Friday, April 23, 2004

Tomorrow I'll be at the Celtic Festival and Highland Gathering of Southern Maryland .

Singing Butler by Jack Vettriano This is the kind of review that gets written, when elitists write the reviews.

Popularity doesn't always mean bad.

But when the critics and high art curators ignore an artist (as they have with this British self-taught ex-miner) and yet that artist nonetheless becomes famous, and rich, and then strikes huge auctions prizes at Sotheby's in the world of high art - the critics (now proven wrong by their own standards) have to spout theory and ignorance to desperately attempt to prove that they are still right.

Comparing Vettriano to Damien Hirst or Tracey Emin is perhaps the stupidest comparison that I have ever read and shows breathtaking ignorance of the power of the Saatchi PR machine to "create" those artists as opposed to a poor ex-miner from Scotland rising through the maze of modern art, while being ignored by the arts establishment, to become the best-selling artist in the world and now a secondary art market name to reckon with!

And so what if his paintintgs are overtly sexual, or overtly romantic, or overtly fill-in-the-blank.... perhaps he's been painted into a corner because there's no irony in his works, but just the honest brush of a working class, smoking, womanizer, hard drinking Scot who could give a fuck as to what an art critic thinks about his paintings.

By the way... the Vettriano painting that sold at Sotheby's for £744,800 (that's over $1.5 million) was sold by the artist in 1991 for a mere £3,000!

But don't cry for Jack, as apparently, the royalties from all the posters and postcards and other crap made from the painting earn him about half a million dollars a year!

Keep them cooking Jack!

Opportunity for artists...

The League of Reston Artists has a call for artists for its 11th Annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibition.

This exhibition will feature $1,500 in prize monies, including the $500 Jo Ann Rose Award in honor of the LRA's past president, Jo Ann Rose.

Ms. Trudi Van Dyke, the brand-new Director of the Torpedo Factory (and former director of Ellipse Arts Center, will serve as juror for this exhibition.

This call for entry is limited to a maximum of three works of art in any 2-D media from each artist. The entry fee for LRA members is $20 ($25 at the door) and $25 for non-members ($30 at the door).

All entries must be post marked by May 28, 2004. The entry form can be downloaded from the LRA's website. Send completed entry form to:

PO Box 2513
Reston, VA 20195

New Museum Show Opening...

The Art Museum of the Americas is hosting an opening reception for ABCDF: portraits of a city - (Contemporary Photography of Mexico).

The opening reception is on Thursday, April 29 at The Art Museum of the Americas (201 18th Street, N.W.). For more information, please call (202) 458-6016, or e-mail

Museum hours following the opening are Tuesday-Sunday, 10 AM-5 PM.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

photo by Nestor Hernandez I've written before on the subject of race and art and also on the stupifying American notion of Hispanics and/or Latinos - a totally made up "ethnicity" from a widely diverse set of nations made up of immigrants from all over the world (just like us in the USA).

And there's an art show coupled with a thesis project by George Washington University student Christina Hayes that underscores my beef with this force-fed notion of "Hispanicity."

The exhibition is called "Walking to their own beat: Afro-Cuban Musicians and the Black Identity." It consists of an exhibit by photographer Nestor Hernández dedicated to the contributions of Afro-Cuban music and its musicians, both in Cuba and in the Washington DC metropolitan area. The exhibit compliments Hayes' thesis project and should be an interesting one, as Hernandez is without a doubt one of Washington's great photographers, and who has been pursuing and discovering his 50% Cuban bloodlines with an artistic ferocity that can only kindle great results.

Nestor was part of "De Aqui y de Alla," our 2003 exhibition of Cuban artists from Cuban and the Cuban Diaspora around the world.

The exhibit has an open reception this coming Thursday, April 29th, 2004 at 6 pm. It's at the Latin American Youth Center, located at 1419 Columbia Road NW,Washington DC 20009 (202) 319-2225.

For more information, contact: Christina Hayes at (202) 448-0581 or email her at

Jessica Dawson reviews one of her favorite art venues in today's Post. Read it here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Heard from Kathryn Cornelius that the Georgetown University Festival of Fine Arts got off to a good start.

I've been swamped with a house closing and now the exhausting task of moving.

Don't forget that MAP's Free-Hung Exhibition starts hanging art tomorrow.