Canal Square Georgetown Openings Tonight
Tonight is the third Friday of the month, which means two things:
(a) It is the opening for the new shows of the five Canal Square Galleries in Georgetown. The galleries (Alla Rogers, Fraser, Parish, MOCA and Anne C. Fisher) will have their new shows and openings from 6-9PM. The openings are catered by the Sea Catch Restaurant and are free and open to the public.
(b) It will either rain, snow or one of those manhole covers will blow up in one of the nearby streets and the streets will be closed (this has happened three times in the last 18 months: each time on an opening night!)
See you there tonight!
And then tomorrow, join members of the "Girlz Club" at Artomatic for a tribute to Ana Mendieta.
"Girlz Club" members will make a silueta of pine cones and then paint leaves with a mixture of their blood and paint.
The tribute will on on Saturday, November 20th at Sunset on the grounds of Art-O-Matic. Follow the signs to the NW corner between the two big maple trees.