Sunday, February 06, 2005

The Patrons' Show

people lining up for Patron Show
If you were crazy enough to be hanging around Old Town Alexandria about 4 AM on a cold morning last month you would have noticed people forming a long line in the brutal cold outside the Torpedo Factory. They were waiting for a chance to get original art for their collections – or perhaps some brave souls starting to collect art.

"A line for art?" you must be asking, "who is crazy enough to freeze lining up at Oh-dark-thirty just to buy artwork?"


They were lining up for one of the great art deals of the year: the Annual Patrons' Show. It's very simple: artists donate original artwork to the Art League, who inspects it, selects it and often frames it. It is quality stuff, ranging from huge abstracts to delicate pencil drawings. The Art League represents nearly 1,200 artists in the area, so there's plenty of possible sources of art donated by generous artists.

It is one of the largest art events in the country, with around 600 original works of art finding a new home in one day.

people lining up for Patron ShowUsually about 600 pieces are donated and hung salon style in the Art League’s gallery on the first floor of the Factory. Then raffle tickets go up for sale at 10 AM, and they usually disappear within an hour or two; and each ticket equals a guaranteed a work of art.

And on Sunday, February 20, people who have a ticket begin gathering into the main floor of the Factory and they bring chairs, tables, food and loads of booze,as it will be a long, loud, fun, cheery and boozy evening as the tickets are drawn at random, and as they are called, ticket-holders select a piece of art from the work on display on the walls.

The first ticket called gets the first choice and so on. You better pick one quickly, or the crowds begin to shout and whistle and demand a choice be made.

It is without a doubt, the most sought after art ticket in town, and often incredible acquisitions are made. While 500 tickets for the show sold out within a couple of hours after going on sale last month, the Art League keeps a waiting list (and continues to sell more tickets, as they become available when more artists donate work, through Feb. 20). In addition, "First Choice!" raffle tickets will be on sale in the gallery Feb. 10-20.

Call the Art League at 703/683-1780.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Weekend Round-Up

Tonight there's an opening at Space in Georgetown starting at 7PM. Details here.

Mark Jenkins plastic men installationTomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday are the last two days to see our "Best of Artomatic" exhibition. Mark Jenkins installation of plastic men just outside the Fraser Gallery Bethesda is shown to the left.

On Wednesday, February 9, from 6-8 PM, Evolving Perceptions will launch the long-awaited "Synergy" Art Project. The event will be launched at Karma Lounge (19th and I Street, NW in DC) from 6-8 PM. The Call for Art was launched last month and artists or teams of artists are requested to submit information to the jury panel for consideration. The "Call" is available online here and can also be obtained by contacting Maryam Ovissi at 202-607-0754 or via email at

Friday, February 04, 2005


Flying back today and should be back in the Soviet Socialist Republic of Montgomery County later tonite.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

The Thursday Reviews

Dawson returns to two of her favorite galleries and reviews Numark Gallery and Irvine Contemporary in today's WaPo:

There's one question that leaps to mind upon seeing "The Motley Tails," Sharon Louden's quirky extravagance of an installation at Numark: Exactly how many My Little Ponies died for this?
That is funny and I for one applaud humor in "Galleries" once in a while.

In the WCP, Jeffry Cudlin reviews Billy Colbert at Pyramid Atlantic while Louis Jacobson reviews Robert Olsen and Jitka Hanzlova at G Fine Art.

And at grammar.police, Kriston reviews Kelly Towles at Adamson.

And my ArtsMedia News TV review of the Arlington Arts Center reopening aired tonight at 8:30PM on MHZ Networks.

SPACE Opening this Saturday

The concept store Space in Georgetown in one of the alternative art venues in our area, and this coming Saturday, they will host an opening by three artists curated by Rody Douzoglou. The show, titled Chill, will feature recent works by Amalia Caputo, Marc Roman and one of the most talented young DC area painters that I know: Rachel Waldron.

Space is located at 1625 Wisconsin Ave, NW in Georgetown, and the opening is Saturday, February 5, 2005 at 7 PM and runs until March 6, 2005. For more information, call 301.980.9574 or visit this website.

And don't forget the First Friday openings!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Tuesday Gallery Walkthrough

Starting last week, DCist commenced a Tuesday Arts Agenda, which consists of a regular Tuesday posting of galleries and museums events. See the most recent one here.

A ship, a radio and a sigh...

Today was a brilliant day in San Diego. Bright, almost pure white sunshine like only seems to exist in Southern California and Andalusia.

I caught the spectacular sight of USS Carl Vinson (from the great vantage point of Point Loma) as that huge carrier got underway, with the Air Wing already embarked, which is unusual, since they usually fly onto the carrier after it is a few miles out to sea. Hundreds of small sail boats crowded the bay, saying farewell to the ship (and making the job of the Officer of the Deck twice as hard as he or she has to steer a floating airport gingerly and avoid the hundreds of well-wishers).

But what really struck me today, was that as I was driving around, the local NPR radio station had a gallery and museum walk-though! And this is in a town where at best there are half a dozen good art galleries and a couple of good museums!

I don't know if this is a regular feature or not here, since it is apparently "museum month" in San Diego, but I thought to myself: wouldn't it be nice if some of our local NPR outlets (there are several that cover the DC area) had regular gallery walk-thoughs on the air, just to let their listeners know that art galleries do exist in Washington?

Just to let people know that we have well over 100 fine art galleries, museums, non profits and other art venues around our area.

Wishful thinking...