The Friday Openings
No lame excuses tonight... time to go see an art show!
Second Fridays belong to Bethesda, where the Bethesda Art Walk takes place, now with two separate free guided tours.
These are the Bethesda art venues that participate. Most of the artists are present, openings are catered and it is all free - 6-9pm.
Elsewhere, if you want to stay in the District, then Zenith has an opening honoring the 25th anniversary of neon art (congrats Margery!). From 6-8pm.
Across the street, Touchstone also has an opening of Sonya A. Lawyer's photographs from 6-8:30pm.
We will host the Bethesda International Photography Competition, juried and curated by Connie Imboden and featuring the work of 27 photographers from around the nation and the world.
Imboden will do a gallery talk at 7pm and then award the competition's cash and exhibition prizes.
See ya there!
Friday, March 11, 2005
Thursday, March 10, 2005
The Thursday Reviews
The Washington Post has nothing.
The Washington City Paper has Louis Jacobson on Max Hirshfeld at Hemphill Fine Arts and Jeffry Cudlin is back with an excellent take of "The Drawings of Ed Ruscha" at the National Gallery of Art.
The Georgetowner has a new critic (Robin Kohlman Fried) who looks at Seth Rosenberg at District Fine Arts, Andrea Way at Marsha Mateyka and Max Hirshfeld at Hemphill.
Thinking About Art has Joe Ovelman at Conner and yesterday Kirkland had Andrea Way at Mateyka.
Art Bloggers Making News
Philly art bloggers Roberta Fallon and Libby Rosof making news in their hometown.
Read their BLOG here.
Hypertemporality: A Discussion of Internet Art
On Tuesday, March 15th, 2005, the University of Richmond Museums will host a panel discussion titled "Hypertemporality: A Discussion of Internet Art" to accompany their hypertemporality exhibition.
The panel discussion will be webcast live, then archived for later viewing. The address to watch the webcast is here.
The panelists will be Whitney Museum of American Art curator Christiane Paul and hypertemporality artists Peter Baldes and Alexander Stewart.
Heading North
I'm driving back to DC on Thursday night... more later. Loads of great openings this coming Friday in Bethesda (see DCist).
If you are a photography fan, then you'll enjoy the 27 photographers selected by Connie Imboden, who curated the 2005 Bethesda International Photography Competition. Imboden selected about 40 photographs from over 1,000 submitted for her review.
The opening reception starts at 6PM at Fraser Bethesda, and Imboden will discuss the selected works and award the prizes at 7PM. Join us this coming Friday!
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Opening Tomorrow
Wanna go to an opening tomorrow? Over/Under presented by Carolina Sardi and curated by Rody Douzoglou. Opening Reception: Thursday, March 10 at Gallery at Flashpoint, 916 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20001. Nearest metro: Gallery Place/Metro Center. Tel: 202.315.1310.