name BEIGE. His piece Super Mario Clouds v2k3 (2003) is in the 2004 Whitney Biennial. Arcangel kept a diary for NYFA Current detailing the periods just before and just after the opening of the Whitney Biennial on March 9, 2004. Read it here.