Thursday, October 21, 2004

Thursdays, according to the mid page banner on page two of the Washington Post's Style section, is supposed to focus on Art Galleries and Art News.

Over the last three years or so, the third Thursday of the month has seen the "Galleries" column do a set of mini-reviews, while the "Arts Beat" column, which used to come out every Thursday, has all but disappeared and now comes out every two weeks. I like the mini-review format once a month, but I regret the loss of the weekly "Arts Beat" column.

In today's "Galleries" column Jessica Dawson delivers a set of mini-reviews and reveals that Signal 66, one of her favorite galleries over the years, is closing at the end of the month.

However, much like the cosa nostra kiss she gave the Troyer Gallery when that gallery closed earlier this year, she sends Signal 66 away with:

"After nearly six years mounting some of the city's grittiest art shows, Signal 66 shutters its doors at month's end. More whimper than bang, the final show collects a trio of artists working in the most traditional of all media: paint."
Most commercial galleries close within a year or two; it's a tough business that is best approached realizing that if you decide to open a gallery, then expect to lose money.

Signal 66's folding is somewhat of a surprise though. It had established a good, strong footprint in our area's art scene, and being a cooperative type, artist-run gallery, it had the gallery formula that has allowed this area's longest running commercial art galleries to survive.

In fact, other than Zenith and Kathleen Ewing, I can't think of any commercial art galleries in our area that has been around for 25 years or longer that is NOT a cooperative, artist-run gallery!

Anyway, I will miss Signal 66 and the terrific contribution that they made over the last five years to our area's cultural tapestry.

P.S. By the way there are also three music and one theatre review in today's "Galleries focus" day at the Style section. They actually have more print space than Jessica's review. Does anyone understand why we keep insisting that the Post visual arts coverage sucks? You can complain to Gene Robinson, the Style section editor.


The Red Sox spanked those damned Yankees... wouldn't it be great if Houston also won and then we'd have a team from Massachusetts versus a team from Texas!

MA against TX - get it?

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Some Coming Shows...

Elyse HarrisonGallery Neptune presents "Dream Material" new paintings by Gallery Neptune owner Elyse Harrison. The show is on from November 5- December 4, 2004.

Elyse Harrison is one of those artists and arts activisist who has enjoyed a very active and involved career in visual art for the past 25 years. Like me, she's originally from New York, but (unlike me) she was formally educated in the arts in Maryland and Washington, DC and has established even deeper roots in this area by opening Gallery Neptune and Little City Art Studio in Bethesda, now in their 7th year.

The artist's reception will be held on November 12 during the Bethesda Art Walk, from 6-9 PM. An artist's talk is scheduled on December 4 at 5PM. The talk will center on symbols in dreams and visual art.
At Fusebox, Sarah Finlay has Elizabeth Fisher curating a show by Terence Gower, Ulrike Heydenriech, Cynthia Lin, Joan Linder and Nicola Lopez.

The gallery's project space in the rear has Vincent Szarek's second Fusebox show, and Szarek explores more visual representations of the American flag.

Both exhibitions open on November 6 through December 18, 2004. The reception for the artists will be on November 6 from 6-8 PM.

It takes a New Yorker, in this case Todd Gibson at From The Floor, to discover and point out a really good new art BLOG in nearby Richmond. Go visit ANABA, by Martin Bromirski.

Say it isn't so...

It has nothing to do with visual arts, but it breaks my heart to report that Ionarts lets the bad news out of the bag in reporting that the Washington National Opera's world famous leader and supreme tenor, Placido Domingo, is being considered to become the general manager of the Metropolitan Opera in New York.

Read it and weep.

I'll be at the Corcoran tonite for the opening reception of the Common Ground: Discovering Community in 150 Years of Art, Selections from the Collection of Julia J. Norrell exhibition before rushing home to watch the Red Sox disappoint their fans once again.

Having been raised in Brooklyn and been schooled as a rabid Met fan, I hate the damned Yankees, but know that the Red Sox are doomed to once again stab their fans in the heart.

Tyler Green at MAN picks up the Philip Barlow controversy and makes some important points. Click here to read it.

And Kriston at Grammar.police also picks up the story.

Like Tyler Green says, expect stories on this issue by Chris Shott in tommorrow's edition of the Washington City Paper and by Jonathan Padget the Washington Post's "Arts Beat" column tomorrow.