Thursday, August 19, 2004

Spent around 17 hours in line yesterday with my daughter Elise, who is visiting from Gig Harbor, Washington. She tried out for American Idol. I had intended to drop her off at the Convention Center, but as she's only 17 I had to stay with her all day.

Thus the lack of any postings yesterday.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Please, pluuuuuzheee! go and read this cartoon!

Thanks AJ!

American University is looking to hire a Curator for their new Art Gallery.

The American University, College of Arts and Sciences announces an open position for Curator of the art gallery at the new Katzen Arts Center. This position will be responsible for artistic and creative direction of the gallery including: overall planning for gallery collections, collection development, conservation, management, operations, and exhibitions and programming.

Duties include coordinating press and public relations, seeking donations for art collections, assisting in capital fundraising, working with academic units to integrate students and curricula into gallery operations, developing proposals for program enrichment, and planning for the opening of the Katzen Arts Center.

Qualifications required include graduate degree in art history or related field, PhD preferred, and curatorial/exhibition experience. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience.

To apply, complete an application in person or send your resume to:

American University
Office of Human Resources
4400 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016-8054

Fax: 202-885-1737.

Applicants may also download an application from this web site.

Virginia Commission for the Arts is looking for a Program Coordinator.

Deadline: September 14, 2004.

Description: Grants Administration. Work with arts organizations, local governments, and artists in preparing applications for funding. Coordinate application review process by helping to recruit advisory panelists, preparing applications and supporting information for review by the panelists, and responding to applicants on funding decisions. Monitor reporting by grantees. Revise application and report forms for use by grantees as needed. Code grantee activity in agency database.

Public Information: Provide information to artists, arts organizations, and the general public on programs and services of the Commission through meetings, the telephone, and public appearances. Write and distribute press releases on Commission activities. Maintain lists of artists and arts organizations. Represent the Commission at conferences and meetings.

Agency Planning: Track and report to the Executive Director on trends in the arts around the state on an on-going basis. Assist in long and short range planning for the agency. Assist in evaluating agency services.

Special Projects: Conduct annual orientation for performers in Tour Directory. Assist Executive Director on special projects.

Qualifications: Knowledge of the arts. Strong written and oral communications skills. Understanding of effective management practices in the arts. Administrative skills. Talent for diplomacy, tact, and good judgement. Two or more years of work experience in the arts. Undergraduate degree or equivalent training in the arts or arts administration; graduate degree preferred. Ability and willingness to travel.

Salary: $30,000 - $40,000. To apply send resume and cover letter to:

Peggy Baggett
Executive Director
Virginia Commission for the Arts
223 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219

Or email

Opportunities for Artists

The Gunk Foundation is interested in supporting projects that make it out of the museum, gallery, and alternative spaces and into the spaces of daily life.

"We want work that is shown in the spaces of public transportation, city streets, or work places and is seen by people 'outside' of the art and academic worlds. We are also interested in work that catches one by surprise -- the audience may not plan to be an audience (like planning to go see a performance) but is one inadvertently (the performance happens on the street on their way to work) and non-traditional, thought-provoking public work that is site specific: i.e. the context in which it is seen is essential to its meaning. It is our belief that work that is site specific and that cuts into the space of everyday life will have the most profound effect on politicizing the public realm."

Grants are provided for "works" of art (not, for example, art festivals, group exhibitions or general operating support for public art organizations). Two cycles yearly; postmark deadlines April 30 and October 31. Visit their site for criteria and to read about funded work:

Kokoro Studio Retreat Center - Vermont.

Applications accepted on an ongoing basis. Located in the foothills of the Green Mountains, offers artists a retreat space with an open studio environment. Open to visual artists, writers, theater artists, and all other disciplines. To request a brochure contact: Kokoro Studio Retreat Center, RR1, Box 192, Castleton, VT 05735. For more information, call (802) 273-2278; Fax: (802) 273-3402; or email:

World Studio Foundation - New York

WSF provides scholarships to minority and economically disadvantaged students who are studying the design and/or arts disciplines in American colleges and universities. Among the Foundation's primary aims are to increase diversity in the creative professions, and to foster social responsibility in the artists and designers of tomorrow. To this end, scholarship recipients are selected not only for their ability and their need, but also for their demonstrated commitment to giving back to the larger community. For more info call, (212)366-1317, ext. 18. Fax:(212) 807-0024. Website: