Secrets as Art
One of the Artomatic projects or art ideas that really sunk a hook into me, was this really odd and unusual project that had blank postcards where people could write their secrets.
What a terrific idea!
The creator of this idea is Frank Warren, and he is one of the artists whom Anne C. Fisher Gallery is currently showcasing in her beautiful gallery in Georgetown; and I've just been made aware of the Post Secret BLOG, where anyone can post a secret or read someone else's secret.
Is this a new kind of art? Is this the marriage of reality TV with "reality art"?
I don't know, but there's something definately new going on here. Anyone can contribute... and everyone is invited to anonymously contribute a secret to the PostSecret project. Your secret can be a regret, fear, betrayal, desire, feeling, confession, or childhood humiliation; Reveal anything - as long as it is true and you have never shared it publicly (and anonymously) before.
Steps: Create your own 4"x6" postcard and tell your secret anonymously. Then stamp and mail the postcard to the address at the bottom. Some tips:
(a) Be brief – the fewer words used the better
(b) Be legible – use big, clear and bold lettering
(c)Be creative – let the postcard be your canvas.
Mail your secret to:
13345 Copper Ridge Rd
Germantown MD 20874
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Shrinkage <----- click on that! (Username: obfuscator and password: whome)
[By the way: (And thanks to AJ)... for sites that ask you to register: If you encounter a registration screen when you click on a link, try, which will provide you with password access]
Karey Kessler
I am hearing really good things about the Karey Kessler exhibition at DCAC. I hope to go see this show over the next day or two, as Sunday I am flying to California for a week.
The exhibition, titled The Fleeting Instant of Now: Recent Works by Karey Kessler, runs until February 20, 2005.
Class Project
Tracy Lee had a class project in her (now over) brief George Washington University MFA stint, but she was told to "stop doing nudes" and instead she did this.
And Tracy Lee has now switched MFA programs to GMU.
Bravo Tracy Lee!
Visual Art Reviews at DCist
Starting today, together with DCist colleage Cyndi Spain, I will be doing full reviews and mini reviews for DCist, separate from what goes on here in DC Art News.
DCist reaches well over 3,000 visitors each day, and this new aspect of the site will certainly add a new dimension and voice to our warming art scene.
Read today's mini reviews here.
New Curator at Hirshhorn
As revealed in MAN, New York City curator Anne Ellegood is getting a government job and heading to Washington, DC to become an Associate Curator at the Hirshhorn.
Ellegood is a former art critic for New York Arts magazine and was a former Curatorial Associate at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in Manhattan as well as the former curator for the Peter Norton Collection.
Welcome to DC!
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Critical Alignment (Part... whatever)
"And just at the moment painting is a highly fashionable art form. It's having a bout of serious twitches. In the past few years I can think of several major exhibitions that have identified a new spirit in painting... and there have been many other smaller ones.Read the whole article here.
Or go round the trendy commercial galleries in London. Painting is currently so fashionable, it's on the verge of being unfashionable again."
Thanks AJ.