Sunday, January 23, 2005

Opening Re-scheduled

Sacred and Profane by Chawky Frenn

The opening reception for GMU Prof. Chawky Frenn's (represented by us) solo show at the Washington Theological Union scheduled for today has been cancelled and rescheduled to February 6 from 3 to 5 PM.

I've never been to the Washington Theological Union and I am looking forward to see what their gallery space looks like and how it marries to Frenn's intensely political art.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Snowy days (and it's really coming down now) always put me in a mood for a couple of things: (a) Hot Buttered Rums and (b) Drawing.

So here's the latest creation, a small charcoal on paper drawing:

Eve with Lilith

I call it "Lillith and Eve," depicting a romanticized view of Lillith controlling the Snake as she laughs with Eve. They are both laughing at Adam, who is out of the picture.

Back to the basement... I mean "my studio."

Opportunity for Artists

Deadline: March 21, 2005

Gallery Neptune, an independent art gallery located in downtown Bethesda, announces a Call for Entries for The 6th Annual Bethesda Literary Festival. Artists are asked to submit one of the following: functional book marks, non functional book marks (work that may include 3D elements) or design concepts for theoretical or "unbuilt" book marks. All entries must be original art, suitable for hanging and fit within a 12 inch square.

Details and entry forms are here.

Looking for Models?

Figure Models Guild is a terrific area resource for artists who'd like to draw from the live model. They have open sessions (usually held at MOCA DC).

See their schedules and sessions here.


Yoda with Stick

It's snowing here in Potomac, and a little while ago there was a scratching at my front door and when I opened it, there's Yoda (made famous in "Tentacles") with half a tree limb in his mouth and wanting to play.

After I throw it around a few times, I'm going to keep the wood and then will keep sending him out for more and maybe he can get me some good kindling and save me the trouble!
Yoda with Stick

Some shows and openings around town...

American University's Professor Deborah Kahn's new work is on exhibit at the Watkins Gallery at AU. Kahn is a 2004 Guggenheim Fellow in the Visual Arts. The works will be up until February 5, 2005.

Touchstone Gallery has recent works by Piotroski until February 6, 2005.

"Built: New Furniture by Keith Fritz" is on at Strand on Volta until February 12.

Eileen Olson's "Another Realm - Mt. Athos" is at Spectrum through Feb. 13.

Amy Ross and Robert Gutierrez opened Jan 21 at Irvine Contemporary and are on until Feb. 27.

Also opening last night at DCAC was "The Fleeting Instant of Now: Recent Works by Karey Kessler." The drawings will be up until February 21, 2005.

A third opening last night was at Georgetown's Govinda Gallery, where Chris has photographs of Bob Dylan by Ken Regan in an exhibit titled "Bob Dylan's Rolling Thunder Review." The show will be on until Feb. 26, 2005.

Also until Feb 26 is the current exhibition by Janos Enyedi at Kathleen Ewing Gallery. These pieces have to be seen to be believed; Enyedi is an absolute master of the American Industrial Landscape.

"Layered Dreams," recent works by Leila C. Kubba opens Tuesday, February 1st from 6 - 8 p.m. at Karma (19th and I street, NW). Works on view through Feb. 28, 2005.

"In Dialogue With the Elders" - The sculpture of Greg Metcalf and paintings by Champneys Taylor. Opening Reception at Salve Regina Gallery, Catholic University of America will be on Wednesday, February 2, 2005 from 6-8 pm.

Victor Ekpuk opens at Pavilion Fine Arts Gallery, Montgomery College, Takoma Park campus from February 7 through 17 March, 2005. Victor Ekpuk is a fascinating artist who is marrying traditional African art with contemporary concepts. He will open with a slide presentation and conversation with the curator (Dr. Francine Farr) on Monday afternoon, 1:00 PM February 7th at Student Lounge, Montgomery College, Takoma Park Campus.

DCAC Raffle Winner

Congratulations to Buck Downs, who won the 2004 DCAC Gallery Raffle. His exhibition will be in December 2005.